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posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 09:19 PM

Originally posted by greatlakes
Anagram #2: eeewbrsayndthged, 2 spaces and 2 unknown letters
Possible solutions 'words' for the anagram #1:
between, related, ebens, answer, whereby, thereby, danger, wednesday, watershed, bethesda, degrade, breadth, tragedy

[edit on 7/6/2007 by greatlakes]

shouldn't that be "Possible solutions 'words' for the anagram #2" ???

[edit on 7/6/07 by Mechanic 32]

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 09:22 PM
And in keeping with what I started, here's the current list...
Letters from the first image, and remaining ones to be found marked by a "?" mark.

t---------Murdered Microbiologists, fishy, H5N1
n---------titor predicts civil war, on 25, new nuclear power plants
i---------the ideal audience for propagandists, americans, last
a---------9/11 hard truth, the time issue
p---------iran, not iraq, arrogance, paper tiger mistake
c---------Rockafeller, CFR Free Masonry sumerians, french Revolution
?---------who owns the USA, 60% foreign ownership of securities
o---------end of the lunar conspiracy: we went: tv was fake
e---------symbols on the money, dave
l---------coporate logo watch
space-----galloway talks, the last on the first
e---------1942b UFO battle, four, 1257158
A---------reptilian described, ranger of power
space-----WWIII Chinese invasion of Taiwan, staged by banks?
l---------ancient civilization of india, cowherd
c---------religious disinformation, parables and symbolism
h---------illuminati and templar link, champoux.
space-----clan of reptiles, icke
s---------dark days black sickness
i---------How Geniuses think IQ 130-140, whats wrong with belly button
r---------black triangle, scotland, concave
s---------ET lunar bases, new evidence, nine, top
space-----dulce base pictures, not the first, above the nightmare
a---------americans to spy on americans, drugs, war, legislation
R---------inside groom lake pictures, u2

most recent updated list for the second image.

?---------757 (767) pentagon, hole photo, 8.4
space-----HMS Invincible, HMS Dasher
e---------controlling people, lucid dreaming
space-----gold, throat, similar in 200
e---------brainwashing school, sequence, america first, children not moldable
e---------when are liberties returned?
w---------wmd attack, US soil, hiroshima, dragonfire 860( 880? 360? 680? etc)
b---------Macroeconomic and Geostrategic Analysis, oil bourse cause for war,
?---------awaken to the deception, chomsky video
r---------police state, preparations, guns, paul
s---------Felipe David hero, magic bullet
a---------a weird idea, terraform, the 4th, airships, blimps
y---------history of conspiracies, Weishaupt
n---------angel demonstrations, debate, ice cube
d---------noticed that things are changing, yuppie, starbucks
t---------on purpose destruction?
h---------terrorists, where?, now? (new?) Contras v Sandinista
g---------china, forex, usd
e---------halloween, georgia (georgie?), avoid
d---------they are not aliens, evolution


These are still missing...
from the first set:
?---------who owns the USA, 60% foreign ownership of securities
from the second set:
?---------757 (767) pentagon, hole photo, 8.4
?---------awaken to the deception, chomsky video

any that have been found, and not listed here, please let me know. Thanks.

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 09:24 PM

Originally posted by Mechanic 32
shouldn't that be ...anagram #2"...

Yep here's the corrected:

Tried to see what I could find for the anagram #1 solutions, being that we have most of the letters there (all except one letter). I just substituted all 26 letters when generating the anagrams and determined what made sense... I have not done this yet for the second anagram...Also I have strikethrus for some previous answers that aren't possible anymore...What do you think?

Anagram #1: tniapcoeleAlchsirsaR, 4 spaces and one unknown letter

Possible solutions for the anagram #1:

All The Real Conspiracies
Read All The Conspiracies
All The Rare Conspiracies
are lethal conspiracies *new* (if missing letter is e)
all thread conspiracies *new* (if missing letter is d)
heard tall conspiracies *new* (if missing letter is d)
reach tall conspiracies *new* (if missing letter is c)
later half conspiracies *new* (if missing letter is f)
gather all conspiracies *new* (if missing letter is g)
rather all conspiracies *new* (if missing letter is r)
share tall conspiracies *new* (if missing letter is s)

The above strikethrus were determined from the last found clue being a space and not a letter as thought of originally, therefore ruling out those possibles...the capitalization its noted is not taken into account in the above, which may or may not be of importance. All the above center around the assumed keyword "conspiracies" (maybe correct maybe not)...There were a bunch I didn't include because they didn't make sense (to me anyway)...

Anagram #2: eeewbrsayndthged, 2 spaces and 2 unknown letters

Possible solutions 'words' for the anagram #2:

between, related, ebens, answer, whereby, thereby, danger, wednesday, watershed, bethesda, degrade, breadth, tragedy

[edit on 7/6/2007 by greatlakes]

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 09:33 PM
I'm working on the "awaken to the deception; chomsky video" clue.

The only Noam Chomsky video that I can think of is "Manufacturing Consent".

Maybe we can tackle these threads?

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 09:39 PM

Originally posted by Freenrgy2
I'm working on the "awaken to the deception; chomsky video" clue.

good luck, I spent a couple hours yesterday on that one.

Also keep in mind that it could also have to do with a video of an interview with Noam.

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 09:57 PM
I found a couple of posts about Chomsky, with "awake" as the author of those posts. I tried a search of chomsky with author awake, and found one, but no letters

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 10:16 PM

Originally posted by Freenrgy2
The only Noam Chomsky video that I can think of is "Manufacturing Consent".

Isn't Distorted Morality another one?

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 11:22 PM

Originally posted by greatlakes

Anagram #1: tniapcoeleAlchsirsaR, 4 spaces and one unknown letter

Possible solutions for the anagram #1:...

Wouldn't 4 spaces, mean 5 words are needed?

Or are you putting a space at the beginning and end?

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 11:43 PM

Originally posted by Jbird

Originally posted by greatlakes

Anagram #1: tniapcoeleAlchsirsaR, 4 spaces and one unknown letter

Possible solutions for the anagram #1:...

Wouldn't 4 spaces, mean 5 words are needed?

Or are you putting a space at the beginning and end?

Yes, the space would be at the end of the last word. Its tough to say for sure of course, we need that last letter to have more definition. Its also possible that our assumed word "conspiracies" is also in error.

[edit on 7/6/2007 by greatlakes]

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 11:46 PM
gaw, back from work and having a beer, good to see some progress is being made... but still we are at a standstill I think. Most of these previous ones came alot easier. I just lost 2 hours reading ONE of cathearders threads on 9/11. (no offence if you are reading) That 757 (767) one is pretty hard to pin down, and it's probably referring to 9/11 overall... and that leaves alot open to the field. I'm gonna have another beer and do some scrollin'.

Oh, I'd rather stay away from anagrams right now also.

search on brethren!

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 11:46 PM
What if we just waited until we had ALL the letters from each of the *assumed to be* four images??

Perhaps we are thinking too narrowly, in focusing on each images letters as one complete sentence, independent of the other images...

*does that make any sense?*

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 11:49 PM
makes sense to me, and I've had a few.

I think it is a good plan to wait until we get all of the data.

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 11:55 PM
Whats up with that 8.4 thing anyway? I'm still thinking that it would stand for (8.4) seconds: free fall speed of (unknown)

but maybe it could be, 84... in an Orwellian sort of way.
or: 84 somethings
or, maybe it is mathematical... 8.4 dosen't that mean 8x4 in laymans terms?

just some thoughts

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 11:55 PM

Originally posted by Mechanic 32
What if we just waited until we had ALL the letters from each of the *assumed to be* four images??

Perhaps we are thinking too narrowly, in focusing on each images letters as one complete sentence, independent of the other images...

*does that make any sense?*

I understand what you're saying , but a 99 letter anagram?

Man, I hope not!

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 11:56 PM
Sure its a good plan, but so is approaching the puzzle solution from different angles, especially since we are somewhat stalled with finding the last remaining letters. It's possible that by guessing the first anagram in the beginning pages of this thread that someone inadvertently triggered the 2nd anagram, so its "ok" to guess at it, there aren't any 'rules' to the game.

BTW: We are assuming that it is an anagram, it's also possible that the answer is in fact NOT an anagram, but something else altogether...

[edit on 7/7/2007 by greatlakes]

posted on Jul, 7 2007 @ 12:02 AM

Originally posted by Jbird
Man, I hope not!

We'll just have to see where this goes from here either way; seeing how we are not making much progress.

I wonder what we have to do to get the third and fourth images. I sent a requet earlier today for some info from HUNT_ADMIN, via the complaints/suggestions form, but so far, no word on that. (even though HUNT has been "absent" lately)
* I guess the amigos got tired of logging out then in as HUNT

No noticeable changes at the game site and no one has visited the thread in an official capacity (S.O., Springer, HUNT_ADMIN, or to give us any additional info, which is much needed at this point.

posted on Jul, 7 2007 @ 12:08 AM

Originally posted by greatlakes

that someone inadvertently triggered the 2nd anagram,

See, that is somewhat problematic. Since we don't know what triggered the second image to come up, we don't know how to get the third.

If it is done by manually inserting the code, someone is not paying too much attention to where the game is at.

Unless the key to unlocking the third, depends on us getting the first two correct first.

then perhaps us getting to the fourth depends on us getting the first three correct.

At least it sounded good while I was typing it.

posted on Jul, 7 2007 @ 12:08 AM
A couple of hours of scanning and nothing.

I had a thought about the letters we have found.

Does anyone have the posts that they were found in saved? If so maybe we could look at them and try to see if there are any similarities to the posters. Number of posts, date they registered, similarities in there names.... that sort of thing. I know it's a long shot but I'm just trying to throw some ideas out there to see if we can get this first answer since we are pretty much stalled on the findings.

I also thought maybe we could put together some sort of thread list so we all aren't going through the same ones and wasting time on them.

Maybe that tinwiki page would be a good idea. I don't have a clue on how to start one though so anybody else?

[edit on 7-7-2007 by GAOTU789]

posted on Jul, 7 2007 @ 12:10 AM
I REALLY think that with all of the 911 threads and pages out there that the 8.4 is a major clue in some way. What could it be? Its the key to getting this letter I think...Could it be in reference to Chapter.Section format typically seen in books/papers/ebooks?

So here are some possibles, 8.4 meaning:
  • Chapter/Section
  • Free fall speed WTC tower 8.4 seconds
  • 84 videos missing pentagon cameras
  • 1984, Orwell
  • ATS page number, post number
  • Any function of 8 and 4 (multiplication, addition etc)
  • Letters corresponding to the numbers 8 and 4 (ie: h and d)
  • 84th: floor, witness, video, ATS 9/11 thread, post

    Any others?

  • posted on Jul, 7 2007 @ 12:15 AM
    GAOTU789, unfortunately I don't myself.

    The closest thing we do have though, is back a few pages, we had at one point, the date stamp of the posts where some of the clues were found.

    Another member had added his own findings too the list, without adding where he found them, though.

    Which brings up another problematic aspect to this...

    we should go and check for those posts that member "The Comte" added, if only to verify his findings.

    Otherwise it is like making a claim, without the evidence to back it up. I am in no way trying to downplay his findings, or mean to say he had done anything wrong, but just for reassurance that the letters he says he found, were truly found.

    I'll try to find the post where he mentioned that he had added to the list.....

    [edit on 7/7/07 by Mechanic 32]

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