posted on Jul, 23 2007 @ 01:51 PM
Sorry I dont see any ghosts, but I do see a couple "orbs".
Which are caused by dust particals that pick up light and are distorted by the camera to make it seem like they are something else.
Some get water orbs that are specs of water on the lens of the camera.
Im not saying I dont belive in ghosts, but Orbs have been explained by many and are not paranormal. They are quite normal.
Good story tho, and sounds like you all had fun while you where out there.
When its all said and done, its a good thing to get out, do photos and stuff.
Keep on searching, you just may come across the real thing one of these days
Just to note, Ive been at this for many years, and still to this date I dont have a picture to post here. But I am well researched and will know if I
have something worth posting. Nothing yet. It takes alot of time, and paranormal is very boring when it comes down to it.
TV hypes paranormal work so much, like they see something on every trip. Real paranormal work is very dull, and lots of sitting around and getting
nothing 99% of the time.
Sure you can sense something, but thats a personal thing. Senses dont do much for those who are real skeptics, they laugh those feelings off, when
they seem real to you or me.
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