posted on Oct, 7 2007 @ 07:30 AM
ok so i watched the first video quite a few times and the fist time i was like o my god there it is. i did see the tree/plant/balloon everyone was
talking about but after a few more views i actually think that its some of the teeny tiny writing on the bottom right of ur windshield. the top print
it larger then the rest and very close together making it look like one shape and when you start going over bumps and moving the camera it makes it
appear to make jerky movements/disappear and reappear.
however, in the the second one you put up i think i actually saw something strange around :56 sec. when your driving past the 2 tall metal structures
there is an object beside the one on the left around the middle/bottom. it didn't appear to be attatched in any way, but who knows maybe im just
does anyone else see what im talking about?
but reguardless of whether or not you got it on film your son is definitely, ver convincingly, upset about something and the voice change was pretty
i always used to ask my mother if she would believe me if i ever told her told her about something strange like that, just to make sure. children are
strange that way, they pick up on a lot more then we do most of the time.