posted on Jul, 16 2007 @ 03:33 PM
The Monroe book is must reading. He doesn't give good instructions on generating an OBE, but the value is in the breadth of experiences and it's
just good reading.
Regarding timing, I've found that the best time is right after waking, usually during the night. It's best after you have a vivid dream and lie
still, focusing out a few feet into the darkness with eyes closed. If I have a weird or scary dream, that's the best. The reason is, your first OBE
is thoroughly creepy. So it's that "hair standing up on the back of your neck" feeling that gets associated with the vibrational state. In fact, I
try to magnify the creepy feeling, not the vibrations themselves.
Although my OBEs are spontaneous, there's technique involved--I don't really have control over the creepy feeling, but once it hits, I know there's
a chance to generate the vibrations. I hope this makes some sense.