posted on Jul, 2 2007 @ 11:12 PM
That area you are contracting which you believe is your root chakra is actually your pubococcygeus muscle (PC muscle) which is the muscle that
stretches from your groin to your ass. We use this muscle when going to the toilet and also during sex. If you exercise this muscle it will add girth
to your penis or allow you to tighten your vagina, it can also stop you from ejaculating if you clench it tight when your about to cum (its really
hard to do though) and will give guys the ability to have multiple orgasms, it also helps girls to have mutiple orgasms, climax faster and also
The area you were talking about near your sternum could be either your lungs or your diaphram.
I believe what qigong mastger John Chang does is different to tightening muscles. He works with energy not muscles. For example, I could clench the
muscles in my arm or hand all day and not have any kind of energy come out of them (besides the physical kind). I think he sends energy up from either
his root chakra or the ground, and energy down from either his crown or the sky and has them meet and collide in the middle, from there he sends it
outwards through his hands. I really wish he'd talk and share more about how he does this, as i believe he is genuine.