posted on Jul, 2 2007 @ 02:47 AM
pack up, leave town, go to the cabin, go camping, going at least 500 miles away i think. seriously though..I dont trust anyone or anything,
not even the damn chipmunks or the birds..its all going to hell. But then ask yourself why..because only a small percentage of the world, equipped
with low end weaponry and given to try to hold back one form of fascism, while the greater invades like a slow poison introduced into a complacent
body of nations. THe east was easy, they have it, and look at it now, does america want to look like the east? we came here to say F- off to
monarchies, and we should stil loudly say F-off to all oppressive tyrannical family style government systems.. freedom is not a conditional word
unless you tout your greed like its God. everything is already free in nature, with the knowledge of how to properly sustain it of course.
Unfortunately parents/society today find it ok to give their children what they didnt have, but its the wrong thing they offer and it creates a
thought duality, a complex reality, which isnt always beneficial. what im refering to is how america can wake up to itself, drop its wealthy all for
me ego trip. and get into a positive, reality that you can be in iin your head, while you interact with the world around you, not seeing yourself in
the world or part of it, but as an outside observer with a psychoactive peace gift from God..The Most High. Which is our nature and best aspect of
creation..the Eye and the ability to reason. But nature and human scheming can certainly trick us all, as the world was on 9-11, and before by
tyrants, kings given by God, to show man they didnt need them, now they get old and comfortable, and the delusion continues, as more suffer...your
kings are curses, anything beyond practicality is an oppressive regime of criminaltiy hidden in officialdom and your predictable reactions to it.-
yet everything is a double edged sword.
[edit on 2-7-2007 by mastermind77]