posted on Jul, 5 2007 @ 12:36 AM
Hi everyone. First Thread for me hope I get it right.
Happy 4th of July to everyone (well its over now but I was out celebrating so its not over)
I just wanted to pose the question of what do you think aliens are thinking when they look down and see our whole country blowing things up in the
air? I mean do they know were celebrating our independence do they understand what it means I mean blowing something up to signify our countries
birthday? LoL just something I thought about today as I lit my fireworks and looked up at the sky. What are your thoughts on if they are watching on
the 4th what are they thinking. Yes I know a lot of people believe they know a whole lot about us to begin with but will they understand our primitive
celebratory antics?
Do they think were shooting up at something in the sky and stay away? I got this idea from seeing a bird in the sky flying about in a crazy pattern as
stuff exploded all around it
Well just trying to get some ideas and thoughts on this matter.