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why ufos cant be alien in origin

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posted on Jan, 10 2004 @ 05:48 AM
I was reading the other day about how the american goverment is close to being able to completely mask there tanks with fibre optic cables to render them invisible. If we are so close to this then surely a alien race who have mastered interstellar flight would be able to make themselve invisible, which leads me to another point if we have satellitesthat can read a stamp on a tennis court why would the aliens have to come so close to earth could they not monitor us from afar

posted on Jan, 10 2004 @ 06:04 AM
You're removing the possibility that aliens want us to see them so as to get used to their presence, or that they are so far above us in intelligence that they don't care to be seen by primitive societies.

You also are excluding the possibility that there are a lot more UFOs that are out there, but remaining invisible, only becoming visible on rare occasions.

posted on Jan, 10 2004 @ 06:05 AM
That actually did little to state why UFOs can not be alien in origin (as the post's topic implies), but you did bring up a couple of interesting points.

posted on Jan, 10 2004 @ 08:44 AM
I still believe it would be some 50 50 change one half is man made and the others is of alien origine. But if there has been a secret contact between humans and aliens it might be. 33% human made 33% alien made 33 % bilateral human/alien made ship.

posted on Jan, 10 2004 @ 10:06 AM
well if aliens are that far above us in levels intelligence and hey dont care if we see them or not then why would they be here?
I do though think that maybe ufos are half alien and half human in there origin but do you lot understand what I am trying to get at that if aliens can master interstellar travel then they would be able to view us from so far away that we would never be able to see them and if they were close enough for us to see they surely would be able to cloke themselves from us

posted on Jan, 10 2004 @ 10:17 AM
Maybe they were here before us, maybe they've just been on the moon, maybe they've had something to do with our civilizations...

Summerians said their gods came from a 10th planet, and taught many things, such as astronomy.

posted on Jan, 10 2004 @ 10:26 AM
Yeah that is more of a possibility than having them visit us from other planets I think that we have definately been visited in the past I think that feathred serpent quazctle forgive my spelling was a alien for sure

posted on Jan, 10 2004 @ 12:34 PM
what if aliens dont have colour vision, then they would see black and white and diff greys, also why bother when they are more advanced than us earthlings.

posted on Jan, 10 2004 @ 12:50 PM

Originally posted by blobby
what if aliens dont have colour vision, then they would see black and white and diff greys, also why bother when they are more advanced than us earthlings.

Why does everyone assume that aliens ,that they do not know, are more advanced then "us humans"? That is a foolish thing to do. That just goes to show how little self esteem some people truly have. It also shows how much common sense people are willing to discard just to make things interesting in their lives.

Humans always relate alien sightings to things of earthly origin. Its actually amusing how much they do this. In reality, there is no basis for this kind of comparison.

The "UFO's" that people claim to see could have many explanations. I would argue most are earthly of origin (at least).

Lets just say, though, for the sake of the argument that all UFO sightings are of extra terrestrial origin. How do we know that these aliens are not just luminescent creatures that float aimlessly through space, periodically running into each other to reproduce? The things we see are unidentified. Who says they are not living creatures themselves??? They could be literally dumb as a rock. They don't need arms and legs, to be aliens. The don't need to breathe. They don't need to eat. Those are rules established by people on earth. Who says alien life needs to abide by them? We don't have any idea about life in outerspace.

So, to state it again, you are foolish if you assume alien life HAS TO BE MORE INTELLIGENT than "us humans". Us terribly violent destructive dumb moronic humans as some of you insecure or bored people might say.

Sorry that I have to be so blunt.

[Edited on 1/10/2004 by Seapeople]

posted on Jan, 10 2004 @ 10:15 PM

Why does everyone assume that aliens ,that they do not know, are more advanced then "us humans"? That is a foolish thing to do. That just goes to show how little self esteem some people truly have. It also shows how much common sense people are willing to discard just to make things interesting in their lives.
C'mon. If some other type of creatures is running around in space before we are, they're at least much further advanced than humanity. I do not think that aliens are smarter on some other level though.

I use our history as an example. More advanced cultures that meet up or discover more primitive cultures doesn't mean the primitive people are stupider, but the advanced culture certainly is more advanced and it requires some acclimation period to get the primitive culture up to speed.

posted on Jan, 10 2004 @ 10:31 PM
Not really heelstone. There could be some unique property about an element on their planet that allows them to fly in space. The ufos may just be hollowed out rocks for all we know. Our form of technology could be completely different from theirs. Seapeople has a point about us actually being smarter than them, which would explain their secrecy.

posted on Jan, 10 2004 @ 10:38 PM

Originally posted by Seapeople

Originally posted by blobby
what if aliens dont have colour vision, then they would see black and white and diff greys, also why bother when they are more advanced than us earthlings.

Why does everyone assume that aliens ,that they do not know, are more advanced then "us humans"? That is a foolish thing to do. That just goes to show how little self esteem some people truly have. It also shows how much common sense people are willing to discard just to make things interesting in their lives.

Humans always relate alien sightings to things of earthly origin. Its actually amusing how much they do this. In reality, there is no basis for this kind of comparison.

The "UFO's" that people claim to see could have many explanations. I would argue most are earthly of origin (at least).

Lets just say, though, for the sake of the argument that all UFO sightings are of extra terrestrial origin. How do we know that these aliens are not just luminescent creatures that float aimlessly through space, periodically running into each other to reproduce? The things we see are unidentified. Who says they are not living creatures themselves??? They could be literally dumb as a rock. They don't need arms and legs, to be aliens. The don't need to breathe. They don't need to eat. Those are rules established by people on earth. Who says alien life needs to abide by them? We don't have any idea about life in outerspace.

So, to state it again, you are foolish if you assume alien life HAS TO BE MORE INTELLIGENT than "us humans". Us terribly violent destructive dumb moronic humans as some of you insecure or bored people might say.

Sorry that I have to be so blunt.

[Edited on 1/10/2004 by Seapeople]

Beings that have mastered inter-galactic travel are more technogically advanced than us.

posted on Jan, 10 2004 @ 11:00 PM
Aliens Live Among Us and have for a long time. Many of us are their offspring. And there's more than one race.

The good ETs share knowledge and resources, are peaceful and do not provoke wars and would not seek to brainwash or distract the masses with TV, movies, violent video games etc. while the Earth is being plundered for its natural resources faster than they can be replaced.
An ages old Roman concept of "breads and Circus" is being played out to this day.

Whether you believe it or not, we are not alone in our quest for the truth and peace on Earth.

posted on Jan, 11 2004 @ 07:39 AM
another reason for maybe not being invisible is that they probably dont use eyes or dont yet fully understand how humans look at things like the bat which is blind and uses sonar to see or the mole that has touch vision ( must touch the groud to see something) and some other animal that use thermo vision so i guess that could be a good reason

posted on Jan, 11 2004 @ 12:14 PM
Wow so many opinions! Well here's one more that is probably wrong but what the heck: I don't believe the aliens are here to initiate contact. In my opinion the best people for the aliens to contact are the Buddhist monks that have learned to control their ego. I probably just lost some people there with that statement. My reasoning is that the monks do not desire power, they are not in charge of a military, they are not a country or a race, and they do not claim to be the best religion (they emphasize spritual practice over spiritual belief). They are in essence "neutral" and lack any power so people would not equate the monks with being a threat to humanity if they became ambassadors to/for the aliens.

...Here's my problem, the aliens haven't made any appearances to any Buhddist communities. The aliens reportedly are telling humanity to "change their ways", but then don't contact the one human community that has learned to control their destructive desires!? Doesn't make much sense.

So I think the aliens are smart, but they lack emotional intelligence. I also think that numerous types of aliens have been are we dealing with different alien nations with different rules on how to conduct business around Earth? But apparently none have broken ranks and started "contact", so some overall rule or ruler is telling these aliens how to act. The whole planet knows these guys exist or potentially exist yet they continue to wait...why? They must want something from us or want us to do something that we probably wouldn't want to do...thus the secrecy and delay.

Finally, the best UFO reports do point to aliens or possibly time travelers (which would explain the secrecy). IF they were from another dimension, why do they have 3D bodies? I think the aliens may travel by dimensional jump (why do some reports always talk about the ship/light splitting apart into smaller red lights and vice versa?). And unless these aliens are manufactured by some master race, they would have to have come from another planet, since they have bilateral symatry and differing apperances that evolution would favor in different environments. If they were all from one place...then how did so many intelligences arise from one place?

posted on Jan, 11 2004 @ 12:16 PM
Why would they care?

Jane Goodall didn't mind being seen by the primates she was studying.

Wildlife photographers don't care about being seen (usually).

Rangers tagging animals don't care if they're seen.

posted on Jan, 11 2004 @ 12:30 PM

Originally posted by PuPP
Aliens Live Among Us and have for a long time. Many of us are their offspring. And there's more than one race.

The good ETs share knowledge and resources, are peaceful and do not provoke wars and would not seek to brainwash or distract the masses with TV, movies, violent video games etc. while the Earth is being plundered for its natural resources faster than they can be replaced.
An ages old Roman concept of "breads and Circus" is being played out to this day.

Whether you believe it or not, we are not alone in our quest for the truth and peace on Earth.

I knew it! The first flower children were aliens!

Anyway, check out this article from Exit Mundi about an alien invasion causing the end of the world. If memory serves, it has some interesting points about intelligent life actually existing elsewhere in the universe:

posted on Jan, 11 2004 @ 03:23 PM

Originally posted by CarrierAnomaly

Anyway, check out this article from Exit Mundi about an alien invasion causing the end of the world. If memory serves, it has some interesting points about intelligent life actually existing elsewhere in the universe:

"And there's more. Try wrestling with a lion. Try catching a rabbit, using only your bare hands. Try surviving in a forest. Just peel away all `culture', and you'll see what humanity really is: a rather clumsy, weak and ill-equipped species with a ridiculously big head."

So, yes. If you peel away everything that intelligence creates, humans suck.

posted on Jan, 11 2004 @ 03:33 PM

Originally posted by heelstone

Why does everyone assume that aliens ,that they do not know, are more advanced then "us humans"? That is a foolish thing to do. That just goes to show how little self esteem some people truly have. It also shows how much common sense people are willing to discard just to make things interesting in their lives.
C'mon. If some other type of creatures is running around in space before we are, they're at least much further advanced than humanity. I do not think that aliens are smarter on some other level though.

I use our history as an example. More advanced cultures that meet up or discover more primitive cultures doesn't mean the primitive people are stupider, but the advanced culture certainly is more advanced and it requires some acclimation period to get the primitive culture up to speed.


Man, you didnt read a word I said. We have no idea what types of life may be out there. They may be simple organisms that just cruise through space. Or that just happen to be able to fly through space.

If you think that they "have to be" more advanced then us, then you are comparing them to life on earth. Which if you really had an open mind, you wouldn't be doing.

posted on Jan, 11 2004 @ 05:43 PM
Many greys originally came through stabilised Schwarzschild wormholes from from the fourth of the planets circling around zeta reticuli. These deceitful, souless creatures are spiritually inferior to humans, possessing only a group mind that is under the direction of the Draco reptoid collective. They have been here for a long time, currently living in underwater and underground bases. They are currently abducting people all over the world. They are creating alien/human hybrids, some of whom fly their space vehicles for them because they have better coordination between mind and body, whilst others enter into human society in order to add their alien genes to the human gene pool. Their intention (which is believed by those in the know to be soon realised) is to subvert the human species so that it will the more easily be brought under mental control of the greys and their masters, the Draco reptoids. If any of you think the greys are benign, think again. I have seen and heard what they do to people. I of course expect some of you not to believe me. Go on then, spin your pet theories and hope that they don't ruin them by giving you a personal visit.

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