posted on Jul, 11 2007 @ 04:18 PM
Originally posted by apex
Hopefully we won't see a repeat of such a thing, but if history has taught us anything, it's that such things almost invariably manage to be
I never thought that it was possible that this could happen again - until I joined ATS!!! No disrespect meant to any members, more a question of my
assumption that the world had learnt from this period of history. It is amazing how many people would rather believe that it didn't happen and that
the Jews lied to just to get Israel. That is an over simplification but not far out. This seems to be especially true in former eastern block
countries that were cut off from freedom of education for so long. It is very depressing. Anti-semitism is rife and I just don't get it.
What is even more worrying in my opinion is how easily some people speak about the muslims in the same terms used to describe the Jews 60 odd years
ago. They speak as though they are less than human. I don't think many people in the west would put up much of a fight is there was a mass round up
of these peoples.
What most people forget though is that before any Jew was put to death simply for being Jewish it was those that questioned the Nazis that were
imprisoned in the camps. This is what the camps were set up for, not the Jews. The intelligensia were next. The first inmates at Auschwitz were
Polish university students - 20,000 of them!!!
Things at the moment seem to be snowballing in that direction, I hope that I am wrong.
[edit on 11-7-2007 by KilgoreTrout]