I've seen where the owner of the video was hesitating to add the AUDIO filler for this video as seen here where it is labeled as "removed by the
Just for the people who didn't find the video description, here it is:
The footage that they clearly do not want you to see or even talk about!
EBE -K24 (R4800 viral containment level 3 @ s4 Papoose complex) recorded on 07-06-1993
PLEASE NOTE:There is no original audio for this video.
After reviewing this tape from Dr. J. Heinz and bearing witness to reveal Dr. John Heinz's career, I can conclude that the following
material should reach the general public no later than February 07, 2007.
Very recently R4800 was the code given to a highly classified Crypto/Maj SDI security clearance government research project located at the MIEC
facility at Site 4 Papoose test complex near Groom Lake, A51TC or often refered to as Area 51 in the State of Nevada.
Viewers are urged to make a judgment based on all available information. Viewers are also urged to examine the video as much as possible in order to
determine it's authenticity. Viewers hoping to examine this footage to prove it is fake might be disappointed.
If the notes in front of me at this time are valid then I will reveal the following.
Q-93-056B MAJ-level directorate authorities of the Naval Space Command
K-24 (P45) is hereby authorized to comply with AQ-35-23B Signed *** ******-*******
and complied with authorized Signature of ** ****-***** (U/Sec*****/ of State security override protocol/19
This material is referring to an unauthorized screening of K-24 (P45)in relation to Q-93-056B at S4, Area 51.
ref from source:
To clarify the source wishes to remain anonymous for fear of assassination, threats or other.
For the honesty, greater good and to the benefit of the rest of mankind from here I declare than that all that I am in the light and memory in order
to announce in witness of my dead colleague is solid data from briefed MIEC sectors regarding XXXXX-XXXX
AQ-35-23B is hereby related to be ammended in the name of the United States Government and the constituation(s) of which it stands.
Our source has chosen "Jarod" as his pseudonym. That's pronounced "JAY-rod," which is the name of a certain individual for whom our source has
great respect. The original Jarod is an alien, working here on earth as a scientific translator for the secret government research program under
project code:R4800 @ Papoose S4 Area-51. It thought that the log entry for this film was given to a member on board flight N5175U of Janet airlines.
Who? What? when? and how this footage was smuggled out of from s4 in area51 is anyones guess. Maybe it was the intent to reach the hands of the
Disclosure Project headed by Dr. Steven Greer...who knows! This footage is long over due since the first release from which 'Victor' sent. Excerpts
from Leaked Area-51 Document Signed by Dr. Dan Crain aka Dr. Dan Burisch
"This document (identified as Q-94-109A) is routed to the appropriate MAGIC-level directorate authorities of the Naval Space Command, pursuant to
UNOST (adopted 19 December 1966: enforced 10 October 1967)......the contents of this report are to be regarded as a final report (spec. K-24) of the
Principal Investigator, Working Group Leader (R-4800, Occupant Papoose Site 4). "The results of IN VITRO experimentation under NSA/NSC directed
Project Aquarius (Subintegument Neuronal Aspirative Avulsion Sampling Subsection King-35 [K-24, Extraterrestrial Biological Entity [EBE] also known as
'AQ-J-Rod' [JR]) are herein related."
The report goes on to state that: "....methodology required the introduction of the Principal Investigator into the Pressurized Clean Sphere, which
constituted an I.G.A. - declared "Extraterrestrial Close Encounter (E.C.E.), Class IV.c." Under the section titled "ORDER", the purpose of the
overall study was explained: "Determine, to a scientific certainty, the reasons for in vivo neuronal repair failure, at dendritic terminal ends, from
a set of cellular samples, in vitro. Classify such reasons, functionally, to ascertain the mechanisms of such failure, then isolate the most probable
pre-existing cellular conditions giving allowance to proper regeneration." (This seems to indicate that the study was undertaken to try to figure out
why the "Alien" physiology was not repairing itself - at least in the neural tissue - the way it should.) The report continues..... [The tissue
samples which were taken from the EBE was grown in an agar medium made of] "Equal combinations of pressurized dictostelium-desoxycholate racemic to
10.000/100.000 (%) and glucose-acetate." This medium produced the highest cellular, fibrilar growth rates. The report went on to say that "Nominal
contamination-restriction protocols were followed" and then cited "Cross contamination protocol 6, N.R.L., Document Number Q-93-016B for procedural
MAJ-level directorate authorities of the Naval Space Command ref video material.