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why ufos cant be alien in origin

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posted on Jan, 11 2004 @ 05:51 PM
What u say sounds very interresting and I make sure I dont say I dont beleive anything so tell me where do u get your info from if you dont mind me asking cos it sounds very precise

posted on Jan, 11 2004 @ 06:01 PM
What a hell of reply. Boogie is right. The universe is so old and we are so new, the odds of a species being superior to us is likely ( I read on aol news that dinasaurs were on there way to complex thinking when they were eradicated due to cataclysm). So why wouldnt they find the purest minds and bodies to "F" with. Why would they want some tainted hippie that lives in hoboken when they could have a Buddhist Monk?

posted on Jan, 11 2004 @ 06:37 PM

Originally posted by micpsi
Many greys originally came through stabilised Schwarzschild wormholes from from the fourth of the planets circling around zeta reticuli. These deceitful, souless creatures are spiritually inferior to humans, possessing only a group mind that is under the direction of the Draco reptoid collective. They have been here for a long time, currently living in underwater and underground bases. They are currently abducting people all over the world. They are creating alien/human hybrids, some of whom fly their space vehicles for them because they have better coordination between mind and body, whilst others enter into human society in order to add their alien genes to the human gene pool. Their intention (which is believed by those in the know to be soon realised) is to subvert the human species so that it will the more easily be brought under mental control of the greys and their masters, the Draco reptoids. If any of you think the greys are benign, think again. I have seen and heard what they do to people. I of course expect some of you not to believe me. Go on then, spin your pet theories and hope that they don't ruin them by giving you a personal visit.

Oh wow....

So I take it you are "In the know". Where are your aliens. I dont ever see them. Thats because they are figments of your imagination. This is beginning to become apparent. People seem top believe anything they hear if it is outrageous...almost as if they are rebelling against common knowledge and common sense for some reason.

I'll "spin my pet theories" (even though that is actually what you are doing). I'm calling you all out agian. Give me one shred of non hear-say evidence. (Which you cant do) Everything you say, read, and hear is based on hear-say. There is no evidence of it anywhere.

Now, since my pet theories apparently are going to get me abducted (as you implied in your post above), I'm going to call out the "aliens" too.

Greys, you are stupid. Your mental abilities are inferior to mine. You will never be able to harm me, or anyone else on this planet, because you are too stupid to do it. Dracos, you are weak. Your physical abilities are inferior to mine, and just about everyone elses on this planet as well.

I'm not "in the know", so I dont know all of the "races". If I missed any of you visitors out there, you are included in this last statement:

Come get me, I will kick all your grey, draco, reptiod butts. You don't stand a chance against me or anyone else on this planet let alone all of us at once. You are weak.

So do you think your aliens are going to "give me a personal visit" now?

Stop spreading information that you know is not true. People believe that stuff, and it is careless to play on that. If it is true, you must have some sort of evidence. If you don't have evidence, then you are repeating material that you can't prove true, even to yourself.

posted on Jan, 11 2004 @ 06:45 PM
seapeople is right mate u did just pull that stuff out of thin air I asked u nicely to back it up and u aint said nothing and comeon do u expect us to swallow ur views just because u said so show me some proof

posted on Jan, 11 2004 @ 07:43 PM
Heres another ingredient for our little 'theorital soup'.

Maybe the difeerent races of alien are just watching us, and studying us to determine when we'll be ready to join an intertellar community. By allowing themselves to be seen occasionally could be merely to observe our reactions to get an understanding of out pscycology. This research may have been accelerated when as a race we discovered how to escape our atmosphere and send junk into space.

Think about it, if we came across a community of chimps who were making fire and using wheels i'm sure we would be interested in studying them to moniter their progress before we attempted to communicate with them on an intelligent level, just to get an idea of their actual level of intelligence...

As for the reptilian theoryu that they are with us and some of us are them... well i need some sort of evidence on this to consider it a valid theory and i dont see david icke as valid evidence as he himself fails to provide any reference...

thems my views... see what you think

posted on Jan, 11 2004 @ 10:33 PM
The aliens are REAL. I didn't find out that they were abducting me until just before I retired and after my husband died.
In my case, it is provable. I am associated wth the Greys. I don't know about the other alien races.

posted on Jan, 11 2004 @ 11:02 PM

Originally posted by Imzadi
The aliens are REAL. I didn't find out that they were abducting me until just before I retired and after my husband died.
In my case, it is provable. I am associated wth the Greys. I don't know about the other alien races.

i kinda wish i would be abducted so i could prove my beliefs true and not have the doubts within myself about whether my beliefs are true...

i do believe in aliens, i do believe they visit earth. i dont believe they are integrated into society, and i believe some abduction cases once i know the details... for now i reserve judgement on you Imzadi however as i know nothing of the circumstances... but if you would like to relate any experiences to me feel free to u2u me...

posted on Jan, 11 2004 @ 11:14 PM
The aliens are here for practical purposes that is why and as suggested part of that involves abducting certain people by certain types of aliens.

posted on Jan, 11 2004 @ 11:23 PM
I guess hippies must taste better than the monks. Have you noticed since the 1960's the decline of the hippy population and the rising of ET contacts...I'm shocked people have not made the connection. I fear to wear tie-died shirts at night...

Honestly, I really am confused why the aliens would not contact a group of humans who could handle the responsibility like a Buhddist community. I can't think of anyone better. Say my country, the good ol' USA says that we and the greys are best buddies...the whole world would instantly distrust us (whoops too late!), in fact people in the USA would distrust the USA; we would have a melt down. If they went to the Vatican, everyone would distrust Italy and every Catholic in the world. Mecca, Tokyo, Toronto, Auckland, New Delhi....doesn't matter, there would be distrust. A culture that teaches non-violence certainly would be a nice place to start if the aliens want to impress me.

SpecialasianX...I like your idea on testing our psychology, so if any alien reads this or if whoever is abducted by them can explain this to them: WE ARE FREAKED OUT BY YOU!...there that should put an end to the testing. Oh yeah tell them to stop showing up at night and shooting beams of light that paralyze us, and they might get a better gauge of our psychology.

posted on Jan, 12 2004 @ 06:34 AM

Originally posted by Imzadi
The aliens are REAL. I didn't find out that they were abducting me until just before I retired and after my husband died.
In my case, it is provable. I am associated wth the Greys. I don't know about the other alien races.

Since it is provable, prove it. Since you are associated with "the greys", tell them to stop playing with our minds. What kind of sick game are people really playing? I am starting to realize what is going on, it only took me 3 months to figure it all out for sure.

posted on Jan, 12 2004 @ 07:21 AM

Originally posted by thermitman
if we have satellitesthat can read a stamp on a tennis court why would the aliens have to come so close to earth could they not monitor us from afar

If they monitored us from afar only, they wouldn't be able to study accurately anything that goes on in our society, earths chemical make-up, and they would only ever get a topographical view.
also why does the stamp have to be on a tennis court for the satellite to be able to read it?

posted on Jan, 12 2004 @ 09:57 AM
thats a good point but I know I heard it somewhere before about satelites being able to do that. If you can prove that aliens are abducting you why has it not been in the news surely if there was finally proof not just here say you would be one famous lady. I dont meen to sound rude but its true

posted on Jan, 12 2004 @ 03:07 PM
Maybe the aliens made contact with the Governments instead of the buddhists because they dont have pleasant intent... assuming of course the abduction/experimentation theory is valid, i doubt the buddhist monks would be very co-operative in allowing the aliens to do so... a government however (lets just say one headed by Georgie W B) would gladly let the aliens abduct in exchange for technology or some benefits that justifies psycologically damaging many people...

posted on Jan, 12 2004 @ 04:13 PM
They are all evil. Although some of them look differently, they all came from the same source, the fallen angels cloned ones to look different to give the illusion that they are different races of them from different planets. They are here for one purpose, to decieve mankind, and yes, within due time, they will be exposed to the public. Refer to "TRAINEDFORTHIS", even if you dont believe him, atleast read it, he is a honest man with good intentions. And he does speak the truth, hes been told to warn us for whats ahead.

posted on Jan, 12 2004 @ 04:24 PM

Originally posted by AlecEiffel
They are all evil. Although some of them look differently, they all came from the same source, the fallen angels cloned ones to look different to give the illusion that they are different races of them from different planets. They are here for one purpose, to decieve mankind, and yes, within due time, they will be exposed to the public. Refer to "TRAINEDFORTHIS", even if you dont believe him, atleast read it, he is a honest man with good intentions. And he does speak the truth, hes been told to warn us for whats ahead.

no offence aleceiffel but i have read some of trainedforthis' stuff and he lacks supporting evidence when he claims his views as the 'truth' i readily accept his views as theories. but by claiming to have all the information on the topic, and claiming to be an authority on the subject, all without support i feel discredits him in my eyes... i'm not saying he is wrong and i'm not saying he is right i'm reserving judgment and taking his 'truths' as theories and thats it... i give him no more credibility than anyone else who doesnt offer support

posted on Jan, 12 2004 @ 09:12 PM
some of the people on this thread are worrying me

Now my thoughets on this change day to day, seapeople could very well be right that there not smarter then us, but then the people that say they proubley are could very well be right becouse if theres "living beings" countoly some of them and if they built them, they would have to have a little more complex knoleg of gravyt eta,eta but we could very well be smarter then theys "beings" but we just dont have the right "fual"

now, i persnaly think that "aleins" are very well flying theys craft, but if thats true a veryvery low % even out of the real anti gravity ships. WE have been researching ati grav tech for at LEAST 50 somewhat years!!

its plain stupidity to say we couldnt have made theys crafts!!

but, realy, noone realy knows, all i can tell you is some of you are sounding a bit INSANE@!!

posted on Jan, 13 2004 @ 01:20 AM

Originally posted by specialasianX
Maybe the aliens made contact with the Governments instead of the buddhists because they dont have pleasant intent... assuming of course the abduction/experimentation theory is valid, i doubt the buddhist monks would be very co-operative in allowing the aliens to do so...

Yep, I don't think the aliens' intent is good either. My point with the Buddhists is that they would be, if I was a friendly alien, my first point of contact to explain my intentions to the Earthlings. So, no I would seriously doubt any Buddhist community would condone abductions. If I just wanted something, I would align myself with the most powerful country (USA). And if I wanted to subvertly control the planet, I would be playing so many deceptive mind games that everyone would be unsure what direction to take (which is what may be going on).

My main point is that we need to take a more agressive stance towards the aliens...not attack them, but confront them. Their actions are not anywhere close to what I would expect from someone trying to be a friend.
I don't think the US Govt. is in league with the aliens...I think they are stumped as to what to do.

posted on Jan, 13 2004 @ 03:51 PM
We cant confront them if they dont blatantly show themselves... even people that are considered aliens (i.e G W Bush is a reptilian theory) would be unapproachable coz they could just dismiss you to the public as being crazy... the real problem with the battle against the ET's would be the fact we cant get any evidence that would convince the world 100% without a doubt that the aliens exsist... in the end i'm content with sitting waiting and observing so when the time comes when i can do something about it i have the info i need... i think this is going off the topic

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