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GORE entering Presidential Race?

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posted on Jul, 1 2007 @ 12:48 PM
Al Gore visit postponed
Former US vice president Al Gore will not be able to make it to Taiwan this September to address the issue of global warming, Democratic Progressive Party Legislator Tien Chiu-chin (田秋堇) said yesterday. Tien, who invited Gore to visit Taiwan to promote awareness on global warming, told reporters yesterday that she received an e-mail from the Harry Walker Agency, which has the exclusive right to arrange Gore's speeches, saying that Gore had canceled all his scheduled events in the next six months. The visit to Taiwan had been postponed to next year, she added. Tien said the reason for the cancelation was that Gore was considering a presidential bid.

Original Link

If this is correct and true, it is literally the deathnail for Hillary 08 and probably will make Al Gore the next President of the United States.

posted on Jul, 1 2007 @ 02:32 PM
I would love to see ALGORE enter the race! But, do Democrats really want to run a previous loser in a fresh 2008 race? Forget Florida, ALGORE couldn't even win his own state of Tennessee in 2000. If the Democrats want former losers running again, someone please get a Draft Kerry campaign going!

ALGORE would be the "Global Warming" President. Since Global Warming is being thouroughly debunked everyday, I don't see how he can overcome that.

Mrs. Bill Clinton will still win the Democrat Party nomination, not even ALGORE can stop this coronation.

posted on Jul, 3 2007 @ 07:57 PM

Originally posted by RRconservative
I would love to see ALGORE enter the race! But, do Democrats really want to run a previous loser in a fresh 2008 race?

Nixon ran and lost against Kennedy, and ran again to become President. But that's different. Al Gore has no shot, he'll be a two time loser.

posted on Jul, 5 2007 @ 12:40 AM
I think that all things being right in the world Al Gore wouldn't stand a chance, BUT we had Bush so all things aren't right in the world. I think between the 200 election fiasco and somepeople still complaining about the 2000 election Gore gets some sympathy votes and some I will show you votes. The war will get Al votes because he will say he will get us out of it and save the planet so thats two actually. I think that unless the Reps run Ron Paul the Democrats will win the white house no matter who their nominee is. If Hillary wins it will be the death of America as we knewit. The evil cabal will have there ends, Bush/Clinton/Bush/Clinton and BOOM to America...

posted on Jul, 17 2007 @ 05:03 AM
I don't think he'll actually run, since he's said he wont run in this election, and doing otherwise
would hurt his credibility.

I would'nt be surprised to see him run in the presidential elections after this one though.

Personally I would'nt vote for him, I may like his stance/role on AICC and all,
but I don't like his views/stance on any other issue.

[edit on 7/17/2007 by iori_komei]

posted on Jul, 17 2007 @ 08:04 AM

Originally posted by iori_komei

Personally I would'nt vote for him, I may like his stance/role on AICC and all,
but I don't like his views/stance on any other issue.

[edit on 7/17/2007 by iori_komei]

What is AICC? I know the term Global Warming is getting old, is this a new "fresh" term for it?

posted on Jul, 17 2007 @ 08:27 PM

Originally posted by RRconservative
What is AICC? I know the term Global Warming is getting old, is this a new "fresh" term for it?

Well considering it's the term I've been using for months, I would'nt call it 'fresh'.

The term Global Warming is a misnomer, since AICC (Artificially Induced Climate Change)
does'nt warm the entire planet, while it does lead to a global average temperature rise,
it also leads to colder winters in some places and can lead to an Ice Age in much of Europe,
though if it were to continue it would eventually, after many decades heat the planet up so
much that Europe would exit the Ice Age AICC created.

posted on Jul, 17 2007 @ 10:07 PM

Originally posted by iori_komei
The term Global Warming is a misnomer, since AICC (Artificially Induced Climate Change)

Very cool term, May I use it also? I think that fits itso much better than global Warming, GOOD CALL!

posted on Jul, 17 2007 @ 10:31 PM

Originally posted by theindependentjournal

Originally posted by iori_komei
The term Global Warming is a misnomer, since AICC (Artificially Induced Climate Change)

Very cool term, May I use it also? I think that fits itso much better than global Warming, GOOD CALL!

Do feel free to, I thought of it for just that reason.


[edit on 7/18/2007 by iori_komei]


posted on Jul, 18 2007 @ 12:47 AM

Originally posted by theindependentjournal
I think that unless the Reps run Ron Paul the Democrats will win the white house no matter who their nominee is.

I agree with you on that 100%. Ron paul would steam roll every democrat the left has to offer and IMO is the only real conservative that has a chance to win for the GOP. Dr. Paul running against hillary would be golden, his message is already selling to democrats and independents who dislike hillary along with other establishment democrats and know she/they are fake and sold out to special interests. Paul is also experienced in the medical business and knows how our medical system actually works and would easily work her and obama over on that subject.

I don't think america can afford another CFR member in the whitehouse.. ghouliani, CFRed Thompson, Mccain, hillary, obama, edwards, romney, richardson, gore... all members of CFR. These people want to see an end to this country and are working hard for a merger with mexico by ways of the SPP.

i'm an independent voter and if ron paul does not get the GOP nod I wont be voting in this presidential race. good thing I can vote in california GOP primaries.

[edit on 18-7-2007 by ape]

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