posted on Jul, 9 2007 @ 11:11 AM
It pisses me off, too. What pisses me off more, is that the American populous isn't doing anything about it. "We" allow it. If we weren't
allowing it, everyone would contact their Congress persons and demand an immediate impeachment (as I have repeatedly done).
People have forgotten who actually runs this nation. And that is sickening.
Apathetic responses like yours are what our "Governmental Employees" are counting on. I'm glad you're not surprised sitting there comfortable in
your lazy-boy, watching your nation fall apart. I'm saddened by your lack of concern to the blatant and unhidden lynching of America.
If this is what you expect from an administration, then I must share my opinion, and I say your type of administration has no place here in the
United States of America.
Letting the courts hash it out... obviously you haven't kept up with who has appointed those in the highest of ranks in the Judicial Branch. Why do
you think Bush is so comfortable rebuking the Constitution?