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The Animal Lovers Thread

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posted on Jul, 9 2007 @ 05:23 AM
Hi All,

I'am starting this thread for all animal lovers to share there thought on what they feel about different animals - Pets or Wild. There were couple of people on ATS who felt that the mods should start a different forum for Animal Lovers,meanwhile,I thought that having a thread for all of us would be a good idea.

I have a pet,Robo, a cross between a pom and a doberman. It's really adorable and a part of my family. I have taught him a few tricks,picking up the newspaper,playing with a ball,dancing on it's two feet etc. He does these tricks to perfection. Also, he can really understand our state of mind. For ex. if we are sad,it's sad too and if a family member has to go out of station and starts to pack,it tries to pick things and drop in the bag. I must say,Just seven years of his love and devotion is more than what I have got from my best friends(Someone is gonna be really angry here)

It's not only the pets that I adore. I'am a keen follower of the Nat Geo and Discovery and Animal Planet and most of the time I watch TV for any one of the great shows about animals. In my previous organization I had gathered volunteers and we used to work with People For Animals in rescuing stray animals. One evening,while on my way back from work,I came across a monkey lying unconscious on the road. When I took it to the vet., we discovered that it had been electrocuted in the mouth and it would be very difficult to save him. It was in the vet's care for three days and fourth evening she called me to ask my permission for eauthanising the poor animal(I had named him Tim by then). I went straight to the vet's clinic and was told that Tim was paralysed and will not be able to eat or walk or anything and hence they had decided to end his life. I said 'no' and brought him home. i tried to feed him with fruit juice with the help of a cotton cloth. He slept peacefully in my bed for the night and passed away the next morning. This was one of my saddest moment in life.

I truely believe that we exist in this planet with a balance in nature,of which, all the animals are an important parameter. We cannot exist for long if we can't do anything about these poor souls whose existence depends largely on our actions.


posted on Jul, 9 2007 @ 06:14 AM
Hey AryanWatch,

I guess you know how I feel about animals, I noticed you've read a couple of my posts on the topic.

I have 4 cats in my home. It started with 1 that I rescued from an abusive home and he's been thankful ever since. We had a bit of a mouse problem and the sweet thing took care of that the first week.

We decided that he should have a companion and then we had 2.
A neighbour moved away and abandoned her cat so then we had 3.
A friend just came across a little kitten with a bum leg, and now we have 4.

My vet says the kitten will be fine but was to young to be neutered, but he'll be back in to the vet in a couple months for the snip.

As far as the animals in the wild, I have the deepest respect for them and just wish they could be saved. Apparently the Polar Bear is doomed, and Mountain Gorillas, Orangutans, and there's only one known White Rhino left.

All these incredible animals are going extinct directly from the actions of humans. :shk:

I'll take a picture of my new kitten a little later and post it in this thread.

posted on Jul, 9 2007 @ 09:09 AM
What a nice thread to start Aryan Watch thanks.

We have lots of animals all except one horse are rescues. I don't think I could make it without my critters. They are family aren't they?

My 2 dogs Apollo and Brody are special. Apollo is a 17 year old terrier mix. Or should I terror. He's about 25 pounds of pure heart. He is pretty sure he's a rotty. He sleeps with me every night beside my bed and during the day he's pretty darn sure that Seagull needs his protection so he likes to sleep with him. Mind you Seagull is 6'4". Apollo has no fear and would give up his life for his people. Brody on the other hand is huge we're not sure his breed but I'm 5'11" and he can put his front paws on my shoulders. Irregardless, he's a pretty pretty pansy. I have no idea what happened to him as a puppy but it wasn't good. He is so scared of things like being brushed, tall grass and sudden movements or loud voices. Both dogs are rescues from the Humane Society but because of his size Brody was on his last day. Had we not taken him when we did he would have been put to sleep the next morning. I wouldn't give up either dog for love nor money.

I know that we will lose Apollo soon and that breaks my heart. He's a neat dog and has saved me from almost certain injury at the paws/mouth of a pit bull. I took him outside one morning before I went to work; there was a pit on our patio that growled and lunged at me. Apollo attacked and chased the pit off the property. I was running after them yelling at Apollo to come back. He came back with blood on him. I thought of my God he's been mauled. I called my Shift Lt to tell him I was going to be late and why. He is a dog lover too and said take care of him and we'll see you when you get here. I took Apollo into the bathroom to clean him up; the blood wasn't his; he had no marks. The only explanation I have for the way things happened is he took the pit by surprise.

If anyone is interested I have another story about a gallant 25 year old mare (daughter's first horse) and her adopted baby, a cougar and me and two buckets of water in the middle of winter.

posted on Jul, 9 2007 @ 10:20 AM

As far as the animals in the wild, I have the deepest respect for them and just wish they could be saved. Apparently the Polar Bear is doomed, and Mountain Gorillas, Orangutans, and there's only one known White Rhino left.

AD - Yes,this is a very frightening situation. The Tigers are following the same path and the day is not far off when kids would see the Tiger only in the books. I feel greatly concerned about the polar bear too...One of the most magnificent creatures around...I just adore the pups. They need our help and they need it now.

If anyone is interested I have another story about a gallant 25 year old mare (daughter's first horse) and her adopted baby, a cougar and me and two buckets of water in the middle of winter.

GH - Off course,I'am interested and I'am sure there are others who would be too...Please share your stories with us.

posted on Jul, 9 2007 @ 10:25 AM

I'll take a picture of my new kitten a little later and post it in this thread.

AD - Please do that...I'am waiting to see the pics...I hope others put some photos too...I have lot of photos of Robo...I'am surely gonna upload some.

posted on Jul, 9 2007 @ 12:23 PM
About 8 years ago I gave up; my daughter had been bitten by the horse bug and I was going to have to buy one for her.

We found Ebony who was a 25 year old quarter horse mare; she was a former brood mare and that rare of horses a baby sitter. At the same time my daughter had fallen in love with an 18 month horse who was being abused. So we bought both horses through my daughter didn't know it at the time.

Ebony adopted the baby and he became her foal. That winter was very very cold and the water at the pasture froze so I had to haul water from the house in 10 gallon buckets. The cougars had moved much lower to find prey and were getting hungry and desperate. Because of the cougar danger I wouldn't let my daughter go down to the pasture after dark. It was dark that night when I took more water to the horses. I was mid-way between the house and the pasture when I heard Ebony scream in rage. If you've ever heard a horse do that it is unmistakable. That was one ticked off mare. I heard the baby scream in terror and that's when I started running with the buckets of water towards the pasture. I'll give you a chance to get a picture in your head; a 37 year old woman running to a pasture on icy paths carrying two buckets full of water; towards an unknown danger; yep real bright of me. I then heard the cougar and kept running (I'll explain the importance of the horses and why I would risk my life for them). There in the pasture was Ebony facing off on a cougar; Mark the baby was hiding in the shelter. I ran towards Ebony still carrying the buckets of water. When I got within range I threw the buckets of water at the cougar just as Ebony struck at with her front hooves.

Needless to say the cougar decided that it was outnumbered and left. Both horses were okay and though shaken up I was also. But, I did have to go get more water.

posted on Jul, 10 2007 @ 01:13 AM

But, I did have to go get more water

GH - That's really courageous of you.This also explains how much you love your horses.

posted on Jul, 10 2007 @ 01:57 AM

Originally posted by AryanWatch
AD - Please do that...I'am waiting to see the pics...

As promised.......

This is the new addition to our home, we've named him Zachariah. According to the Qur'an his name means the guardian of Mary. He certainly has the spirit for it.

His limp is almost gone and he's starting to destroy my home, but we love him.

EDIT: He kinda matches the carpet and pillows don't ya think ?
Now I have to keep him..............

[edit on 10/7/2007 by anxietydisorder]

posted on Jul, 10 2007 @ 11:00 AM
All of you dog lovers out there, check this thread out. AboveTopSecret... This is an outrage!

Back to the subject, I love dogs. I have a Rott, and a german/lab mix. Rotts are the greatest dogs in the world!

posted on Jul, 10 2007 @ 02:35 PM
Oh I love the Rottweiler, what a wonderful breed.

I had a Chow that hung out with a Rottweiler when I worked on a farm, between the two of them we never lost a cow or calf.
It was like the two dogs would patrol as buddies.
(they watched about 300 animals on 200 acres 24/7)

About 60 cows got past a fence one night while the dogs were in the house. None of us would have known if it wasn't for the dogs going nuts, and once they were let loose they were down the road and working the cows back towards the gate. It was funny to watch, but it was like the dogs owned the herd.
I've even seen them run a bear for over a mile before they were sure it wasn't coming back.

I miss my Chow, but when I moved away I left him on the farm.

I have gotten a bit concerned about my new kitten though.
It seems to have gone into camouflage mode, it likes to sleep on things that make him blend into the background.

posted on Jul, 11 2007 @ 12:22 AM

Originally posted by AryanWatch

GH - That's really courageous of you.This also explains how much you love your horses.

AW, I had to save the horses and when you have animals you're responsible for them. The horses saved my daughter's life you see. When she was in grade/middle school it was a really rough time for her. I didn't know this at the time but she had decided after Christmas she was going to kill herself because she couldn't handle the mean kids at school any more. I didn't know just how miserable she was or I would have taken action before.

Anyway, the horses were given to her at Christmas as a surprise. You should have seen her face; it was priceless. The baby was still recovering from the mistreatment he had been subjected to and was starting to heal emotionally as well. After she was given the horses she decided that if I loved her enough to work overtime to pay for them because I knew she loved them then it was worth sticking around. She is a special young lady and her horses mean the world to her. How could I possibly not move to protect them? So you see I owe those horses everything. Tragically we lost Ebony when she was 29 to colic and pneumonia. We fought with her but she was very old. I still miss her so much. We still have the baby and he is now 16 plus hands and 9 years old. He's been shown and she uses him to give rides to the troubled kids she now works with.

[edit on 11-7-2007 by gallopinghordes]

posted on Jul, 11 2007 @ 08:56 AM
I a pic of my rott and my puppy. heh, my rott still has his tail... that's rare.

Here's one of my puppy and my rott.

(I resized the pics to make them fit better)

[edit on 11/7/07 by galm 1]

posted on Jul, 11 2007 @ 10:47 AM
I am a big fan of animals of all types, species and sizes. Horses are one of the most beautiful and noble creatures that God created; it has always been my dream to own a large enough piece of land that I could raise and breed them.
As far as pets are concerned I have always had ( except for brief periods of time) either a cat, a dog or both. Currently I have just one pet, a yellow lab, named Elvis. Hopefully, I will be able to adopt another dog in the near future, when I have more space.

posted on Jul, 11 2007 @ 03:57 PM
i like animals more than people. as far as what animals do i like to have as pets, i am all about dogs and fish. i don't keep them anymore but at one time i had more than 500 gallons of fresh water cichlid tanks going. i had all sorts of exotics and very rare type cichlids. it is a lot of work though and my back can't handle it.
now, we have one dog and he is my best friend. he is a 2.5 year old basset retriever mix. we rescued him from the pound for $75 and he is the best, most loveable, well behaved dog i have ever had. this dude has all the best qualitys a dog lover would want.
he is withough a doubt, the coolest dog on the planet.

posted on Jul, 12 2007 @ 02:43 AM
AD,GH,galm and BN - Thanks for uploading those wonderful photos.Really Nice pics.I would be uploading my Robo's photos soon.

he is withough a doubt, the coolest dog on the planet.

BN - Just wait till you see Robo . HE is the coolest kid(he is not even a dog

Tiger remains my all time favourite animal. It's a pity that there is a very real possibility that our kids might see Tigers only in the photos. There has been a sharpdecline in the Tiger population in India and Bangladesh where they had major concentrations. The reason,again,is we humans. Tigers are the largest of the cat family and need vast areas for survival. Due to the diminishing habitat,they are forced to prey on cattle which brings them directly in the collisioncourse with man. Poaching is another major problem. I'am currently doing a research on the fate of Tigers and would be publishing an article soon.


[edit on 12-7-2007 by AryanWatch]

[edit on 12-7-2007 by AryanWatch]

posted on Jul, 12 2007 @ 08:49 AM

It's so nice to dogs with their natural tail. Personnally I think it looks best.


I'm with you. I like my animals a whole heck of a lot more then I do most people.

I really like looking at other people's animal pics. Thanks for sharing.

posted on Jul, 12 2007 @ 08:59 AM
When we adopted them, we signed a contract saying that we will NOT cut their tails off. I think it looks better also.

posted on Jul, 17 2007 @ 08:12 PM
I though the animal lovers on this thread would get a kick out of this lost dog ad I found. Can't say I've seen one quite like it before, but it sure had me laughing pretty hard.


Found: Short, Fat, Smelly, Fugly Critter

posted on Jul, 17 2007 @ 10:07 PM

Originally posted by makeitso
I though the animal lovers on this thread would get a kick out of this lost dog ad I found. Can't say I've seen one quite like it before, but it sure had me laughing pretty hard.


Found: Short, Fat, Smelly, Fugly Critter

LOL! That looks like the kind of dog that would travel across the entire United States to find his way home.

posted on Jul, 26 2007 @ 04:18 PM
Another Animal Lover here!

AD, what an adorable camo kitty!

And Boondock, I love your dog! What a sweetie!

Here's a thread I started when I got my puppy. It has pictures of him growing up. Puppy Jaia Pictures

And here's a VIDEO, too!

I love to brag on my animals! We have 4 dogs and 2 cats.

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