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How many of us actually watch the news?

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posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 07:29 PM
Does anybody watch the mainstream media? I for one have been turning to the internets on-line news sources for my daily fix. If any of you are like me, one of the first things I do in the morning is check the current events of the world with a hot cup of coffee and get my day started.
For the longest time I would turn on the t.v and get my day started to the mainstream concoction of lies and bias information. When I eventually did turn to the net I found that I was missing out on what I considered important information. I also found that I retained the information alot better through news websites. Also since I have turned to this source of information I find it better to filter out what the facts are. With words there's no one emphasizing a point, or a hint of sarcasm in their voice to subconsciously alter ones opinion. Other than local weather and events coverage I rarely resort to the television as a source of news/information.
There's something about another human being in front of spectacular computerized craphics and lights that IMO, actually sub-consciously subdue the masses of questioning what they are reporting. When one reads , it is more of a personal and intimate thought process that I believe inspires thinking and questioning. Often I find myself throughout the day contemplating the information that I read in the morning, conjuring up my own conspiracies and the like. Before I turned to the net I have to admit I rarley pondered the days news and would rarely question what I heard on the news in the morning.
So I ask this. How many actually watch the news anymore ? Where do the members of ATS go to get there daily fix of information? What "source " do the majority count as actually factual? T.V or NET?

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 07:32 PM
Honestly I use to get all my news from FOX!!! Yep fox news.. Oh man. I am so glad I came here to the ATS.. I awoke to a world filled with lies and a control media that when you are asleep you really cant see it..
Let someone open your eyes to a place like ATS, you will wake up stretch your arms and realize someone has been peeing in your coffee all this time!!!! ARG!

I get all my news from ATS besdies like weather forcast.. Otherwise I shut off my cable, and just have a TV for my xbox360!

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 08:01 PM

Originally posted by zysin5
Honestly I use to get all my news from FOX!!! Yep fox news.. Oh man. I am so glad I came here to the ATS.. I awoke to a world filled with lies and a control media that when you are asleep you really cant see it..
Let someone open your eyes to a place like ATS, you will wake up stretch your arms and realize someone has been peeing in your coffee all this time!!!! ARG!

I get all my news from ATS besdies like weather forcast.. Otherwise I shut off my cable, and just have a TV for my xbox360!

Lol!!!! Yes I have to agree ATS is a great place for BS to be filtered out This site is deffinately my number 1 for what's happening in the world

[edit on 6-7-2007 by highfreq]

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 08:09 PM
I read my propaganda, I mean news on line....CNN, BBC, and CBC. It's funny you actually find discrepencies in the stories if you real all three!

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 08:13 PM
The BBC News can actually be quite good, on occasion. If I were to watch the news, that would be the one I'd watch.

And one of the scariest things to hear while watching television, is this:

"This is BBC television from London. Normal programming has been suspended. We now cross over to the news studio."

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 08:15 PM
I try my best to get the news from as many different sources as possible. Media I feel have too many influences. Web sites and radio, nightly news.

Here in Canada the news is soft, not too much crime focused more politics. I spent 2 months in Louisiana and was bombarded nightly by youth crimes, police raids, shootings on a nightly basis. No wonder Americans have alarm systems on their houses. I work doing technical support for a major cable company in the US and am surprised at how people pasnic if their alarm systems are off.

Anyway, AST is my up to the minute news source by far since I joined. I like the facts and sources provided. The members are very loyal and trustworthy.

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 08:25 PM
Well, i confess. Before i leave for work i tune into Faux- just to see if there is anything i should know about before i head for work. I wouldnt want to be caught in the middle of something unpleasant

Fox News- gosh, they lie like a rug, why do i bother? CNN doesnt have much of anything in the morning, and MSNBC doesnt even have news when i get up-

SO FOX IT IS. (MUCH AS i hate to admit it)

I have to kick that habit.

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 08:43 PM
Ill quote the comic book guy from "The Simpsons" when Kent Brockman swears, and then asks him "did you happen to catch the news?" He replies "Like the rest of the world I read my news online!" You should try it, it's updated every half hour or so....

posted on Jul, 7 2007 @ 08:01 AM
I only have CNN International on my cable over here. I like watching their news and compare them to what I've read on ATS and other websites full of "conspiracy theories"

It's very funny when the news flash starts and they say something like - firefights in middle east, first Glasgow terrorist prosecuted, Britney Spears apologizes for hitting a reporter.

It was mentioned in another topic on ATS that mainstream media start reporting some lame stories like Britney Spears or Paris Hilton instead of dealing with more important topics...

Anyway, watching these mainstream media news is very entertaining
Too bad I don't have Fox News.

[edit on 7-7-2007 by relu84]

posted on Jul, 7 2007 @ 08:10 AM
I watch CNN and Fox and MSNBC all the time to get news. To see what is going on...I don't really care that much about the sources or who is reporting it..I just want to get the news.

Shoot me.

posted on Jul, 7 2007 @ 04:44 PM
I used to think that CNN was the only credible source, but no longer. After they became part of Time Warner AOL, they lost their independence. Ted Turner has mentioned that it is one of his biggest regrets by "selling out". They seem to have re-formatted to be just like FOX. Plus, as numerous other threads have discussed, all of the MSM networks are owned and in cahoots with Illuminati and big business. They perpetuate the fear mongering to boost ratings and sell tv ads.

The last credible person I trust in MSM is Keith Olberman on MSNBC. I sometimes wonder how he is allowed to make his "Special Comment" segments with scathing attacks of Bush. He is the Edward R. Murrow of our time. Ironic when you think that MSNBC is a joint venture between Microsoft and NBC who is part of the industrialized military complex.

Regards....Kinda Kurious

[edit on 7-7-2007 by kinda kurious]

posted on Jul, 7 2007 @ 05:50 PM
I never watch any tv, except for old tv programs and films. Never do i watch the news and i will never.

Once you get of watching tv normally you soon learn to live with it. Don't know why we have to pay the fee to the bbc when i never watch it.

posted on Jul, 7 2007 @ 06:07 PM
Apart from the internet (ATS
) and any newspaper that is hanging round, I usually watch BBC.

9/11 (or 11/9 over here) sticks on my head cos i'd just moved into a new flat and we'd just got the telly connected up, I was working 3 days on 3 off at the time, i think it all happened on my first day off, I had no real plans, woke up whenever got over the hangover, smoked *ahem* cigerettes! and watched whatever.

Of course that day was all over the news. Since then I allways get the urge to check the headlines on the hour, if i'm not really watching anything I put it t BBC24 so its in the background (instead of music?! why?) I even used t oturn the volume down when I slept, I thought it helped me sleep - i've stopped that at least, it was screwing with my dreams something serious.

What websites does other ATSers use regularly?

posted on Jul, 7 2007 @ 07:04 PM
Just to proove my point to myself I turned on cnn last night to find that the whole news cast was about the little girl that had her inner guts sucked out by a swimming pool. As tragic and unfortunate as this might be I don't see how the media can justify hour upon hour upon hour on this story when as we all know there are a hell of alot more important issues on hand. What even blows my mind even more is that there are actually people in this world that feed off these type of storys.
So I ask? Who is in charge of how much air time particular storys get? Is this the work of the editor, ceo's, ?
I mean...what? does somebody get up in the morning review the latest storys and say" hey I got a great idea. lets run non stop coverage today about Paris Hilton". " Oh wait a minute .I have a better idea yet. Let's have non stop coverage for Three f***** days!

posted on Jul, 7 2007 @ 07:29 PM

Originally posted by highfreq

So I ask? Who is in charge of how much air time particular storys get? Is this the work of the editor, ceo's, ?

The Executive Producers control content and the political leanings of the programing. What they are after is ratings. Ratings determine how much they can charge their Advertisers for time. The general population likes "Soap Opera" reporting and gossip so that is what they give us. In reality; You control the programing by watching it.

I watch CNN, FOX and the Broadcast Networks news programs. MSNBC is too weird for me. I also explore Internet News sites but many of those are too biased to be of much use. When something does not sound right I try and find more information on the Internet. Despite gossip to the contrary, all the main news sources agree on facts most of the time.

It's only the Op/Ed reporting that differs. I've stopped watching those shows because all sides lie with impunity. The Left and the Right lie equally. I think many people confuse news reports with Op/Ed and don't know the difference. That's probably why they are so confused about facts so often. They don't understand the difference between opinion and facts. Then there are those who don't want facts who see things in the news that is not even there.

I'm always amazed by people who only watch one news source or get their news from a site like this or from a clearly biased site. It is like they don't actually want the truth. They instead are trying to make the news fit their ideas, no matter how wrong minded or devoid of facts.

posted on Jul, 7 2007 @ 07:58 PM
Thank you Blaine91555.

Orginally posted by Blaine91555 In reality; You control the programing by watching it.

Excellent point.

posted on Jul, 7 2007 @ 08:00 PM
I watch Fox and MSNBC. Sometimes I'll turn to the local news if there is bad weather in the area or bad weather expected. Usually I read the news from the Internet - hardly ever from newspapers. NEVER from magazines like Time or Newsweek (unless they are sitting in a doctors office and I'm stuck waiting.

posted on Jul, 7 2007 @ 08:29 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
NEVER from magazines like Time or Newsweek (unless they are sitting in a doctors office and I'm stuck waiting.

You too, eh? I feel especially foolish when I read a 3 month old Newsweek because I'm sick of looking at the fish in the aquariums.

posted on Jul, 7 2007 @ 08:47 PM
Mainstream news on cable and the local affiliates is a complete joke. I don't even watch the local news for weather I just go to for all my weather needs. I noticed that if you scour the internet for all your news needs you get it faster than the televised versions anywhere from one to three weeks in advance. Also I hate how they treat UFO/paranormal segments wth a smirk and a hint of sarcasm as if they and the viewing audience at home are privately rediculing the "nutjobs" but humoring them for the entertainment value. Absolutely disgusting. Someone mentioned earlier that the producers prefer a "soap opera" style news and it really shows. Mainstream news is not real news at all.

[edit on 7-7-2007 by carnival_of_souls2047]

posted on Jul, 7 2007 @ 08:54 PM
News ... Processing. Oh, you mean INFOTAINMENT.

Occasionally I'll have the local evening "news" on while I surf ATS to keep track of what time it is. But if I want actual news, I tend to get it from the Daily Show with Jon Stewart, or read between the lines on The Colbert Report. Isn't that a sad state of affairs? Two comedians give a better idea of what's going on in the world than the actual journalists do.

And of course, I keep on top of interesting news here.

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