posted on Jan, 19 2004 @ 10:31 PM
Perhaps the government, or Bush in particular, is not directly to blame for anything. He does after all have people all around him, and some elites in
"secret" positions that basically govern our government. He is a part of it, because if he wasn't, he'd have to resign as they leave him no
choice. But he's not the root cause. The root cause is much deeper than the government... and 9/11 isn't the "main event", it is a precursor and
just one of the events that need to happen for certain goals to succeed.
9/11 DID help accomplish a few Patriot Acts here in US, other freedoms removed also and more powers added to FBI etc... and also it helped accomplish
things abroad. We took over 2 countries, and permanently established control centers/bases there. We will probably (most likely) have a puppet
president in Iraq that we (USA) control. I probably shouldn't use the term "we" as I don't include myself with the bunch that instigate/plan all
of this. I simply live in this country for the benefits and the ease of life it offers as oppose to alternatives. At least for now.
Also, I enjoy the facade of freedom that this country provides. Even if there's much fraud, cheating, lies, and manipulation going on at all levels
of our government, the quality of life of an average citizen is above most other nations of the Earth. But that's temporary, as no great empire
survived too long before everyone else got jealous of its power.
I plan to stay out of this "game". I won't fight for either side, I just want to learn my lessons and get the # out of here! Let these self-serving
power-hungry bunch do whatever they like.