posted on Jun, 19 2012 @ 11:28 AM
reply to post by cpdaman
I honostly don't know what to believe. I think everybody has the right to look at all the facts and then form their own idea of how, where, why.
It's one of the things that makes us human.
One thing that I do strongly believe though, and I think it would be hard to argue, is that no matter where you think we come from there has to be
some form of higher power. Even if you look at everyhting with a scientists eye. You can't have something from nothing. Even if the universe was
formed through the big bang theory and after billions of years of evolution I am typing this reply and you are reading it. If you follow the chain
reaction all the way back. Back to the first man, the first time a living breathing organism heaved itself out of the ocean, the first time two
molecules combined to form something new. You have to ask yourself, where did those two molecules come from.
It all had to start somewhere. You cant have something from nothing.