posted on Jul, 7 2007 @ 06:21 AM
If any lifeform from another planet came to this one, if their home planet's atmosphere wasn't exactly like ours they would die. For example, if a
human is put into a room and the oxygen content of the air in that room drops only 5 percent, they will be dead within half an hour. The normal oxygen
content of air at ground level is 20.946%.
I find it funny when people say "Isn't it lucky that our planet has all of the necessary things like oxygen and water and is the perfect distance
from the sun?"
Well NO, it isn't luck. Humans evolved and adapted to the conditions. If Earth was where Mars is, then we'd be saying the same thing:
"It's a good thing our planet is at this distance from the sun! Any closer and it would be far too hot!" I think the only thing that's 'lucky'
is that we're oxygen-based lifeforms, but even then if another race was to come and observe us they could label us as moving slow, if their bodies
were based on an even more volatile gas.
But I do see where you're coming from. There would be many many many other planets *like* Earth, but perhaps this one is the only one in this part of
the galaxy. Is it hot property? I hope not!