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Ron Paul and Alex Jones hide Vatican and Jesuit order evils in NWO

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posted on Jul, 11 2007 @ 10:27 PM
Ron Paul and Alex Jones Hide Vatican And Jesuit Order Evils In NWO

Rep. Ron Paul (RDL-Tex) like House leader Nancy Pelosi are nothing more than traitors and shills for the Vatican and Jesuit Order, according to researchers and historians not afraid to ruffle feathers inside the hierarchy of the Catholic Church.

Although alternative broadcasters like Alex Jones and others like to tell people that Rep. Paul and several other liberals in the House and Senate can save America from the evils of the New World Order, these fake news broadcasters fail to tell listeners the "other side of story."

And according to these researchers, the "other side of the story" is, of course, the Vatican and Jesuit Order involvement in the takeover of America.

Further, by hiding these Vatican facts from the public, all of the above, including Rep. Paul and the fake broadcasters like Jones are, in fact, working for Vatican interests as well, according to researchers finally pinning the Vatican for its role in the NWO

Interesting read, also notice how they always stop at Prescott Bush and Nazis when talking about history.

posted on Jul, 11 2007 @ 11:47 PM
Alex Jones is one of only maybe 3 talk show hosts that even talk about nwo. Just last week he did 3 shows on eugenics and it was founded way before the Nazis. I listen to his show all the time and he talks of the templars and even had Mel Gibson's dad on to talk about Vatican influence. He has had Gaylon Ross on many times and he talks about things that precede the nazis.

In fact Alex Jones only really talks about the Nazis when making reference to a police state and totalitarianism. The NWO runs everything and the Vatican faction are only one wing of the organization. If Alex Jones is an agent then we can't trust anyone. I can't prove anything but i like him he has balls and passion and that is more than most of us have.

posted on Jul, 11 2007 @ 11:55 PM
I am not saying your information is false, but this is coming from another radio talk show host. He may have a grudge against Alex Jones for whatever reason and against Ron Paul I have no idea why.

No politician is perfect, like every human. I'm not so sure about RP anymore either, but I wouldn't trust artic news or whatever it is over my own gut feeling. My gut is telling me to be weary of Mr. Paul or any politician who seems too good to be true. I thought Obama was great until I started a bit of research. I can't seem to find much information on Mr. Paul aside from his own websites...

Then again, arctic news may be a 'nwo' puppet (old world order actually just new technology) trying to deface the bringers of truth. I can't really say.

The truth will reveal itself over time..That's all we can do, is wait.

posted on Jul, 12 2007 @ 12:17 AM
Greg Syzmanski owns the arcticbeacon website and was on GCN radio until Staedtler Miller kicked him off, so there is a feud there of some sorts and I personally think Greg lumped Alex Jones into the enemy camp due to him not backing Greg.

As for Alex Jones not going near the Jesuit/Vatican and barely touching the Jewish angle of the NWO I guess he is concentrating his efforts on exposing the Rockerfella Junta as its more relavent to the USA.

I listen to Alex regularly but Iam finding the constant insults to the viewer and his ego getting too much. His interviewing skills are just a big excersize in showing how smart he is and it appears on an exponential curve with every movie he makes.

Alex you have grown huge but your boots got too big, your about to suffer from your ego impinging too far into the airwaves. Get real now or you will be history in the Ratings stakes.

As for Ron Paul and his omitions of the Vatican or Jews you have to understand how the race card is now a major stunting tool to lable someone as being anti-semite or rascist in general. You cant go down that part due to Political Correctness gone insane so you need to get with that and move onto achievable things.

[edit on 12-7-2007 by mazzroth]

posted on Jul, 12 2007 @ 02:53 AM
So are the other candidates such as Hillary talking about the Jesuits and Vatican? Did Obama say he wants to end ritual rape and murder going on under the Vatican? What do you think would happen to his campaign if he said that?

"And regarding Rep. Paul, he has never addressed the Vatican and Jesuit Order issue and appears to avoid it like the plague." Well, he must be the black pope himself!

So his campaign aide hung up on someone who claimed the Vatican runs our country... How many campaign aids have total proof that this is true, and would pass this urgent message on to Ron Paul? If this were even true it would be more than most people can handle. Lets hope that he gets into office and at has at least 4 years to correct a few mistakes from our country's history. Of course he could be a high ranking Jesuit, and then we're all screwed! At least as screwed as if either a democan or republicrat won. Either he would be really good, but if he was bad, he couldnt be any worse than the other choices.

On another note I'd like to know if theres any interesting connections in Ron Pauls blood line. I mean most of our presidents came from the same bloodline, according to a british historian.

posted on Jul, 12 2007 @ 12:09 PM
OK Ron Paul, i understand he may be careful what he speaks about, but Jones could at least hint at Vatican, but he refuses to do so and avoids any debate, wonder why... Like all proofs and trails stop at Nazis and Prescott. Yea, right.

posted on Jul, 12 2007 @ 04:05 PM
Ron paul will become president, the bible mentions that the "fatal wound to the head of the beast, will be healed, and the world would once more believe in the beast." Well media is in its own world of course, i doubt anyone sane will ever trust america, im american and i dont. growing up here it doesnt suprise me. Kids here are manipulated early, as to make them stupid so they dont research truth, and say yes to there benevolent masters of money and knowledge. Even teachers scold them when they do sometimes. Alex Jones and Ron Paul. two people i listen to because they may not be perfect, and trust me every state and organisation is corrupt, im sure they know it. But they have solid histories, though i doubt there validity randomly too, and im a consistent fan because constitution is more important than money, which creates things like..say....britney spears...hollywood crack....heinz ketchup.. But the catholic church isnt there domain, and even though its corrupt, its for the brainless misguided patrons of the church to stand up, to give credit they did against the real sicko's in the papalcy recently. But still, they do speak against it randomly.

posted on Jul, 12 2007 @ 04:19 PM
Do you think it's wise to support Ron? I mean, i wish him all the best, but just look what they did to JFK and Lincoln... Every time someone speaks for people, something happens. I hope i am wrong, but leaders are corrupted and greedy and Ron goes against Homeland Security (new gestapo), Federal Reserve (what's federal in a private bank?) and IRS (omg...). So i am not sure if he is sane to do that -- or he is working for them, distracting masses?

posted on Jul, 22 2007 @ 02:00 AM
I'm kinda worried about what could happen if Ron Paul does win. Don't get me wrong i like alot of what he says but there will be serious consequences for removing the income tax. From what ive read and heard about RP he wants to remove the income tax, end the war on drugs, disband all the welfare type programs, and bring all our soldiers from all over the world back home.

Heres what i see happening if he does that, the war on drugs has ended more and more drugs come into the country. Welfare, food stamps, Medicare, and similar programs are disbanded, as a result people become desperate because they are used to taking advantage of these systems and therefore resort to crime to get the money they need. The influence of the heavy drugs coming into the country will raise crime even more, possibly causing riots due to the people being angry about having welfare taken away from them.

With crime running rampant, and everyone afraid. They will all except martial law, the police state. And with all our soldiers home they'll have plenty of people to enforce it.

They say that with the income tax gone, the companies will have more money and hire more people, personally i think thats bull those companies are just gonna pocket the money. I really don't see new jobs being created by removing the income tax, if any thing i see us losing jobs, with the irs being disbanded and all these tax filing companies being useless.

I sent his campaign group an email asking about the programs being shut down that actually do alot of good such as Medicare, and federal financial aid for college students, and they just told me that everything was going to be cheaper due to free trade.

anyone wanna elaborate what the heck that is supposed to mean?

posted on Jul, 23 2007 @ 02:49 PM
I agree with you somewhat bassistchris. I recently viewed the "Ron Paul on Google" video and he does mention complete Government withdrawal from corporate affairs. Now, I understand that Ron Paul is practically against any Government involvement in "anything", but his statement involving corporations basically meant that he would allow unrestricted corporate rule, and would only have the government step in when they deem it was necessary. I don't believe the Government is always out for the public's interests, but allowing corporations to run amok without the Government to keep check on them is a little dangerous to me. Corporations would be getting away with a lot more stuff.

I still think Ron Paul is the best candidate we got that actually has a chance of winning, but let's be honest, half of the people voting for Ron Paul don't truly know all of what he stands for. I think if you like a candidate that you possibly might vote for, you damn well better learn all you can about them before you vote for them. I say that Ron Paul does a lot more right than wrong, and his philosophy on most subjects is right on, so he is the best choice as of right now that has a chance to take office. It's funny how you can have a straw man such Ron Paul become one of the most highly visible members in the Republican Party due to the American public, it just let's me know there is democracy still left in this country!

posted on Jul, 23 2007 @ 03:10 PM
Don't worry, Ron Paul won't be winning.

Don't get me wrong, I wish he would, and I'll be voting for him(I posted on here over 1 year ago if he ran, I'd vote).

But the fix is already in, and this is how it goes:

Mrs Clinton wins the election.

The masses hate Shrub and Chintzy and so they have been programmed to think that "Anything is better than this nightmare". The masses are under the impression that there is more than a dime's bit of difference between a Rep. and a Dem. Knowing this, we can already see the majority swaying towards the Democratic side of the street, in the futile search for the ever-elusive "change".

Meanwhile back at the bat cave:

Republicans site Ron Paul as reason for them not winning. Either because he hits his own ticket and "He took Texas, which killed our chances" or he's ignored and ridiculed into oblivion. He's made a fool of and is the subject of late night tv jokes. Just like Ross Perot and Stockholm were blamed for Texas, made fun of etc.... A total media circus made to make the masses look at Ron Paul as a triviality, a joke, not a chance in hell of winning, a waste of a vote etc. It's already begun in the media now; you'll see it pick up steam in due time.

The elite have it all locked up and ready to go. And as time gets closer and closer, the media(which is largely bought and paid for) will release "news" stories that will walk us right down the path outlined above...

She and "Hillbilly" Bill are back in the WH and the >>>> really hits the fan.

Yep that's the way it's going down. Just my 2 cents, but you heard it here first folks


posted on Jul, 23 2007 @ 06:04 PM
Alex does speak about V when callers bring it up, and he says they have tremendous influence. Alex only talks about stuff he can document, and It seems he is trying to just inform the listener of the overall scene.Why pick a fight with Ceasar directly? Alex is doing what all other media is doing, make you waste time.

posted on Jul, 23 2007 @ 06:21 PM

Originally posted by sb2012

...Further, by hiding these Vatican facts from the public, all of the above, including Rep. Paul and the fake broadcasters like Jones...

Oh so Alex Jones is a fake broadcaster now?

Jones reports plenty of real news, I hardly think his stories are fake. Jones encourages others to research his finds, and come up with their own conclusions. His style may be a bit out there but IMO he has nothing but good intentions.

posted on Jul, 23 2007 @ 07:03 PM

Originally posted by Beefcake
Alex Jones is one of only maybe 3 talk show hosts that even talk about nwo. Just last week he did 3 shows on eugenics and it was founded way before the Nazis. I listen to his show all the time and he talks of the templars and even had Mel Gibson's dad on to talk about Vatican influence. He has had Gaylon Ross on many times and he talks about things that precede the nazis.

In fact Alex Jones only really talks about the Nazis when making reference to a police state and totalitarianism. The NWO runs everything and the Vatican faction are only one wing of the organization. If Alex Jones is an agent then we can't trust anyone. I can't prove anything but i like him he has balls and passion and that is more than most of us have.

i with you beefcake. before i knew alex jones even existed i knew the vatican plays a role in this whole fubar reality show. as a matter of fact the vatican is what peaked my interest in this subject....i was studying the book of revelations at the time...... then i stumbled on alex's show about a year ago and i dont believe i missed a show. well maybe one or two.....i have plenty of time to listen to his show at work....every day on my ipod.... and if you cant trust him then theres nobody else. i dont consider any others a leader of any kind of awakening. if alex jones and ron paul are working for them then we can all kiss our asses goodbye. this is it. but in my opinion....alex jones is the man to listen to....and ron paul is the man to vote for...both of these men have the answers.

[edit on 23-7-2007 by Funkydung]

posted on Aug, 10 2007 @ 03:30 PM
Oh so Alex Jones is a fake broadcaster now?

Jones reports plenty of real news, I hardly think his stories are fake. Jones encourages others to research his finds, and come up with their own conclusions. His style may be a bit out there but IMO he has nothing but good intentions.

Bang on m8, he reports stroies that are fact, he does challenge u to go look yourself to be convinced, i feel hes one of a few who actually stand up for your country and believes its worth fighting for not like that wuss jeese ventura who cleared off to mexico....i do agree with what has been said about alex`s ego and his interviewing on air as of late he seems at times only interested in his points and doesnt let people speak as much he doesnt show the same interest as like someone from coast to coast u get a real feel for them really being interested in what u have to say....

posted on Aug, 10 2007 @ 04:11 PM

Originally posted by sb2012
Do you think it's wise to support Ron? I mean, i wish him all the best, but just look what they did to JFK and Lincoln... Every time someone speaks for people, something happens. I hope i am wrong, but leaders are corrupted and greedy and Ron goes against Homeland Security (new gestapo), Federal Reserve (what's federal in a private bank?) and IRS (omg...). So i am not sure if he is sane to do that -- or he is working for them, distracting masses?

Dont blame canada, blame england.. english free masonry has invaded and subverted our country. Many will deny it, but eventually the evil will run from the good.

posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 04:20 PM
reply to post by biggie smalls

Its a fact that Ron Paul is working with the Jesuit order and the Jesuit order works both sides, they are the instigators in all conflicts around the world, they are behind every secret society that there is. Most secret societies were found it by them or later infiltrated by them. The Catholic Church hates America and its constitution. A Pope once said that liberty of conscience is a pest. they have made several claims. one said; "The pacific tone of Rome in the United States does not imply a change of heart. She is tolerant where she is helpless… 'Religious liberty is merely endured until the opposite can be carried into effect without peril to the Catholic world.'" -Bishop O'Connor-
once they have gained full control of our gov. they will start another persecution!

posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 04:37 PM

Originally posted by mazzroth

I listen to Alex regularly but Iam finding the constant insults to the viewer and his ego getting too much. His interviewing skills are just a big excersize in showing how smart he is and it appears on an exponential curve with every movie he makes.

[edit on 12-7-2007 by mazzroth]

Did you see the talk out with Willie Nelson and Jesse Ventura on Willie's Ranch.
You could tell Jesse was getting a little ticked off at Alex's domination tendacy to hog the mic, it was priceless for me.

posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 04:45 PM
reply to post by sb2012

I think maybe both try and not to make enemies with folks with a long history of subversive activities of the spiritual truths.Too me the NWO's arms are Politics and Religon, religon is the deadlier of the two because it infects more minds than political stances.
Add mysticism and unknown phenomenon, the compulsive reaction for every human is to analyze for defensive purposes.We are always vulnurable to this temptation.
Like catching a racoon with a glitter trap.

posted on Mar, 2 2009 @ 08:19 AM

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