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Natural Aids Cure Self Help Video

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posted on Jul, 9 2007 @ 04:27 PM
i found this on youtube while doing just basic searches, they call it peralgizine or something, anyway they still dont no what it is, some people think it is a plecebo effect but the results have shown to be significant, i mean this guys viral load went to undetectable. its really amazing.

posted on Jul, 9 2007 @ 07:17 PM
INteresting link, thanks for posting it.

While it would be nice if it were true, I'm not about to take Fox News' sensationalized (and incorrect BTW) version of facts as utter truth. Two guys that won't even show their faces on the TV don't strike me as the best spokesmen.

They're both on their meds. That could be why their viral loads went down. My viral load is undetectible on meds alone, without the algae water. It's been as high as 500,000. This is why I say Fox was sensationalizing this story and I can't trust it: the one guy's viral load was 13,000 and the reporter said he was on his way to being seriously ill. 13,000 is something to watch, yes, but it most certainly isn't THAT high. You can have a fluctuation from levels higher than that to zero in a month with the right medicine regime.

I had a friend give me something similar years ago. It was some kind of mushroom thing you grew in water and drank the water it grew in, replacing it weekly. The water tasted like apple juice. But I found it disgusting just because the mushroom resembled a big ball of snot more than anything and I had a lot of trouble drinking water that had held a snot-fungus. At any rate, my numbers weren't changed by the mushroom water, though people swore up and down that this mushroom was a cure.

Though I'm keeping a bit of an open mind, I've seen dozens of so called AIDS cures over the past 16 years I've been HIV+ and none of them have panned out in the end.

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