posted on Jul, 8 2007 @ 06:00 AM
You are assuming that its Syria that is on the offensive, and Israel always on the defensive. Its never been like that. Are you paying attention when
GW as well as others say "The New Middle East? Do syrian planes over-fly israeli borders? How often do you see Syrian politicans proclaiming that
they expect to go to war with israel versus Israeli politicians talking about going to war with Syria or Lebanon? Israel has taken Syrian, Lebanese
and Palestinian land, Syria , Lebanon, Jordan and Egypt have been burdened with thousands upon thousands of people forced out of Palestine by the
Israelis who by International law have every right to return to their country yet Israel refuses to abide by these laws and allow them back.
You said it yourself, why would they take down the checkpoints instead of stregthening them and taking up offensive positions...maybe because they are
going into defensive mode, and one of the reasons why they purchsed all those defensive weapons recently from Russia and China.
How conveniently there was a media blackout so that when they have their "Pre-emptive" strike that it will be hard to prove they werent on the