This is the Movie Interview I did with Director/Producer David Zeiger for his acclaimed MOVIE "Sir! No Sir!" At the END of this, there will be a
panel of OTHER VIDEOS, including the extended trailer for "Sir! No Sir" and some other SEGMENTS from the movie that you can watch.
Yeah.... Now I'M a GESTAPO. Fortunately for the members, however, Johnny and I only have jurisdiction over the ATS MIX forums. It probably is like
making the DEVIL rule over HELL!
Anyway.... thanks for dropping by..... BIG NEWS arrives SHORTLY!
Dave, thanks for sharing that interview and letting us know about Sir No Sir!!!--which was a great and thought-provoking movie.
It's good to be reminded about the Vietnam war, especially considering what is happening with the "war on terrorism" today.
We've just about concluded watching a PBS special about the history of our involvment in Vietnam (on DVD) and it is a bit scary to hear and see the
similarities between VIetnam and Iraq.
The ONLY difference is Vietnam was Jungle Warfare and Iraq is Urban Warfare. Other than that..... the SAME stupid mistakes are being made. It rips me
apart to see the daily news now a days..... every day... more killings in Iraq. You would THINK lessons would have been learned from Vietnam..... but
it seems that SOME PEOPLE still think you can DICTATE what other countries should DO and NOT DO. The killing in Iraq has now shifted from making our
troops the number one target.... to their own people because of a different religious belief. If I'm not mistaken... I think the Romans tried that
...... and we all know how successful that was.
You would be amazed at the amount of effort my Agent and die hard DR Fans went to in seeking out to find one of the 36 year old original shirts. Alas,
we found folks who did own one of them.... but like a lot of things in our lives.... none survived that we can tell.
One of the proudest possessions I had was my Air Force Saigon Vietnam ring I had custom made with a Dragon on one side and my famous "FU" finger on
the other side. A few wives ago, it was 'accidently thrown out' ! I have a feeling the shirt, NOT being a CHICK THING.... suffered the same
Thanks for taking the time to stop by. ATS MIX.... coming soon!
That was some good stuff, looking forward to seeing the full version and many more productions. Funny as hell, but it gets the point across.
So very true, F em before they f you. Up here in Diyala, it sort of looks Nam'ish, with all the palm groves. But instead of rice patties and mud,
there are crap creaks and moon dust.
I have included a NEW SHORTCUT on the original post that takes you to the COMPLETE INTERVIEW which contains over 2 minutes of additional
things that had to be taken out of the YOU TUBE VERSION
I saw your realness come out with your friend and just wanted to tell you are a beautiful man. (No not like that) lol I swear. You know what i
You do realize you have some Jesus qualitites...ya know "Keeping it Real" and all ..the quality that makes people wanna hang out with ya and
I’m sorry about your friend Jim. I know you still have a lot of feelings about Vietnam. It comes out in you a lot when you talk.
Talking about your radio show reminded me of the movie I saw years ago called “good morning Vietnam.” Maybe that movie was made after your radio
show. I don’t know.
I know you and thousands of men have fought in wars that maybe should or shouldn’t of been. Let me say thanks to you and all our men out there.
You guys are great!
You rock Bunny Man. Really. Down to Earth, good to listen to above all a supporter of the Troops (not the war).
My step dad was in Vietnam for a single term not sure when (he doesn't like to talk about it much) and was a communications tech.
Your buddy looked so damn young....that's usually the first thing I've notices about most wars is how YOUNG most of the soldiers look. I'd say you
done good by him