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Christianity is based on Egyptian Myths - Jesus Christ is Horus

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posted on Mar, 22 2009 @ 04:25 PM
reply to post by cpdaman

BRAVO!!!!!!!!! as they say here in the south; DIG THAT!!!

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 06:18 PM
Don't you know anything about the history of Christianity? Even my friend who is a baptist minister will confirm that most of the major dates and traditions in the Christian religion (ie. the date of Christmas-Pagan winter solstice, the christmas tree-replaced the Pagan misletoe)were specifically created to phase out Paginism. Why is it so far fethced to believe that they may have done the same to a Pagan God?
This person wasn't acctually saying Jesus didn't exist. I'm not Chritian and I believe Jesus was a real person. But that's it. He was a PERSON, not God. Is it so hard to believe that all the stories in the Bible may have been fiction? Having faith in the Bible does not equal faith in God, it's faith in a bunch of guys who knew Jesus.
Also, I'm pretty sure that the Bible has had it's fair share of alterations(depending on what Pope or king was in powerat the time). That's why there is so many versions.

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 05:45 AM

Originally posted by NJE777
I have just finished reading The Pagan Christ by Tom Harpur. There are too many similarities between Horus and Christ to reject the author's claim that the story of Jesus Christ was plagiarised from much earlier Egyptian mythology.

Everything you say in your original note to this thread is relatively trivial compared to one doctrine from the Egyptian religions that both the Pharisees and the Christians expropriated: the raising of a dead physical body from the grave.

Jesus taught the Doctrine of "resurrection" as, instead, a Doctrine of 'Rebirth'.

For anyone who is interested in this subject, I have started a thread "Resurrection" & 'Rebirth'.

Michael Cecil

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 11:42 AM


posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 10:55 PM
reply to post by BugZyZuncle

Re: the story of Egyptian god Horus

I'm not sure where people are getting that Jesus was based on Horus except for the madonna and child art in which both Horus and Jesus are depicted as the baby. Please realize that such representations of mother and child are hardly unique to any culture, but have been a favorite theme of artists since time began.

I have read extensively the translations of the Egyptian stele by E.A. Wallis Budge and other Egyptologists and have not encountered the following assertions about Horus found in this video:
- that he married his mother
- that he had 12 disciples
- that his mother was a virgin
- that he was born on Dec. 25th
- that he was visited by 3 kings

I believe all of these statements about Horus to be falsified.

Rather, Horus is "the double-wanded one," meaning he was a hermaphrodite, and most probably a twin.
- During his contentions with Set, he cut off the head of his mother and replaced it with the head of a cow
- As a child, he was bitten by a snake sent by Set and nearly killed, and left crippled
- He was born "in November" or "the unluckiest month of the year," at the end of the queue of the other gods
(Now, it is believed that Jesus was born in August during a planetary conjunction that would explain the bright star. The December Christmas feast comes from the pagan/celtic culture for the winter solstice and has absolutely nothing to do with our Jewish friend)

If anyone has some actual Egyptian sources to substantiate the fabrications about the god that some say is the "god of the new aeon," I would be very interested to see them.

Horus is in no way Jesus or a Jesus pre-cursor except for in some mis-interpreted artwork, and should not be confused as such. Understanding the nature of this god is terribly important at this time or I wouldn't say anything. Horus demands to be understood and understood correctly. And that goes doubly for Christ.

[edit on 24-7-2010 by Isis Blavatsky]

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 11:03 PM
Makes perfect sense. That's why a guy named Horus had the world's No 1
faith grow up around him after he died on the cross. I'm sure you have heard of it The Church of Horus Christ?

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 09:29 AM
I apologize if i repeat info posted already, i read about half the posts. The fact/mythology is hard to separate but generally accepted;

The template for Jesus, Virgin Birth, the Madonna and child, resurrection, slaying first borns, and other aspects of many religions trace back to Nimrod ( the son of Cush, who was the son of Noah) and his wife Semiramis.
Nimrod is briefly mentioned in the Old Testament as a Mighty Hunter before the lord, and is accepted as the builder of Babel, which later becomes babylon and myriad mystery religions ( the whore of Bablyon is reference to Semaramis as well as modern equivalent).

Nimrod was the prototype of Governments, he organized the city state, the corporate state, Semeramis organized religious beliefs in virgin birth, she is the original queen of Heaven which later becomes the mother of god ( her son which was conceived after the death of Nimrod, explained by her as a visitation by heavenly powers and the resulting child a god).

It is difficult to determine fact from Myth, Assyria has their own version of these individuals, as others. But trying to stick to the theme of this thread, this trinity; Nimrod, his wife Semiramis, their son tammuz, form the template that later is used worldwide to create Governments and organized Religions that mimic what they created in Babylon.

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 12:08 PM
While much of what you say is true, the Budge translations are outdated (and in some case are wrong).

Originally posted by Isis Blavatsky
I have read extensively the translations of the Egyptian stele by E.A. Wallis Budge and other Egyptologists and have not encountered the following assertions about Horus found in this video:
- that he married his mother
- that he had 12 disciples
- that his mother was a virgin
- that he was born on Dec. 25th
- that he was visited by 3 kings

I believe all of these statements about Horus to be falsified.

You're right, and they're based on someone writing in the 1700's, before anyone could translate hieroglyphs. He was just looking at temple walls and drawing wild conclusions.

Rather, Horus is "the double-wanded one," meaning he was a hermaphrodite, and most probably a twin.

That's a modern invention; none of the above applies to Horus.

- During his contentions with Set, he cut off the head of his mother and replaced it with the head of a cow

Actually, it was Thoth who replaced her head with that of a cow.

- As a child, he was bitten by a snake sent by Set and nearly killed, and left crippled

Some source you read is confusing mythologies. He was bitten and nearly killed, but not left crippled.

- He was born "in November" or "the unluckiest month of the year," at the end of the queue of the other gods

Actually, they didn't have "unluckiest months" and his birth date was in March (28th or thereabouts) :

If anyone has some actual Egyptian sources to substantiate the fabrications about the god that some say is the "god of the new aeon," I would be very interested to see them.

No, but I can give you ancient sources that knock the whole thing over (including the 4 sons of Horus and his hatching out from an egg).

Horus is in no way Jesus or a Jesus pre-cursor except for in some mis-interpreted artwork, and should not be confused as such.

Very true.

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 12:36 PM
I've just returned from Luxor in Egypt and was consistently amazed at the evident plagiarism by the jewish faith and subsequently the christian religion.

Sun worship is quite obvious in with the Nile flood (the God Hapi - is the god of the flooded nile - a cute/podgy wee hermaphrodite) it is the bringer and sustainer of life. With the lie of the land in Egypt, the nile running almost perfectly south to north, combined with the East/West daily journey of the sun....the crucifix comes alive every day.

Anyhow I heard an interesting theory while I was there. Tut ankh Amun's father was called Akhen Atun.....he ended the polytheism of Egypt (banning its practices) and started a new religion praising the 'one God' Aten.

What was of interest is the theory that Akhenatun was in fact Moses. He was not a popular pharaoh...the city he built to Atun being flattened upon his demise.

The timelines roughly fit with exodus.

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 12:45 PM
My point being in the above post that if Akhenatun was Moses...and he fled a people angry at him for banning their religious traditions and practices, it would go a long way to explaining the similarities in all of the different religious traditions.

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 12:45 PM

Originally posted by randyvs

Makes perfect sense. That's why a guy named Horus had the world's No 1
faith grow up around him after he died on the cross. I'm sure you have heard of it The Church of Horus Christ?

I dont think that a popular vote on what is the most well known or accepted religion is a bases for what is 'truth'.

If we look back in history, the idea of a man born of a 'god' is nothing knew and this should be noted that this concept was not new to mankind.

Mabey if Egypt went around forcing their ideas of their beliefs onto others and burned their books and killed them for not believing in their ways, mabey then Egyptian beliefs would still be the 'more popular' vote.

You never know.

Many beliefs have been based on the same roots. Born of a God.....light and truth....saving people or showing them the way....a tragic death that takes them to the underworld.....and often the belief or story parallels nicely with what ever 'age' the Sun was in during that time.

I think we learn more when we do accept the similarities that kept repeating through our history then to just take one and call it 'truth'. Why did man keep wanting a 'man' born of a 'god'? Why did the stories of these men always include a death and them being taken to the under world? Why do they reflect the patterns of the stars by telling us a story of the 'ages'?

Why does man also then make these 'men' gods?

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 11:37 PM
Hitting each claim one at a time. The claim that Horus and Jesus were both born from a virgin:

Horus’s mother is Isis. Isis was married to Osiris. We do not know for what length of time, but presumably the marriage was consummated. Whether it was or wasn’t doesn’t matter though. After Osiris is killed, Isis puts him back together again (he was hacked into 14 pieces) except for his penis which was tossed in a river or a lake. Iris fashions a substitute penis for him, humps him and here comes Horus. There is nothing virginal about that...

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 11:40 PM
Both Horus and Jesus were born to a Mary and Joseph. (Seb)

Isis is Horus’s mother’s name, not Mary. In addition, Seb is not Horus’s father, Osiris is. Seb is Osiris’s father. Further, Seb is a distinct name from Joseph. Putting them side by side does not make them synonyms, and that appears to be what was done here...

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 11:51 PM
reply to post by NJE777

Get your fill of new age mysticism yet? I always thought Christianity was based on Christ. In fact, it is.

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 11:56 PM

Originally posted by randyvs

Makes perfect sense. That's why a guy named Horus had the world's No 1
faith grow up around him after he died on the cross. I'm sure you have heard of it The Church of Horus Christ?

This is not my post! How the hell did that happen? Woe!

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 11:53 AM
Well, after wondering about Jesus vs. Horus I found this thread and yes I read every post. Wow.... Is all I have to say right now. Once I digest all of the info and once I have digested all the different perceptions and opinions I will come back and give it a go..... Maybe lol

Thanks OP for creating this thread and debate. Its been fun!

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 07:13 PM
reply to post by NJE777

Jesus and Horus are metaphors for the sun, the 12 disciples/followers are metaphors for the 12 constellations, the 3 kings are metaphors for Orion's Belt which point to where the sun rises after the winter solstice,etc. etc. All religion is based off of astrology, completely natural things. Even the miracles Jesus performed can be correlated with natural phenomena.

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 02:44 AM
Love this thread! ;D I am very into egyptian myths and facts and all about the egyptians. Until i read this post, i assumed Jeses was Ra, god of the sun, because the people of the Duat where sad and depressed because Ra went away and didnt come and rescue them and shine his light upon the Duat as a symbol of hope anymore. Honestly, i havent done enough research myself, but you pretty much did it for me. My mother MamaJ was just asking me this question the other night! Thanks

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 04:00 AM
reply to post by BugZyZuncle

You are simply retarded.

posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 11:00 AM
reply to post by NJE777

When it comes to Egyptian gods it gets very confusing, some gods can have different names, even greek gods like Apollo who is also Horus. I believe that there is a god, but the leaders of mankind have proven time and time again that they are corrupt beyond comprehension, I put my faith purely in Yahweh who's son was YAHSHUA (Jesus) but when it comes to the bible and the structures of religion I refuse to put my trust in them because it is the word of man and not God. most modern Religions go back to King David and Solomon, and when you look at what they worshiped, ( using demons to gain power, jinns etc) The sad scary fact of the matter is...

All the worlds leaders are Satanic Kabalah worshiping Ritualistic sacrificing demonicaly, possesed FOOLS, They are waiting for the age of Aquarius to pass so they can bring in the New world order and then Satan can rule the earth, This has been told, it is all in revelations (the only book I trust, not because it is from God but because it tells us there plan). I get told i'm Mad by people who believe in God and I find it stunning that not alot of them have even read the books. or studied God, just taken it on face value and as always just believed whatever they are told.

I do worry, If people cant even realize that the politics in this world is just a movie to distract us from ourselves.
then how are they going to comprehend the fact that there is alot more to existence than what we can see. smell, taste, touch, hear,

There is alot more going on, a truth about ourselves that has been hidden for years. Google new jerusalem Americans think they have it bad politically, England is a sleeping giant, the new Jerusalem for the Zionistic Jews who worship the Kabal and Satan.

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