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back to moon?

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posted on Jan, 8 2004 @ 11:30 PM
President Bush is planning to announce major, major plans to go back to the moon and re-invigorate NASA. As i was saying before, certain politicians such as the ones in my home state of NJ (Sen. Laughtenburgh) think that the space industry is a complete waste. I think he should shut his 90 year old mouth. Any comments?

posted on Jan, 8 2004 @ 11:40 PM
What he says is half's complete waste... At the start we are not going to go anywhere far, but by keep investing on this the payback would be tremendous. Think about it... we proved that our planet is just a tiny dot in our galaxy along with OTHER PLANETs...studying about other planets would help us tremously, new substances would be found, new materials, new everything.

posted on Jan, 8 2004 @ 11:46 PM
yea but still, the impact of the aerospace industry is overwhelming, think of one thing that you own that does not work on a peizo-electric device, itself perfected in space, magnets, crystals,......magnets alone pratically run our lives more that food. think about all was perfected becuase of the industry..........Oh MY GOD.....transistors, how did i forget them.....and IC chips........i can go on forever

posted on Jan, 8 2004 @ 11:50 PM

Originally posted by Minion
yea but still, the impact of the aerospace industry is overwhelming, think of one thing that you own that does not work on a peizo-electric device, itself perfected in space, magnets, crystals,......magnets alone pratically run our lives more that food. think about all was perfected becuase of the industry..........Oh MY GOD.....transistors, how did i forget them.....and IC chips........i can go on forever

YES, the technological knowledge gains from this would be so overwhelming that it is not predictable. I mean by not going into space would make us so stupid living in our little comfortable box

posted on Jan, 9 2004 @ 06:48 AM
link This topic is being covered on ATSNN.

posted on Jan, 9 2004 @ 09:03 AM
Yes we should go back and finish what we started!

No Nasa should not be the Agency that leads us back to what they left unfinished. Cost is the reason behind that statement, as they are always running over budget on project's. We need a civilian agency run as a business that must meet budgets.

I have personnally written the President my thoughts on how we should get there and with a better Shuttle as well.

I think this time we need to explore some of Hoaglands Moon site's to either confirm or rebuke his claims of structure's on the Moon. If real then indeed the impact could be World Changing, did we make them along time ago, or is there another species on the Moon. Either way we could use the Helium-3 to stop using atomic power and not have that cost of where to store it's used rods for a thousand years.

Michael :-)

My thoughts:

posted on Jan, 9 2004 @ 09:13 AM

Originally posted by Minion
President Bush is planning to announce major, major plans to go back to the moon and re-invigorate NASA. As i was saying before, certain politicians such as the ones in my home state of NJ (Sen. Laughtenburgh) think that the space industry is a complete waste. I think he should shut his 90 year old mouth. Any comments?

You're absolutely right, he should shut his mouth already. I wonder what the Senator would say about this:

Space R&D and TEN-T development are also part of a larger value chain which stimulates R&D in other sectors and leads to commercial applications, such as GALILEO, with potentially very large revenues and job creation possibilities. Each euro invested into the space applications generates a turnover of 7-8 euros due to the development of added-value services

Doesn't seem like it's a complete waste to me.

[Edited on 9-1-2004 by Paradigm]

[Edited on 9-1-2004 by Paradigm]


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