Originally posted by vckums
Maybe this will show your kid that laws are there for a reason and enforced.
yeah, i doubt that. there was as tory that my mom just emailed me from my local paper. it said that in this state, by law, if you aquire the fireworks
you are supposed to transport them out of state within 48 hours.
i ask, what is posession cause technically, when th ecop pulled up i was sitting in the groung about to light a bottle rocket. did i posess this stuff
cause it was on my property cause all i had on my was a bic?
do i also 'posess' my parents vehicle cause it is on my property? posession is 9 10ths of the law after all right?
if that is in fact the law, why did the cop not ask any of us for proof of purchase? if th efireworks were purchased 10 hours earlier, is it breaking
the law? if no proof of purchase is presented, then why not cite EVERYONE lighting them off? the dude down the street had about 10 adults with
thim...were they not all in posession?
in the end this is a crap law and you friggin know it.
if it is not about making money for the state and is learly about safety, then they would not allow these to be sold in the state...simple as
instead, they are available everywhere with all these loophole laws.
now that i know about the 48 hour deal though, i would like to know why the cop just assumed it was under that time. why did he assume they were mine
and as i said, if the posession thing you mention is true and not some thing we learn on the playground, then i got some work to do. if it is simple
as posessing something, then i just 'aquired' all kinds of stuff.
so what exactly is posession? me lighting ONE bottle rocket means i am in posession of ALL the fireworks that are there?
i really don't think so. things are not black and white and if the cop would have slowed down for one second, he would have been told that yes it is
my house but they are not my fireworks and maybe he could have cited the proper person.
my step dad gets hundreds of dollars of fireworks EVERY YEAR....i NEVER do. this is the first time in years that i have participated in anything like
this and i get a citation. so, the person that does this EVERY YEAR gets to put all of his ILLEGAL fireworks back in his trunk as i am sitting in the
if they were illegal, why did the cop not take them?
after my step dad loaded them back into HIS car, was HE not in posession of them?
gimmie a break dude....bad judgement call. everything is not black and white. thats all there is to it
edit* my common sense told me if the cops pulled up, they would cite the owner of the fireworks...i mean, that makes logical sense. instead, i get
cited and the fireworks in question get loaded back into th etrunk for future ignition....
[edit on 6-7-2007 by Boondock78]