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Next Big Attack- 07/07/07?

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posted on Jul, 1 2007 @ 12:27 PM

Originally posted by Agit8dChop
I prey this next working week, one of these AMATEUR bombs doesnt succeed.
Because if 1 single civilian is killed in what appears to be another attmepted car bombing, the UK And US WILL move on the middle east, and the muslims within their own borders.

Are you joking or what? I'm pretty sure the UK and the US have already "moved on the middle east and the muslims within their own borders".
Own? Are you refering to other middle east countrys IE..Iran,Syria, Lebanon? or are you sugesting within the borders of the US , UK ?



posted on Jul, 1 2007 @ 12:42 PM

Originally posted by 11Bravo

Originally posted by Lexion
I've sent an e-mail to authorities in England,
regarding this accusation.

I guess Im due for a 'red flag' by my name, so here goes....

Lex you poor sad man.
I think you might be better suited for a communist type discussion board, where you and your communist buddies can take turns snitching on each other.

Freedom of speach is an inherant human right.
For you to try and intimidate others from speaking their minds is despicable.

I will stop there as to not jeopardize my membership, but there is plenty more I would like to say to you.

7/7/7? I dont know, but I doubt it.

What a waste of time, Does Lexicon report people who talk about UFO's to the authorities too because there is no evidence to support the claims?? This is the internet and a public board... you express your opinion if you want...Just because we have a new PM in the UK doesn't mean he can't be talked about or scruitnized he's been in Parliament for ten years anyway.

Talk about denying ignorance...Lexicon i think you've made people weary of getting into debates with you incase they are 'reported' for having a different and maybe 'far out' theory.

posted on Jul, 1 2007 @ 03:30 PM

Originally posted by Lexion
Edit to add : I've sent an e-mail to authorities in England,
regarding this accusation.

Your a very sad person, Lexion.

Haven't you ever heard of 'freedom of speech'?

posted on Jul, 1 2007 @ 03:57 PM

Originally posted by Lexion
Edit to add : I've sent an e-mail to authorities in England,
regarding this accusation.

*scribbles a note...*

Note to self... if Lexion is posting in a thread, in which I am interested in raising an opinion (involving someone important, eg. a President, a PM, etc.). Avoid the thread.

*pencil breaks* F***!
*grabs another pencil*

PS. I think I should also avoid posting about important discoveries (eg. proof of disclosure, proof of 9/11 connections, etc).

*burns the note*

Maybe I shouldn't write notes, just in case Lexion finds them.

If you are really serious on ratting out on people's freedom of speech (like what you just did) to the authorities, then your reputation has dropped into an abyss of humiliation and neglect. Now people are going to avoid future debates (or even disputing on a certain subject).

Good luck.

posted on Jul, 1 2007 @ 04:45 PM
Well. We will see what will be on this week. 1st July, Diana Memorial Concert, 4th July, Independence Day, 7th July, 07/07/07... sooooo if we survive this week, we don't have to worry about anything for a longer period.

posted on Jul, 1 2007 @ 05:44 PM
Originally posted by The_unraveller

If you are really serious on ratting out on people's freedom of speech (like what you just did) to the authorities, then your reputation has dropped into an abyss of humiliation and neglect.

I'm quite sorry you and others feel this way.
In this day and age, it's not "ratting", it's called being
vigilant. (I know, now the "vigilante" cracks begin).

There are many that say Bush caused 9/11 etc., but this was
the first and most timely post I'd seen about the PM being
responsible for a terrorist attack.

I hope this is just as it's been presented.
An opinion. I truly wish no ill on someone who is strictly
speaking his or her mind.

That said, there is always a possibility (slim, albeit) that
something might be amiss.

Looking back, I have no regret on doing what I did,
and will continue to sleep well.

Now people are going to avoid future debates (or even disputing on a certain subject).

I highly doubt this.

I've had quite a few debates on ATS that are memorable and those
I've debated have even thanked me.

I enjoy a well thought out debate, and will admit when I'm wrong.


posted on Jul, 1 2007 @ 06:26 PM
Will be watching the 4th and the 7th of July very closely.

What with it being 7/7/07 and the anniversary of the London bombings, plus all those huge concerts being held simultaneously in some of the most prominent cities in the world.

London event will be held at Wembley Stadium, which did such a fantastic job today for Diana.

posted on Jul, 1 2007 @ 07:30 PM

So what you are saying is that had you been here on 9-11 to hear people say right away that the Bush administration was responsible, you would have reported them to the authorities? I really do not see any difference in weather it is Bush, the PM, or Ahmadinejad. Someone expressed an opinion different from your own and you report them? I really do not understand that. I am curious, what are your standards on whom to report and whom not to report to authorities? Is it just anyone who disagrees with you in general? Or is it anyone who says anything negative about the government in the UK?

As far as 7-7-07 I don't think so. I can see the 4th but that would be really obvious. I think the next "big" thing will happen on a very random day where no one would really expect it. I, however, am not convinced that these current "attacks" are not manufactured to keep the people "vigilante" against an unseen enemy.

posted on Jul, 1 2007 @ 07:37 PM
[]i]Originally posted by section8citizen

So what you are saying is that had you been here on 9-11 to hear people say right away that the Bush administration was responsible, you would have reported them to the authorities?

To play the "hindsight is 20/20 game is (in my mind) pointless.

Someone expressed an opinion different from your own and you report them?

No, wrong. The person STATED that the PM was responsible.
Do you even read what is posted ?

I really do not understand that.

That's quite obvious.

I am curious, what are your standards on whom to report and whom not to report to authorities? Is it just anyone who disagrees with you in general? Or is it anyone who says anything negative about the government in the UK?

Please review my history here at ATS. It's free to the public.
Wait, you don't do research, right ?
You believe whatever is easily digested. O.K.


posted on Jul, 1 2007 @ 07:49 PM
Actually I do research, thanks for asking. However instead of simply looking into who you are or what you have done on this site, I thought it would simply be easier to ask for an explanation and that as a person you would be willing to explain yourself so that I might understand where you are coming from. Sorry that my willingness to see your point of view is such a problem for you.

I will not even respond to the rest of your arrogant reply. Its becoming increasingly obvious that asking questions here is not permitted, so I will go back to my non posting ways so you will have no need to responds to this.

editted for spelling.

[edit on 1-7-2007 by section8citizen]

posted on Jul, 1 2007 @ 08:24 PM

Originally posted by section8citizen
Its becoming increasingly obvious that asking questions here is not permitted, so I will go back to my non posting ways so you will have no need to responds to this.

Look at his avatar. This is very powerless individual. Sad really.

posted on Jul, 1 2007 @ 09:20 PM
I think the imlplications of these attacks are far deeper and more sinister in intent than first analysis would explain!...firstly whilst the intent of the terrorists action was quite poorly planned and executed!,It has to be noted that some strategic thinking behind the symbolism in terms of location and timing i.e gordon browns rise to power and and the location from which he rose shows that they want to hurt and twist him personally and the new government from the get go! It will be interesting to see how this new administration reacts! it seems to be a goad or flee tactic i.e goad him into an heavy handed response! or force him to flee the situation in IRAQ!. By putting him under pressure before he's got his feet under his new desk it shows the sign of a frightening mindset behind these individual acts which i think could evolve into more clinical and more worryingly! more professional acts of tactical terrorist atrocities! They're has to be an eventual goal for those playing this deadly game and i think this particular act was intended to ignite fires in some impressionable young asian minds starting a path towards civil disorder seen in oldham and bradford etc and on a far larger scale resulting in the withdrawl from abroad the troops needed to restore order at home thus taking the UK out of the middle east region and achieving a spilt between they're two biggest enemies!.These brain washed men who tried to find martyrdom were nothing but carefully positioned pawns in a far larger game being played from within a global game of chess!.

posted on Jul, 1 2007 @ 09:53 PM

Originally posted by SteveR

Originally posted by section8citizen
Its becoming increasingly obvious that asking questions here is not permitted, so I will go back to my non posting ways so you will have no need to responds to this.

Look at his avatar. This is very powerless individual. Sad really.

So now I am being judged by my avatar or lack there of? Or is it because I am new too? What is really sad is the way some of you treat others.

How does an avatar = power?

posted on Jul, 1 2007 @ 10:39 PM
Thanks for the response Simon, I can see where you are coming from and everyone is entilted to their own views. You can tell me better than any news outlet could what it is like in Britan.

In the US, I think we are going to witness attacks that will make 9/11 look like a walk in the park. The world is at war, not just the US. However, the US is looked at as the great satan, the world of commercialism and waste. SUV's and Starbucks pacify those who do not want to live in a world of fear or uncertinty so it is easier to live in denial. It is not about fear mongering or paranoia, or living each day like it is your last. It is about awareness.

If people think that this is false flag or a drum beat, they are mistaken. This was either an op gone wrong or amatuers acting as real terrorists, the homegrown kind although the reports of asians would null that.

posted on Jul, 1 2007 @ 11:02 PM

Obviously I was agreeing and refering to Lex. He got you all a jumpy.

posted on Jul, 1 2007 @ 11:06 PM

Originally posted by esdad71
Thanks for the response Simon, I can see where you are coming from and everyone is entilted to their own views. You can tell me better than any news outlet could what it is like in Britan.

You are an instant friend. I see so many times international people viewing Blair as some sort of hero. I try to educate on our internal issues. They rarely listen. This is the power of the media. They are fixated in their faith of a foreign dignitory.

posted on Jul, 1 2007 @ 11:10 PM
i was just thinking what if the think in the uk was a diversion i mean it was pourly made and pathatic attemt at terrorism, so it could have been made to take eyes off of the bigger picture.

posted on Jul, 1 2007 @ 11:11 PM

Originally posted by Lexion
No, wrong. The person STATED that the PM was responsible.
Do you even read what is posted.

ShrunkenSimon never STATED that the pm was responsible. Since you yourself dont seem to read what is posted allow me to do it for you

From SS post:

These little terror plots are nothing more than scare mongering on behalf of Gordon "Fuggers" Brown

On behalf of. This does not lead me to conclude that Gordon Brown is responsible.

I suggest you start reading what is posted and stop questioning others ability to do the same.

posted on Jul, 2 2007 @ 01:08 AM

You may be right, however it was not obvious to me. My apologies for taking you wrong.

posted on Jul, 2 2007 @ 07:25 PM
All I know is that alot of things are pointing to the shat hitting the fan in late July and August like all out war in the Mideast. To get there we would need an attack and time to figure out who was responsible so who knows maybe. If an attack happens here in the U.S. on the 4th you may see drunk rednecks chasing Arabs with roman candles lol.

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