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Flight 93 crashed at Camp David?

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posted on Jul, 7 2007 @ 06:57 AM
Debunk right away if already seen or discussed**

This local news states that an FBI agent said that United 93 had crashed in Camp David, MD.

93 in Camp David, Part 1

Part 2

Any comments?

posted on Jul, 7 2007 @ 07:36 AM
Flight 93 crash scene was at Shanksville Pa - some 85 miles NW of
Camp David. In the first hours and days after Sept 11 a lot of
misinformation was passed out. Seen one article quoting FBI agent
that plane crashed at Thurmont MD (site of Camp David), another has
Cong Jim Moran (VA) from a Marine Corps briefing that Camp David was
target. Know now that Capitol was intended target (Tower of Law as
described by Bin Laden). Remember just because someone said it doesn't
mean its true! Everything has to be cross checked and verified especially
earliest reports which are often wrong and contadictory.

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