posted on Jul, 10 2007 @ 08:26 PM
You have the Nose Out photo.
Do you think thats true.
I can't find the video analysis that provided another angle and showed
how the TV broadcast feed, whoever was doing it, didn't like it and
eliminated the Nose OUT on further video.
That must be part of the TV fakery series.
I have something:
That has the video source of the Missile Theory.
Also posted on ats the UFO Theory:
I came across the 9/11 UFO:
I never liked the plane going in where the least explosion occurred,
so I don't think the wake of the missile will let me say that angle is any better.
The UFO going over the tower approaching toward the biggest
explosion point seems more plausible.
However by simpling using explosions high up and saying its planes is
just as good. Its what people would think since no one looks up in the city
unless they are hicks.