posted on Jul, 11 2007 @ 09:04 PM
I had a nightmare last night, it has stuck with me all day...
Before you read this, know this: I have never really cared to see or know this information, but I had NEVER seen the CNN building in my life. Not on
Google, not ever. I do not even watch the channel hardly.
The news was going as normal, then they cut to show the outside of the building. Camera crew was tracking a stray plane over Atlanta. To my horror,
in the dream I was in the field camera crew, the plane dived down in a ball of smoke, and hit the next to top floor. It blew out the floor. I looked
down at the on-field TV, switched it to live-feed back...
"The building was just hit by the plane!" -lights are flickering-
-Explanation of what happened-
-Camera crew steps up to the desk, grabbing the man and woman.
"The building is going to fall, and it is on fire, you have to leave now!"
Then I looked up, the plane had been shot down by F-15 fighter jets. Reports were coming in of multiple large scale attacks, including a tactical
nuclear strike on a major port. Military declared martial law.
I fell out of my bed, face first, crying and thinking 'why did this happen!'
It was all a dream...
When I looked up the CNN building on Google, I was awe struck and worried... it was just like in my dream. Before now I had never seen it.
I figured it would be a good idea to post it up here.
[edit on 11-7-2007 by Foxe]