posted on Jan, 9 2004 @ 08:55 AM
San Diego -- Sarah Yeargain was undergoing a 10-day course of the common antibiotic Bactrim, for a sinus infection, when she began developing a severe
allergic reaction to the drug. The skin on her entire body began sloughing off. They covered her with an artificial skin called transcyte to keep her
from bleeding. Doctors say she should be dead after losing all of her skin. She has a condition called TENS, toxic epidermal necloris, where the
bodies autoimmune system reacts to a host of drugs. She is expected to make a full recovery.
This was submitted to ATSNN as news. While interesting and a medical first... it doesn't seem appropriate for the news website.
[Edited on 9-1-2004 by SkepticOverlord]