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What is the agenda of Illuminati group?

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posted on Aug, 31 2007 @ 08:45 AM

Originally posted by Ickey
What is the agenda of Illuminati group?

What is the real agenda of Illuminati group?

What type of policies does Illuminati group support or propagate?

What kind of world does Illuminati like to bring about?

13 bloodlines my friend. Read about it if your so interested...

posted on Aug, 31 2007 @ 10:54 AM
That bloodlines link is a clear example of Illuminati/NWO propaganda horse manure.

Don't read junk material of that type.

The information, the arguments, the conclusions drawn are all rubbish.

Learn historical analytical method and avoid rubbish on the internet.

Don't waste your time on drivel internet websites.

You must learn how to tell whether information is based on horse manure, otherwise, this type of Illuminati/NWO propaganda junk will confuse you.

[edit on 31-8-2007 by Ickey]

posted on Aug, 31 2007 @ 04:39 PM
I agree with Ickey -

There is so much negative sensationalist propaganda out there about the Illuminati that it tends to lump everyone who's within it into some big, mean and malicious group.

People are people, and people vary.

While I'll conceed there are those in power who run an entirely different direction with my personal take on the entire issue, I've also found that the amount of fear. paranoia and dissent these "sources on the Illuminati" promote does little to provide a balanced objective viewpoint.

My father always cautioned me about radical propaganda, and any source that spends more time promoting an agenda than it does objective and nonbiased information.

That being said (and bear with me that I am still only a student/initiate) this is the run down on the Illuminati as I understand it:

White Lodge - those who are interested in spreading positive, constructive information and helping to enlighten the population towards the future. Utopian in nature.

Grey Lodge - those who keep to themselves, are not interested in large goals, and prefer to follow their own personal paths of study and personal evolution as oppossed to working on a mass scale with a clear and defined agenda.

Black Lodge - those who use their knowledge for purely selfish and/or disruptive means, revel in their delusions of "superior knowledge" and usually seek nothing more than to make as much profit as possible regardless of long term consequences. Very power hungry. Distopian.

Most of the "information" out there, IMHO - is written by the Black Lodge.

After all, I have rarely seen anything positive or constructive come out of it, it continues to fuel the class war ideologies, suspicions about people very few have met personally, and never provides any alternatives to the "problem" at hand.

Kinda designed to keep people fighting over semantics and fuels irrational passions that could, in some cases - result in anything from criminality to psychological breakdowns.

I can't tell you how many people I've met who will run with that "information" and use it as an excuse to avoid taking responsibility for their own lives and actions. I've even met a few patients in psychwards who are so incessantly paranoid about the issue, that they can no longer function in the real world.

And there lies the conspiracy for me. What good has come of this "insight" most people hear about the Illuminati?

posted on Sep, 7 2007 @ 01:17 AM
How do you people know there's some group called the Illuminati if they're secret? Is there a building that says "National Illuminati Headquarters" on it downtown in some city, and when you go there the doors are locked and they require "the super secret password" to get in?

posted on Sep, 7 2007 @ 11:32 PM
reply to post by Green_57

As far as I know, most Illuminati are just people with regular day jobs, as far as any official organizations - I'm sure there might be a few, but I can't say I know of any directly.

But yeah, I've got a secret handshake all lined up, lol.

posted on Sep, 8 2007 @ 05:04 AM

Originally posted by Green_57
How do you people know there's some group called the Illuminati if they're secret? Is there a building that says "National Illuminati Headquarters" on it downtown in some city, and when you go there the doors are locked and they require "the super secret password" to get in?

The existence of the group is not secret, just what they do...

They even meet in places that are not secret...

Don't need a secret handshake, don't need a password

You know your friends and family by sight do you not? These people are also a "family" and you won't get in unless you are recognized Its really very simple

Besides you have to be one of the rich top elite to even join


Now for the rest of us "Lesser" Illuminati, its like General Eyes says... we hold down day jobs

posted on Sep, 8 2007 @ 06:44 AM
illuminati wanting to create one gender?
that sounds very sick but u know think about it?
there would be no feminism and gender rasism but there would be other problems...i dont know i dont want to approve this

posted on Sep, 9 2007 @ 09:50 PM

Now for the rest of us "Lesser" Illuminati, its like General Eyes says... we hold down day jobs

What's the point of being in their organization if you're a "lesser" member that doesn't know any of their secrets?

posted on Sep, 9 2007 @ 11:11 PM

Originally posted by GENERAL EYES
White Lodge - those who are interested in spreading positive, constructive information and helping to enlighten the population towards the future. Utopian in nature.

Grey Lodge - those who keep to themselves, are not interested in large goals, and prefer to follow their own personal paths of study and personal evolution as oppossed to working on a mass scale with a clear and defined agenda.

Black Lodge - those who use their knowledge for purely selfish and/or disruptive means, revel in their delusions of "superior knowledge" and usually seek nothing more than to make as much profit as possible regardless of long term consequences. Very power hungry. Distopian.

From what I understand, there is no "Grey Lodge".

Every-thing in existence is a modification of Sexual Energy(RA).

There is the Karmamudra of White Alchemy or Tantra, of Black Tantra, and of Grey Tantra.

Grey Tantra is not of any "Grey Lodge".

It is simply the practice of trying to jump back and forth between the White Lodge and Black Lodge, which really, seems absurd to me; and it inevitably leads to becoming enslaved to the Black Lodge.

Grey Tantra

Image A Greek fable tells us the tale of Sisyphus the Colossus, who by carrying a big boulder on his back intends once again to reach the summit of the mountain. However, his attempts always fail because just when he is about to place the stone at the right point of his desired goal, the stone always falls into the depths of the precipice.

Whosoever spills the Cup of Hermes once in a while, whosoever at times does not spill the semen, and then later comes to spill it, violates the law of the Holy Kabirs and converts himself into a Gray Tantric Adept.

In this World of Samsara, there exist evasiveness and false justifications for many things. Thus, this is how Gray Tantrism also has its followers and its doctrine.

Any esoterist traveler who himself proposes to perform an in-depth investigation among the secret schools of the Asiatic continent will verify for himself the crude and painful reality of Gray Tantrism.

Tantra exists in all of Asia and is very abundant in the diverse schools of Theravada, Mahayana, Chan, Zen, Tantric Buddhism, etc.

The Intellectual Animals always find evasiveness and false justification for all of their weaknesses. Therefore, it does not surprise us that even within these self-exalted and dignified schools of Zen, Tantric Buddhism and others much ballast of Gray Tantrism is found.

It is lamentable that many disoriented Instructors (from those Oriental Schools) offer valuable Sexual Yoga techniques and practices without ever comprehending the fundamental aspect of Tantrism, that being the urgent necessity of never committing the crime of spilling the semen during your whole life.

To prolong the coitus with the sole objective of enjoying animalistic pleasure and without any regard for seminal ejaculation is undoubtedly Gray Tantrism that can easily degenerate into Black Tantrism.

Fortunately, there exists a lot of White Tantrism in Taoism, in the Hindu and Tibetan Tantrism, in the pure Zen and in the original Chan.

Some sects of Persian origin existed in Old Europe (such as the famous Manicheans) who practiced White Tantrism or COITUS INTERRUPTUS; they called it Karezza, which is a word that has Persian origins.

The Medieval Knights also practiced White Sexual Magic in the DONOI.

The Alchemists who work with all the Principles and Laws of the Holy Eight Self-realize in depth, and they convert themselves into Hierophants....

I believe what you are trying to classify as the "Grey Lodge", GENERAL EYES, is what in Buddhism and Gnosticism is called the Spiral Path, which is divided into two:

The Hinayana Paths: Shravaka and Pratyeka.

These are not Black, and they do not involve Gray Tantra either.

They are of the first two Vehicles of Buddhism(out of Nine main Vehicles).

So they are still White Paths.

It is just that followers of the Spiral Path do not express Ultimate Bodhicitta.

[edit on 9-9-2007 by Tamahu]

posted on Sep, 9 2007 @ 11:18 PM
Thanks for clarifying that, you were able to read through my rambling and see that Grey Lodge was indeed the "middle path".

The use of "white" and "black" are just rudimentary terms I use for those who aren't steeped in the Mystery Traditions.

It is by no means meant to be a definitive term.

Sorry if I'm not as concise and as well versed in translating myself, like I said - I'm still a student, and tend to lose myself in my own terminology

Thanks again. I'm sure your post will bring more to light than anything I'm able to come up with at this point.


[edit on 9-9-2007 by GENERAL EYES]

posted on Sep, 9 2007 @ 11:28 PM

Originally posted by GENERAL EYES
Thanks for clarifying that

You're welcome.

To further clarify, anyone who practices Gray Tantra cannot walk the Middle Path of the Bodhisattva(because the Bodhicitta, the Mercury of the Philosophers, must not be expelled from the physical body; that is, if one is seeking White Initiation).

Like I've said, Gray Tantra is like trying to jump back and forth between the Black Lodge and the White Lodge.

In order to walk the Middle Way, one must still practice White Alchemy.

In Buddhist terms, the coarse bodies(lunar bodies) must be Transmuted into Subtle Bodies(Solar Bodies) through the practice of Karmamudra.

So, to attain any real progress in Buddhism, whether it is the Spiral Path or the Straight Path, one must be in Chastity(not to be confused with celibacy).

posted on Sep, 10 2007 @ 12:21 AM
I consider my path to be Grey - insomuch that I am not strong enough to embody a Bodhisattva (I've tried, couldn't handle it) and I'm realitively attached to my ego.

I suppose while I enjoy the teachings of the White Path, there is still some ego gratification I can only find in the Darkness.

Oh well, I'm trying to be good anyway.

posted on Sep, 11 2007 @ 02:41 AM
Thanks for answering guys.

posted on Sep, 11 2007 @ 05:44 PM

Originally posted by Ickey
What is the agenda of Illuminati group?

What is the real agenda of Illuminati group?

What type of policies does Illuminati group support or propagate?

What kind of world does Illuminati like to bring about?

First off:
For Illuminati, the Latin-English translator I used could only come up with illustro, which means to light up or illuminate, while 'enlightener' came up with illustrator (isn't that a riot?! An illustrator is an enlightener?! :lol
. Not being a scholar of Latin (Illuminati is Latin, right?) I must take people's word that 'Illuminati' means 'Enlightened Ones' in the old tongue.

Heralding these people as 'Enlightened' would be akin to placing mass-murderers as our kings and nobles (or presidents and congressmen - whichever you prefer). Therefore, I call them TPTB! Most know this acronym as The Powers That Be, but even this gives them far more credit than they deserve. They only possess power because we have GIVEN them our own, so I call them out for what they truly are: The Privatized Terrorist Bankers!

If you are unaware that the 'Illuminati' are in earnest Globalist Bankers, I suggest you keep reading the material out there and view films such as Zeitgeist on Google Video. ...TPTB have been around for a long while, and easily have created all the wars in the world since WW1 (perhaps even before, but my sources get limited at that point). They operate OUTSIDE of governments, societies, and religion, and in all likelihood have infiltrated all of the prior to some extent.

So now! To answer those questions...

#1) What is the agenda of TPTB?
-----To unite the world under the pretext of security.

#2) What is the real agenda of TPTB?
-----To manipulate the world into submitting to "The System" (a.k.a. The Illusion) they created through fear, and because they are the creators of this illusionary system they CONTROL it and thus CONTROL everyone tied into it. They operate OUTSIDE of any and all factions/alignments and attempt to pit each faction/alignment against one another. With each faction/alignment at minimal energy (through the constant battles with each other), TPTB are able to come in and offer their deadly brand of 'assistance.'

#3) What type of policies does TPTB support or propagate?
-----Extremist policies that are only capable of seeing in black and white - US vs. THEM, GOOD vs. EVIL, CHRISTIANS vs. MUSLIMS, RELIGION vs. SCIENCE, etc. By infiltrating governments/religions/groups and placing themselves in positions of influence (through deceit and/or fear-tactics) they are able to create or sustain policies that further their agenda. Extremist policies are uncompromising and generally aggressive - you are either converted or destroyed.

#4) What kind of world does TPTB wish to bring about?
-----A world united in fear and hostility, with themselves as High Kings and Grand Commanders... and it is IMPORTANT to UNDERSTAND that the only way to unite in fear and hostility is to separate the individuals from EVERYTHING (Family, Friends, God, etc.) except 'The System' itself. By only being tied to 'The System,' one must fear their own family, friends, and any semblance of a Higher Power, worshiping 'The System' itself as the highest and only order in the entirety of existence.


So, how do I know so much? Let's just say I have good reason to believe I was one of the original souls who created 'The System' and have since seen and experienced the error of my own beloved creation. It CAN and WILL be brought down, BTW, it just will take a little ingenuity on our part.

posted on Sep, 11 2007 @ 07:16 PM

Originally posted by GENERAL EYES
That being said (and bear with me that I am still only a student/initiate) this is the run down on the Illuminati as I understand it:

White Lodge - those who are interested in spreading positive, constructive information and helping to enlighten the population towards the future. Utopian in nature.

Grey Lodge - those who keep to themselves, are not interested in large goals, and prefer to follow their own personal paths of study and personal evolution as oppossed to working on a mass scale with a clear and defined agenda.

Black Lodge - those who use their knowledge for purely selfish and/or disruptive means, revel in their delusions of "superior knowledge" and usually seek nothing more than to make as much profit as possible regardless of long term consequences. Very power hungry. Distopian.

Most of the "information" out there, IMHO - is written by the Black Lodge.

Wow! This is an excellent observation! Kudos!

And while I agree (within my own parameters) what Tamahu has said about 'The Gray Lodge,' I come from a much more simple background and thus my philosophy reflects such.

The Black and White Lodges are very similar to a Yin-Yang paradigm, though I would say the Black Lodge focuses, adores, and glorifies the Aspect of Freedom, while the White Lodge focuses, adores, and glorifies the Aspect of Liberty. The Gray Lodge (still entirely real and valid) is more of a Limbo-Lodge, and acts as a go-between for the Black and White Lodges and thus glorifies the Aspect of Transformation.

The general lessons of Black Lodge members are:
Fear, Hostility, and Unconsciousness - FREEDOM Aspect
-----One does not leave the Black Lodge, as the Black Lodge leaves oneself. After one has put a sufficient amount of time and energy into one's goals (aligned with the Black Lodge), the member will begin to receive the 'benefits' the Black Lodge has to offer: Power over others, physical pleasures and comforts, and even the ability to dominate oneself entirely - being able to instill any belief in oneself that furthers the goals of the Black Lodge. The price for this all is unconsciousness. After a certain amount of time (depending on the individual), the member will begin to experience pain "for no reason at all" and the 'benefits' of the Black Lodge will lose their appeal. This inevitably leads to the Gray Lodge.

The general lessons of Gray Lodge members are:
Confusion, Endurance, and Choice - TRANSFORMATION Aspect
-----The Gray Lodge exists so that both other Lodges may exist. When one enters the Gray Lodge, it is (almost?) always unwilling on a conscious level. Either the White Lodge seemed too limiting or the Black Lodge seemed too boring, and one is on their way to their destination. One will need to drop the old beliefs and goals of the prior Lodge, and this is generally a time of great inner confusion. One must endure this state and recognize that in the end, it is one's own choice that leads to the next destination.

The general lessons of White Lodge members are:
Joy, Gratitude, and Awareness - LIBERTY Aspect
-----Leaving the White Lodge is just as wondrous as coming back to it. One is born here, and while not everyone leaves this Lodge everyone does return. The lessons are eternal here, and the power is always in oneself. One chooses to stay or leave, and there is complete acceptance regardless of whatever choice one makes.

That is just my intuitive feelings regarding the different Lodges,
and any one of you are free to agree and disagree at your leisure.

I want to thank you in particular, GENERAL EYES, for brining this wonderful method of labeling to my attention, and I wish everyone a merry journey regardless of whatever Lodge you are in ATPIT! And chances are... if you are reading this information... you are one your way to the White Lodge.

posted on Sep, 12 2007 @ 10:48 AM
Once again, thanks for answering my question.

posted on Sep, 12 2007 @ 01:06 PM

Originally posted by Green_57
What's the point of being in their organization if you're a "lesser" member that doesn't know any of their secrets?

I am guessing you mean for TPTB (the ones heavily into the Black Lodge)...

From a psychological standpoint (is there any other in this day and age?
), I would say it is for their (the submitted's) own 'protection.' TPTB have nothing to fear from you if you have submitted to not only their rule but embraced it and taken up their cause yourself... at least, in theory... but in my experiences it is the lowly ones who get the shaft most often - from their 'masters' as well as from the universe at large (all due to what their focus is on, even if it is unconscious...). I would speculate that this is because 'lowly' members KNOW they are lowly and thus they begin to focus on their fears of what will happen due to their lack of power - since their power comes from a source outside of themselves. And since their power comes from a source outside of themselves, they cannot help but be afraid that the source might leave them high and dry (since they have disowned their power).

Hahaha, long, I know! But at least it makes sense to me!

Whatever TPTB fear end up getting focused on by their negative energy (not physically, but by getting their cronies to do it for them) - i.e. people who know and share the truth, have evidence that exposes them or their actions, people trying to break up the illusion, etc. Of course, a good many 'small fries' ("they pose no threat to us") do this stuff and are ignored (the best) or character assassinated (second best).

FYI, I figure I am small fry #1 - just some guy from Podunk, USA who is not even worth the time and effort to bring attention to.

Their is nothing they can do against the common enlightened person (they are totally undetectable and stay off the radar), but one who takes up a big and bold banner shouting from the rooftops will most likely be thought of us a rising threat and will be taken care of in the best way fashionable (most likely the second best choice, unless they can actually physically eliminate said threat and believe that they can get away with it).

Some people out there believe that TPTB have more power than they actually do, and naturally people seek their 'protection.' By being a lowly member, one allegedly gains a small amount of immunity and a sense of well-being (entirely a placebo effect BTW) that one is safe from their onslaught of fear and hostility because of one's submission. That is the biggest illusion of all... and I know many might harshly disagree with my statement, but this is MY choice and MY prerogative - so continue making your own as well...

...You were being sarcastic when you were thanking us for answering your question, right?

posted on Sep, 12 2007 @ 02:59 PM
reply to post by DigitalPirate

You asked what proof there was that the New World Orderlies werew Alluminatzies.

Their hatred of the Jews...

[edit on 12-9-2007 by Theoferrum]

posted on Sep, 20 2007 @ 09:32 PM

mentioned 178 times by Lyne as holders of the UFO and Tesla
energy secrets that promote war profits and other agendas to avoid
the disclosure of their secrets.

Sample online page of full online research.

Another sample page with UFO part made in 1943.

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