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NEWS: Possible WMD's Found?

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posted on Jan, 10 2004 @ 11:00 AM
NewsMax is reporting that (36) 120 mm mortar shells have recently been found in Iraq, with each containing liquid. The general explosives usually found in mortar shells are of a solid base. The weapons have been sent for testing to find out exactly what this liquid is.

If these weapons turn out to have some sort biological or chemical agents inside of them, it will be the first time since the start of the Iraq war that WMD's have been found. This would give a huge boost to the reasoning behind the war in Iraq, which could'nt come at a better time for the Bush administration who has taken some media hit's lately when former Treasury Secretary O'Neill told media sources Bush had the war in Iraq planned well before 9-11.

[Edited on 10-1-2004 by SkepticOverlord]

posted on Jan, 10 2004 @ 12:34 PM
No boost

D�nische Soldaten finden mehr als 100 Giftgasgranaten

Kopenhagen/Basra - D�nische Soldaten haben in der N�he der s�dirakischen Stadt Basra mehr als 100 Granaten gefunden, die nach ersten Untersuchungen Giftgas enthalten. Die Waffen waren vergraben. Ein Sprecher des Heereskommandos sagte dem d�nischen TV-Sender DR1, die Granaten seien wahrscheinlich mit einem als "Blasengas" bezeichneten Kampfgas gef�llt.
Vorl�ufigen R�ntgenanalysen zufolge liegen die Granaten seit etwa zehn Jahren unter der Erde. Endg�ltige Klarheit k�nnten aber erst Laboruntersuchungen von US- Spezialisten bringen, sagte der Sprecher. Sie sollen Anfang n�chster Woche vorliegen.


Danish soldiers find more than 100 poisonous gas shells.

Copenhague/Basra - Danish soldiers found more than 100 shells near the city of Basra, which may contain after first examinations poisonous gas. The shells were buried. A spokesman of the army command told the dannish tv station DR1, that the shells are possibly filled with a poisonous gas called "Blasengas(bubble gas)".

Following first roentgen examinations the shells have been buried about 10 years ago. Final clarity will be given by lab investigations on the shells by US specialists, the spokesman told. Beginning next week they should be published.
- end-

So, small amount, already 10 years under earth, probably lost from last war.

posted on Jan, 10 2004 @ 10:07 PM
"So, small amount, already 10 years under earth, probably lost from last war."

The significance of this seems to be missed, doesn't it?

As I mentioned in another thread: Hans Blix stated, for the record, that Saddam/Iraq had destroyed their WMD 10 years ago!
In such, does the findings today constitute being "destroyed"...being that the were wrapped in plastic, some of which were still leaking and found buried in road improvements, indicating that they were perhaps 'hidden'........
This now, as some of us have been hammering all along, opens the door back to those UN/UNSCOM "unaccounted for" WMD's.......just where are they?
If Saddam and Iraq had destroyed them, why did he not tell UN/UNSCOM of this? I'm fully sure that more will be 'uncovered' in due course and time.



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