posted on Jul, 13 2007 @ 07:55 AM
1. to take for granted or without proof; suppose; postulate; posit: to assume that everyone wants peace.
Isn't an assumption nothing more than a belief based on a fiction? How can anyone arrive at the truth or proof assuming anything? The truth will
never be found using assumption as a tool(?) for proving anything.
Let the evidence speak for itself. If the evidence is weak then drop it, if it is strong then run with it. Let rational, common sense thought rule.
Toss what is blatantly fantasy out the window and keep the facts as stepping stones to show the truth or the lie. Everyone has a built in BS meter -
not many people use it or they flat out ignore it.
Keep the analysis of any given story, image, video very basic and very real and accept the fact that 85% of the time there is a real and very earthly
explanation for the topic at hand or it is a flat out lie. The other 15% are proof that there is something unknown and unexplainable happening, not
that it is alien, military, multidimensional or whatever you may want to think, but that it is something that is at this time unprovable.
Its never about you, its never about me and its not about us - its about the truth. (Eeek - awfully Mulderesque of me isnt it?)
[edit on 13-7-2007 by Lost_Mind]