posted on Jun, 28 2007 @ 07:35 PM
Let me begin this post by saying that I realise, as a new member, many people will be very skeptical of what I am about to say- ... just kidding.
I was, just as I'm certain many of you were, drawn into GR's needless hoaxing-based skulduggery, a few days ago. One of few threads I managed to
keep up with, in fact. And when it ended, it was a kick in the metaphorical teeth.
That night, it got me wondering; I've been taking these things for granted, for years, and I've never really thought, properly, about them.
My interest in UFOs et al. started properly, when I first read John Lear's "The UFO cover-up" disclosure-paper-thing, years ago. From then,
I put two and two together, and decided that due to the massive probabilities of life elsewhere, and the time-spans involved, not to mention the human
tendency to lie, there would be a very high chance of this being, at least partially true.
GR's post was like a wake-up call, I began to think that perhaps, it was all coming to fruition, and maybe, just maybe, the world would change in new
and exciting ways. And then it all crumpled in on itself.
I won't lie, it seriously damaged my faith and interest in the subject. And then I realised, it was just that, that I had - faith.
I'm not a massive fan of faith; it seems a completely illogical, needlessly poetic (not a phrase I thought I'd ever say, but you know what I mean)
and an "I'm different and special" way of looking at the world. Faith is not a banner to hold high, or something to be proud of - to me, it
just speaks of falseness, of dreams that will never come true, because they can never be proven. And without proof ... things can't really exist ...
at least according to Schrödinger.
My problem is this, I realised ... what proof do we have, for any of this? I mean, solid, irrefutable proof. I know there are statements from
people, and theories galore ... and even a few of you with experiences of your own, past the regular "lights in the sky" vagueness. But even
these are prone to misinterpretation. Viewers of House (House MD, in the US, I believe) know that these "alien" experiences are not
necessarily proof. There are photos, and documents. But none of this is real proof, evidence that would stand up in court. What GR said was true (this
bit, at least): all these things can be faked, and faked effectively at that.
Why do we believe these things? Ask yourself that.
Is it because we "know" that there is something more, out there? Is it spiritual? It it the mathematical probabilities? The
"evidence", that while not good enough for the general public, is good enough for us to be certain beyond reasonable doubt?
Or is it just desire? Do we just want these things to be true so much, that we're willing to pounce upon them with belief akin to religious faith? Do
we want to be special, in a special age of truth and new excitement?
I guess what I'm looking for, is reasons why you/we believe what we believe, and why others do not.
(My browser crashed here, I'm afraid, so my neatly wrapped up conclusion went a bit skewed as I only partially remembered what I'd written.)
What was the point at which something in you switched, and you started to believe these things? What specifically were you reading/looking at?
And can you admit, that no matter how certain we are - that we might be wrong?
Saying this, I still believe; but the GR affair made me aware that it was more of a desire, I really want it to be true; it opens up so many
possibilities, material and spiritual. But saying this, I can't be sure. Perhaps life really is just an ephemeral waste of everyone's time?
Your thoughts - and please, no flaming, be nice.