posted on Jul, 1 2007 @ 03:30 PM
I have noticed this for sometime and it makes me very angry being a proud Canadian citizen.
Canada has the largest oil reserves in the world.
Lots and lots of natural resources such as wood, fresh water and minerals.
Large diamond depoites.
We also produce more electricity then we need.
But, we sell all our good wood and oil to the US cheaper then what our government sells it to its own citizens. The government is piping most of our
fresh water to the US. They are also keeping our electric prices higher here too, and they are selling it to the US cheaper also.
This makes me mad, our government is ripping its own citizens off, and could easily set its export prices higher for oil like most oil rich countries,
increase all or most export price as to not rip us Canadians off, thus, we could become one of the richest countries in the world and out of dept,
but no.
This raises the questions, why don't they? Most likely I think most of the government body is bought off or black mailed. Could this have something
to do with that elite groups schemes? Or the NWO? Please share your ideas and opinions on the issue/potential conspiracy.