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Heroes among us?

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posted on Jul, 1 2007 @ 12:20 AM
Heroes among us?
This is in my head, why because we need it. Yeah ha ha very funny, start the jokes kids.
No but seriously, we need some one who knows the true meaning of sacrifice and integrity. Some ones who abides by no human law but is the absolute truth, right doer. You know what I mean.
Some one who is for the earth, animals and betterment of mankind, awake of not, who’s not byes or controllable.

What is there only the corruptors and corrupted. I think we all have it in use to stand for a cause greater then anything we have ever known. The problem is we just don’t know what that cause is and it’s a dam shame too.
There are so many villians in this worlds, why aren't there any heroes?

If you were a super hero, What would you abilities be and how would you use them to change (this world?)
Who would be your enemy?
In this reality how would you go about becoming a super hero or freedom fighter?
Physical, mental, intellectual, militarily or diplomatically?
What would be your motivation?

My thoughts.
I ask this because all my life I’ve felt like there just all ways been more to life maybe this is one of those things. If I had the resources and skills I would step forward and do my best at changing this world for you and I.
This is probably the most amoral thing I could say, if its even that. Its just seems this world going down the drain as in my last tread I pointed out just quitting and letting it all go to hell in a hand basket but why not fight for it and make it better?

posted on Jul, 1 2007 @ 12:26 AM
If I was a superhero, I would have the power to manifest instantly. To create the perfect most beautifully peaceful world. A heaven on earth. No hunger etc.

Also I would be able to fly, haha, yep even a super hero has his own self needs.

posted on Jul, 1 2007 @ 04:07 AM
For me it not about heroes, too many people are sitting around waiting for someone to come along and save them. Sure it might happen, you never know, but why wait. Look at what happened with Katrina, nobody came to save them so many more people died than was necessary.

We all have the power within us to promote change, in that sense we are all potential superheroes. Why should one person sacrifice everything self-lessly, while we sit at home immobile in front of the TV?

If every last one of us accepted the ideals that you hold up as heroism - being for truth, humanity, animals and the planet then we would not need to be saved.

We have become passive as a species, this is why we are so easy to control. Ghandi was just an ordinary man, as is Nelson Mandela but look at what they accomplished. These men are heroes in the truest sense of the word.

We need to stop being led and start leading. We need to be brave and shout our ideals from the rooftops, if we get laughed at so be it, but we need to try.

We need to ignite change or allow the mechanisms of control to engulf us.

posted on Jul, 1 2007 @ 05:57 AM

If you were a super hero, What would you abilities be and how would you use them to change (this world?)
Who would be your enemy?
In this reality how would you go about becoming a super hero or freedom fighter?
Physical, mental, intellectual, militarily or diplomatically?
What would be your motivation?

1. The ability to manifest/create through thought.. which pretty much gives you any other ability you want
I would use this to "show the way", help others wake-up, and help humanity reach the golden age, rather than go around killing "bad guys".

2. The mindset of the middleclass modern man.

3. Meditating hard under a tree for several days..

4. Spiritual

5. Love. To allow others the experience of bliss that comes with co-creation.

Don't worry though, heroes will be rising up shortly

posted on Jul, 1 2007 @ 10:03 AM

Originally posted by shrunkensimon

3. Meditating hard under a tree for several days..

Question is it normal for your back to hurt while meditating.

Anyway on with subject. I don't think people will step up to save the world just yet but one day the NWO will push things too far and the revolution of true freedom shall begin. In my opinion.

posted on Jul, 1 2007 @ 01:55 PM
I don't care as long as I can run around with
my underpants on the outside of my trousers.

I also put rolled-up socks in my shirt sleeves
to imply muscles. I know what you're thinking,
a 42 year-old guy, still living with his mother,
but I think that when we heroes have to stand
up, I'll be there.

I have made a belt that holds many implements
for crime fighting. I keep hearing the quote from
Mystery Men... "Yes mother, your son's a
fork-flinging Limey".

But seriously, there's a couple down the block,
The Dovers, that asked me to go to a party with
them with the opportunity of meeting a girl
(nervous giggle).

The lady of the couple, Eileen explained that
most of the party-goers would be married and that we
may 'pair-off' later in the evening.

Sadly, the car we were travelling in was involved in
an accident. The car ended up smashed into a tree,
with Eileen pinned to the trunk.

With a deft hand, I rotated my troosers and underpants
to show I was in hero-mode, I leapt from the car, leaving
Eileen's hubby Ben, doubled-over in pain and made for the
lady in distress or that dress.

I mumbled with coy nervousness, whether I should continue
towards the party and Eileen's blood-shot eyes seemed to clear
for a second, when she muttered "swing away"

The next day I discovered that the Dovers had passed over
and left everything to me. Bonus! and I got my tops.
Their dog, which had the unlikley name Caliastoo, is now tied-up
in my mother's garden.

So being a hero that changes his underwear with the verve I do
has it's ups and downs and it's a lonley life... mmm, no different
from when there was just me, mother, HBO and my magazines.

It's the underpants thing that counts.

[edit on 1-7-2007 by IronMan]

posted on Jul, 1 2007 @ 03:41 PM
Well if I'd have special abilities I wouldn't be a super hero per se but anyway,

1) Telekinesis, and I wouldn't change the world, I'd use them for enhancing my own life. Mostly art stuff probably. Of course I'd be wealthy enough not to have to worry about anything.

2) Anyone who knows about my powers.

3) I wouldn't.

4) To live.

Just to clarify, all the worlds problems spawn from the fact that people cant live their own lifes and have to meddle in the business of others, the greatest hero, biggest blessing and the only power is to live without crossing into the territory of other peoples lifes. Isolation is the only way to fly...


posted on Jul, 1 2007 @ 03:45 PM

Originally posted by IronMan
I don't care as long as I can run around with
my underpants on the outside of my trousers.

I also put rolled-up socks in my shirt sleeves
to imply muscles. I know what you're thinking,
a 42 year-old guy, still living with his mother,
but I think that when we heroes have to stand
up, I'll be there.

I have made a belt that holds many implements
for crime fighting. I keep hearing the quote from
Mystery Men... "Yes mother, your son's a
folk-flinging Limey".

It's the underpants thing that counts.

Co-sign or i'd destroy the planet so none of you would have problems anymore and would get to have fun on the otherside of life i'd set you all truely free

posted on Jul, 1 2007 @ 04:50 PM
Well I've gone and done it, I got myself... a
costume. Silver leggings, fire-man red underpants,
a nice silky light spotted top with a hessian cape.
My name is The Thrush, named by my mother who
jokingly said I was irritable!

I'm still a little unsure of this title, can anyone help?

It just seems after the episode with the Dovers, things
have lightened up and I can say I'm over the Dovers.
The idea of being a hero makes my heart fill with pride
and I know as the Thrush, I'll not be making rash decisions.

I know that standing against the forces of evil will possibly
put me into the limelight and I know that there's a tendency
to applaud heroes, but after the 'swing' party I need no clap.

Lets give the baddies a dose... of their own medicine.

posted on Jul, 1 2007 @ 05:01 PM
Well I see that we there are a few funny bunnies here, not funny!!! Time to go hunt some wabbits.
So if this is why there aren’t any remarkable people in the world then we are all dammed.

Yeah someday there will be some one or a group of people who step forward and take charge. But the sad fact is even then people would still be silly scared to come out of their comfortable holes in the ground in fear of change.

Ignorance is bliss. that’s why you will never be remembered.

And its not about leaving people alone and not getting into some ones business, its because we don’t that people are kidnapped and raped and killed. Because of fear. Every one want to be left alone with their TV, Ipod and 40 hour a week jobs that makes no sense at all. Fancy cars they can’t even afford.

If you were held Against your will, as a prisoner wouldn’t you want to escape and take as many people with as possible including your family? Your captors are eating lobster and laughing at you as you frolic about with others chasing a bone. See the thing is your in prison with the door wide open.

Everyones to damb busy worrying about themselves. Every ones on their own right? NO!!! that’s just crazy yeah we can all be left alone but we depend on each other to live. Nobody recognizes that either, there are some caring people out there but to few and fare between.

I’d be like the juggernaut and I would be like that protestor in china who stood in front of the tank well it ran him over. Instead the tank would crash into a wall of anger. Like a possessed rhino I would charge forth and smashing everything and everyone who would refuse to stop and look around and see the bigger picture. until every one would just stop warring and fighting with each other and start making piece in the world. I think I would be running for ever. Sometimes you have to smash a few skulls in in order to get their attention.

The biggest attention getter is war right? Everyone wants it but few know why their fighting. And the few who know fallow and do what they are told. But unexceptional few will drop their weapons and ask why?

posted on Jul, 1 2007 @ 05:07 PM
You go forth and save the world! I'll idle by in my own thoughts. Btw, if people wouldn't be so anctious to violate other peoples existence we wouldn't have murder, rape or me being captured in the first place. I believe the the original sin was goodness towards those less fortunate.

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