posted on Jul, 20 2007 @ 04:55 AM
Trying to fit the Christian God in is still falling into the false dichotomy of "Creation vs. Science".
There probably is a supreme being, supreme source of the universe but I dont equate it with the christian god, especially not the very human-behaving
("a wrathful god!") extraterrestrial being described in the Old Testament.
The whole brainwashing is to keep people fixed on either religion or science, as if those were the only two options or the most probable options. And
you can clearly see this brainwashing at work here at ATS, where almost everyone is taking "one of the sides".
The third alternative which seems most probable to me is a mix of both religion and science or neither-nor. This is the metaphysical & spiritual
worldview with a few snippets from ancient astronaut theorty dropped in.
You have many souls, some of which incarnate on various planets and into various realms. The amount of realms, planets, dimensions is limitless. Above
them perhaps the supreme being of that particular universe, who himself consists of all the individual souls.
The souls incarnate to earth, choose a body to experience life and a specific kind of intense focus on a single reality, mostly forgetting all others.
In order to intensify this focus, this game, the false dichotomies of science & religion are introduced. Science holds there is nothing else to focus
on than what can be seen, religion holds that there is only one god and that you are small and insignificant and that other teachings are wrong. And
the game begins. What is described in religions as God and Gods is probably a misinterpretation of extraterrestrial and extradimensional activity. For
someone feeling small and insignificant and slavish, a flying disc most certainly appear like "god" and must be bowed down to. For science we are
also small and insignificant beings in a large universe.
But what if you are pure superconsciousness, an aspect of "God" and the universe is within you? What if you are one of the many eyes of "God".
The responses of the brainwashed victims of religion and science to this will be:
Science: "Well, you dont have any evidence"
Religion: "Well, you are wrong because you need saving by jesus christ"
This wont stop me from continuing to consider my views and frowning upon the "its all chemical coincidence" and "its all Gods will" type of