posted on Jul, 16 2007 @ 05:06 AM
Originally posted by DarkStormCrow
Custom mini-profile background image if I choose this option does the image tile within the area or is it static?
In order for it not to tile, make sure it is 164 pixels wide, or a bit more. (it will auto size to fit the width of the profile area, if it is
Also in regards to the length, I would say 600 pixels tall would be good( but I have seen them much longer, also). It would only tile for long posts
that way. AND - -
make sure that the filesize does not exceed the 50kb limit for background images, and
is in a format supported in the
upload area (.jpg and .gif are okay, all others are not supported in the upload area).
Also, keep in mind where your username and "Member" status line is at. You don't want to obscure either of those, as it may cause problems. (and
would be technically in violation of the T&Cs)
Also, it is a good idea to place a transparent (clear) avatar on top of the Background image, to be able for more of the background image to show.
Last but not least, plan the background image carefully, in regards to the pointers I have given above. And be sure it is an image you would'nt mind
keeping for a while. (It would be a real bummer to have a background image that for one reason or another needs to be changed right away - from
If in doubt, just ask any of the members that currently have a background image, for advice. Or even some of the avatar artists (like myself
edit for clarity.
[edit on 7/16/07 by Mechanic 32]