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cats acting wierd today

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posted on Jul, 3 2007 @ 11:15 AM
closettrekkie, it might be worth getting your cat de-wormed if you haven't done it for a while. worms can cause cats to do that sometimes.

posted on Jul, 3 2007 @ 11:19 AM
It could also be that cats are in heat around this time. Well here in PA that is.

posted on Jul, 3 2007 @ 11:30 AM
Last night my cat was sitting on top of the TV. She's never done that before and I thought how strange. It was 8pm and we'd run out of milk for breakfast the next morning so thought I'd jog to the shop to get some more.

On the way back, I saw a really low hung but absolutely HUGE round full moon in the sky. I haven't seen a moon that big EVER.

So do full moons affect cats? Or just unusually really big ones??

posted on Jul, 3 2007 @ 11:51 AM
I live in So. Cal. OC and have lived on two farms. I had a total of 22 cats at one time and lived with all kinds of animals most of my life. I can attest to animals being able to tell when things are going to happen. I don't have any pets now so I can't say if I see anything going on. It would be nice if everyone seeing peculiar activity in their pets could post where they are so we can get a clearer pic on the activity. Thanks.

posted on Jul, 3 2007 @ 11:53 AM
Living in a house with three cats, I know where I fit in!!!

Certainly our cats seem to change their behaviour when weather systems are coming in. I notice they charge around the house more when a low pressure weather system is on its way.

And with all the rain in the UK, meaning low pressure weather systems, its been fun watching them.

As for waking you up in the middle of the night, we have just got used to it. Does seem worst in the summer!!! Maybe the lighter mornings

posted on Jul, 3 2007 @ 12:06 PM
It's really interesting that you bring up the behavior of cats. I have 2 of them, Tiki and Loki, sisters. I have had them since their mother gave birth to them 3 years ago and they have been the best of friends. They would sleep huddled together, play together, eat together, etc.

Lately though, in the last week or so, they have been getting into very mean fights with each other. They are both inside cats only yet Tiki wants to go outside more than anything else on the planet right now. It's so bad that we have to watch when we get home and leave because she will run out the door first chance she gets. Tiki and Loki used to always sleep on my bed when I was in it. In the last week though, they have taken to sleeping in hidden spots in the house. My room-mates , even though they don't know my cats that well, even notice somethings wrong.

Than last night when I got home, I found that Loki had figured out the combination to my gun safe and was "laying in wait" for something.......

Ok, that last picture of Loki and the story about my gun are fake and posed, but I thought people could use a quick laugh. The description of the other behavior was true though.


Both my cats are fixed females, no heat cycles.

[edit on 3-7-2007 by Tiloke]

posted on Jul, 3 2007 @ 12:28 PM
phew tiloke - im glad you said that was a joke. i thought for a moment you were going to say that they demanded at gunpoint that you show them how the tin opener worked!!!

my 2 kittens who are normally rioting have been very placid today and are sleeping even now. at least my legs are having a day off from being used as ladders for which i am very thankful - they look like pincushions!

posted on Jul, 3 2007 @ 12:34 PM
I live in Southern California and my cat has been acting strangely the past two days as well. Meowing his head off one minute and the next just laying there all day like he's sick or depressed - he's usually in ad out all day and very active and he's had a recent vet visit and is in excellent health.

posted on Jul, 3 2007 @ 01:36 PM
While I agree that animals are able to use their instincts better than we humans, there is a flip side to this. Animals pick up cues from humans.

If we are nervous or disturbed, it effects them. Dogs and cats are not as dumb as some folks think, but they aren't smart enough to read the newspaper either.

If you are worried, even subconsciously, it will make your pets worry. They may not have a specific target for their worry to fix on, but they will show malaise out of closeness to you.

Just a thought.

posted on Jul, 3 2007 @ 01:43 PM

Originally posted by Flighty
So do full moons affect cats? Or just unusually really big ones??

I thought that only affected werewolves.

But in keeping with the topic, the moon supposedly has effects on our oceans ie tidal waves and whatnot. And cats are very keen to things we as humans cannot even perceive. So why not?

Originally posted by Tiloke
Than last night when I got home, I found that Loki had figured out the combination to my gun safe and was "laying in wait" for something.......

I knew it. I just knew it! Just wait, given enough time she/he will be able to master that can(tin) opener also.

housecats = not just for household domination anymore.

[edit on 7/3/07 by Mechanic 32]

posted on Jul, 3 2007 @ 02:18 PM
My cats act wierd every day. If it's not one thing it's another. They have their own politics and they can be your pal one day and your enemy the next. One of my cats bit me on the chest the other day because she wanted to sit in my lap and I had the TV remote there. Just the other week one of my other cats gave my friends dog a right good kicking and we have no idea why, -he's been visiting for years. Now the dog waits in the car when my friend visits.The weather could be playing a part in their behaviour too. My cats are always freezing and look for the warmest places to curl up and they'll fight to get the best spot. If they're not climbing up the walls, they're asleep, or eating, or surrounding me in the kitchen ready to ambush if I open the fridge. They'll lick each other then run off scratching and biting each other all over the garden. I've four cats and two rabbits and they all take turns fighting and playing and acting wierd. I generally try to keep out of it.

posted on Jul, 3 2007 @ 02:30 PM

Originally posted by ReginaAdonna
I live in Southern California and my cat has been acting strangely the past two days as well. Meowing his head off one minute and the next just laying there all day like he's sick or depressed - he's usually in ad out all day and very active and he's had a recent vet visit and is in excellent health.

Alright I am going to weigh in as well, my cat has been wailing her head off to get in and once she is in she doesn't want to go back outside, but does because she doesn't have a litter box inside, and uses her one way kitty door out. When she is done she meows, and meows and meows very loudly until we let her in. It's like she is scared of something, but I haven't really thought anything of it till this thread.

Also she whines after I feed her like she hasn't been fed and has been pawing and clawing me at me while on the computer, which she never does. I don't know what is going on but I wish I talked Cat.

posted on Jul, 3 2007 @ 03:39 PM
I have a female beagle, 2 years old, who has been acting strange lately too. Running around the house frantically, barking at walls, growling at absolutely nothing outside. For instance, this morning I was drinking a cup of coffee and flipping through the channels on my television. All of a sudden, she popped from where she was lying on the floor and started growling at the window. I went to see if there was maybe a rabbit or a deer or even another dog outside. There was absolutely nothing. This has been going on for about 4 weeks now.

posted on Jul, 3 2007 @ 07:36 PM
My dog is acting strange today too, i'll be looking to see if anything happens...

posted on Jul, 3 2007 @ 07:43 PM
Animals are acting weird?

I hope it's not a sign of an impending earthquake...

posted on Jul, 3 2007 @ 07:54 PM
My sister recently moved in with me bringing her 2 cats with her. All fine and dandy, these cats are indoor cats, never allowed out. Her female is a big lazy orange that is uneventful and sleeps all the time. The other is a male who is the risk taker, walking by my dog, sniffing noses with her. They are fixed and never meow or do out of character things for cats, until today. The male is meowing and calling, pawing at the door like he digging. He even managed to open the door but I was to fast for him. He is presently laying at the door picking at the corner with a nail.

My son has 4 cats I should ask him if he has noticed any strange behaviour as well. Will let you know if so.

posted on Jul, 3 2007 @ 08:13 PM

Originally posted by justyc
whats the weather like where you are today?

PERFECT. It's been perfect for two days and is expected to be perfect for two more. This isn't a weather thing. I don't think it's a health thing either - she's perfectly healthy.

It's just strange.

posted on Jul, 3 2007 @ 08:25 PM

Originally posted by Mechanic 32
It's a conspiracy I tell ya.

A conspiracy!

While I don't have any pets right now, I can attest to the fact that cats are not normal people.

They have their own mind and own will.

And some day our feline friends will rule the world!!!!

*sorry for the off-topic, got carried away*

besides, someone had to give this a conspiratorial twist.

I agree I believe that cats will also over power us hu-mans one day and will learn how to shoot a 12 gauge. Beware.

posted on Jul, 3 2007 @ 09:27 PM

Originally posted by Mechanic 32
It's a conspiracy I tell ya.

A conspiracy!

While I don't have any pets right now, I can attest to the fact that cats are not normal people.

They have their own mind and own will.

And some day our feline friends will rule the world!!!!

*sorry for the off-topic, got carried away*

besides, someone had to give this a conspiratorial twist.

Yes and I will lead them!...Anyways my cat has also been acting strange lately but i just blame the blue moon

posted on Jul, 3 2007 @ 10:06 PM
the headline leaped out for sure
my cat, Jedi, was noticeably different today, then i hear so many others and i am thinking having this cat is a good thing, maybe if time allows will get another, the animals do have a better tuning into the earth then we do, so, if your animals want out really really bad, go with them and maybe the bible verse that comes to mind - 'pray that you are in the fields when the end comes' - or some such like that, basically, the animals can be an alarm device etc, hopefully not necessary, but sure feels like something is different lately.... oh and also, cats can help predict weather systems, if they sleep all stretched out, this is usally fair to good weather, and curled up means low pressure/rainy weather... i read about and i have seen it in action... oh and haha, one more, in a pinch., a 50 pound bag of alpo can make a good stew or meat loaf, high protein... remember only if in an emergency, unless the paycheck is not big enough

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