posted on Jul, 2 2007 @ 02:00 PM
Thank you Modern Academia for the link. I've seen that video around and its superbly sweet, best graphics ever! I agree it doesn't itself explain
the "Fascism" link to well, aother than that it's not like Hitler's. And while I'm not sure that's the right technical word for it, it's pretty
close to what we're getting. Corporatism, state-private partnership, centralized control, nationalism... okay, that's part of where it breaks down,
as this "fascism" is to support not so much the US as the US-led globalist system. It's been going on for years, decades, the unannounced wars of
empire, the engineering of world politics. But now after 9/11 it's been given a mandate it never had before from the American people (or their reps
anyway), to move about the world striking at will, whatever it takes to prevent another catstrophic and catalyzing event. And along the way we've
changed governments and meddled in the former Soviet sphere aggressively - which has little to do with preventing terrorism but everything to do with
globalization... that's one clue there.
Originally posted by bsbray11
To me it seems like it would have made a little more sense to say they were attacking globalism, than to say "they hate our freedom" and all of
that gibberish.
More sense, yes. But who would rally to fight for globalization? How convenient that "the terrorists" (insiders or outsiders) chose to provoke
globalization by attacking it, and how deft of Bush and co. to brand this attack as one on our "freedoms." To the common person, this becomes the
terrorists want to take us over and replace the constitution w/the Koran. Sure, maybe, but unlikely... they can blow up some things, but that's about
it. But now we're out there fighting for the freedoms of a few to run the world. Ain't double meaning great?
And to the few supporting the PNAC, I'm all for defense from actual enemies in a sane world, but in this case it seems about taking the hit first to
illustrate to us all why we need the defense. Our sworn and paid bodyguard wanted a bigger gun, more powers, and more pay, somehow fell down of
the job, and let us get pummeled by invaders. Then guess what? He got his money and powers and guns. And used them to pursue a "New American
Century" with NY still at the center of World Trade (as much as possible), unshaken by the attack. This influence is projected out there by the
Pentagon's resolute will, unshaken by the attack. And the good decent heroic self-sacrificing people of rural and urban America are still pouring
themselves into the Pentagon's conduits of military power, unshaken by the attacks and inspired by Flight 93, and ready to fight terror on its home
turf, as soon as they're told what turf that will be this time.