posted on Jun, 28 2007 @ 07:52 PM
Gee do I know this guy in New Zealand ?
Maybe I could help him ?
Well I don't condemn anyone. I am not in a position to judge men who do crazy stuff. In a crazy situation we all have to find our own way to cope.
Griping about it on ATS not only helps me cope with my rage, but also helps to expose the ridiculous hypocrisies we fight against.
It is global. As Major Malfunction notes, women also get screwed in the system and it is the system which is manifestly unjust.
Society needs to demand no fault access to take the acrimony out of custodial battles.
This is no different from how some countries have succeeded in creating justice through no fault divorce. With no fault divorce, you simply have a
rule that says so long as you agree that the relationship has broken down, there is no benefit from squabbling because you both end up with an equal
and just distribution.
This winner takes all approach to access and custody merely empowers the custdial parent to use a child as a weapon and in the process harm the child.