posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 09:01 PM
Follow the logic:
A conspiracy is 3 or more people who agree to commit a crime, and an overt act by any one of them which furthers that crime.
A conspiracy is founded on trust. Every member must have faith in every other member, at least until the statute of limitations run out. There is no
statute of limitations on murder. You get involved in a conspiracy to commit murder, you and your co-conspirators are in it for life. You must trust
them absolutely, until the day you die.
Some people believe their was a conspiracy to kill JFK. Other people believe that would be impossible. Nobody who believes in a conspiracy to kill JFK
answers the obvious question:
How could a conspiracy to murder JFK come into being?
3 possibilities. The first 2 are mentioned only to point out how ridiculous they are.
1) The Spontaneous Coalescence theory. Oswald, Earl Waren, LBJ, J. Edgar Hoover and a thousand other people are sitting in a diner. JFKs face comes on
screen and everyone says simultaneously, "That &%#$ers got to go". They all look at each other, then start planning...
2) The Constructed conspiracy. There's this guy, see. The salesman from hell. Nobody ever said no to this guy. He went up to a hundred Dallas cops,
and said to them "I'm from Washington, DC. We're going to kill the President. We're going to do it here, and we need your help." And they all
said yes, because of the deep seated admiration of Texans for Washington, DC...
Both of these theories presume that the purpose of the conspiracy was to kill JFK. The members had nothing in common before Dallas, and nothing in
common since Dallas. Yet they all signed on when approached, no one hesitated for a second, no one has had second thoughts since.
3) The Pre-existing ongoing conspiracy. Not a conspiracy to kill JFK. A conspiracy that existed long before JFK, and that exists to this day. A
conspiracy that was interfered with by JFK. A conspiracy with members in Washington, Dallas, every two bit burg in America. A conspiracy with members
in the CIA, the FBI, the Secret Service, Dallas PD - just everywhere.
A conspiracy everybody involved was already part of. Sworn to secrecy for life. A conspiracy to do something entirely different, that needed JFK out
of their way.
J. Edgar Hoover, FBI Director: Sovereign Grand Comander of the Supreme Council of the 33d Degree of Freemasonry.
Earl Warren, Chief Supreme Court Justice : 33d Degree Freemason
Gerald Ford, Warren Commision member : 33d Degree Freemason
Allen Dulles, CIA Director : 33d Degree Freemason
Richard Russel, Warren Commision member: 33d Degree Freemason
Arlen Spector, counsel to the Warren Commision, 33d Degree Freemason
Earl Cabell, Mayor of Dallas, 33d Degree Freemason
Dealey plaza, named for George Bannerman Dealey, 33d Degree Freemason
Anybody see a pattern here?