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(new theory) Squibs Explained - Controlled Demolition

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posted on Jun, 30 2007 @ 08:05 PM
The 'illustration' you supplied de-bunks your point of view.

Why have the 'explosives' only blown out 3 windows? Explosives would of blown up multiple windows and set the other explosives off.

Whereas 'compressed-air' from the collapse will find the path of least resistance, only blowing out a few windows then the pressure has been relieved.

posted on Jun, 30 2007 @ 08:35 PM

if you watch loose change you'll understand why planes were used,lo0k at the stock(s) on the 2 airlines after and before the 11th.

Ah yes...another Loose Change believer. Okay, NOW since you know how the put options worked on those airlines before and after the 11th, look up that info for the WHOLE year.

And when you do, be prepared to explain why the options are part of a conspiracy since BOTH airlines had many other days that year in which there was an equal or greater number of options placed.

posted on Jun, 30 2007 @ 10:13 PM

Originally posted by ferretman2
The 'illustration' you supplied de-bunks your point of view.

Why have the 'explosives' only blown out 3 windows? Explosives would of blown up multiple windows and set the other explosives off.

Whereas 'compressed-air' from the collapse will find the path of least resistance, only blowing out a few windows then the pressure has been relieved.

I never said there was explosives on every column on every floor. There was probably only 1 explosive on each floor, on different colums. Instead of a clean cut across, they just stagger the cuts to weaken the building.

posted on Jun, 30 2007 @ 10:21 PM

Originally posted by ferretman2
Whereas 'compressed-air' from the collapse will find the path of least resistance, only blowing out a few windows then the pressure has been relieved.

You debunked yourself there, and the official story. What you said makes complete sense, you are correct about the air pressure. But that doesn't explain this picture:

The official story is the floors were collapsing downward and creating the air pressure. Well, the picture shows air pressure being relieved on multiple floors. If the air pressure is able to escape on the upper floors, then why is it escaping on the lower floors? You would think since the floors are collapsing the air pressure would equalize between the floors and the air pressure would still try to esacape out of the upper squib location.

But also, why would the floors be collapsing so low on the buidling?? None of that was supposed to be damaged.

posted on Jul, 1 2007 @ 08:29 AM
Still no explanation as to:

How the dogs missed all these explosive being brought into the buildings.

How the Engineering department at the WTC complex missed all this construction.

Heck, not even the engineering department, what about all the tennants! The WTC was a 24 /7 operation that really never closed.

As far as the lower squibs. The force of the collapse caused winds all the way to the lobby where firefighters were stated as saying if felt like a hurricane.

posted on Jul, 1 2007 @ 11:10 AM

Originally posted by CaptainObvious
Firsts of all, WTC7 would have been a VERY difficult move to hit that building.WTC7 had several other sky scrapers around it. If you think about the smoke from the two fires would have made it next to impossible for them to navigate to hit it. Yes the wind carried the smoke in only one direction...but there would be no way to know the wind direction at the time of planning and execution. No way IMO.

I agree.

As far as the squibs go, why didn't any of the full time bomb sniffing dogs pick up on the explosives?

What kinds of explosives were they trained to detect? All?

In addition to the bomb sniffing dogs on duty, extra dogs were on duty prior to that attacks. Vehicles are consistantly inspected prior to being allowed into the Towers complex.

Again. People had passes to the WTC building basements. That's a known fact.

Problem with this young man's story is that the Port Authority is suppossed to maintain the sprinkler systems themselves.

Since 1993 attacks, security at WTC towers was pretty tight.

Couldn't have been too tight for people to be allowed in to "fix the sprinkler system" when they did it themselves.

I'm sure I will here the "black op's explanation.

And why shouldn't you? Why is it so hard to believe that rouge elements of various countries could have been involved in the planning and execution of this? Because the government wants to cover everything up and not let you know how much they screwed up?

The rest of your post about maintenance personell and managers of buildings. I would assume that the towers (being as big as they were) would have multiple managers. Do you think every manager knew what the other was doing? I don't look over the shoulder of my collegues, I don't know about others. Is this common practice?

I respect your hypothisis, but it just cant happen.

As I always say. Never say never. They rely on you thinking that.

Too many eyes to see that many charges being set off.

Can I ask? Who would have been left alive if they were close enough to see that many charges being set off?

posted on Jul, 1 2007 @ 12:46 PM

Originally posted by 11 11
Well, the picture shows air pressure being relieved on multiple floors. If the air pressure is able to escape on the upper floors, then why is it escaping on the lower floors? You would think since the floors are collapsing the air pressure would equalize between the floors and the air pressure would still try to esacape out of the upper squib location.

But also, why would the floors be collapsing so low on the buidling?? None of that was supposed to be damaged.

Well, whats wrong with considering all those elevator shafts in the building, the stairwells etc, there were plenty of ways for the air to go down to different floors, the core wasn't hollow with only one route for the air. And as well as that, there were about 1.56 million cubic metres of air in that tower, as an estimate, and lets say a third of that tower has gone down. Some has escaped out the top, but you think the rest will only exit in one place?

The lower floors were not collapsing at that point, so your last statement makes no sense. However I can't see why they would put demo charges that low down the building, there was a lot of force in the top section coming down, I don't think additional pre destruction would be needed.

posted on Jul, 3 2007 @ 04:26 AM
I'm posting this for reference, please read through them.

Report linking Saudi banks, Bushes, bin Laden family and Al-Qaeda.

Marvin Bush
Marvin Pierce Bush is the youngest son of George H. W. Bush. He was a director of the Sterling, Virginia company Securacom, also known as Stratesec, from 1993 until June 2000. The Securacom/Stratesec company was publicly traded and backed by an investment firm, the Kuwait-American Corporation. Member of the Board of Directors of Fresh Del Monte.

Securacom listed among its clients Washington Dulles International Airport, Hewlett-Packard, EDS, United Airlines, Gillette, MCI, the World Trade Center, and other facilities including hospitals, prisons, corporations, utilities, universities.

Kroll Inc.
Kroll was responsible for security of the entire WTC site until it went down in the 9/11 attacks. The US government and the weapons industry is a major permanent contractor of the company. Further insurances and banking business often makes use of the offers.

Jerome Hauer
Jerome Hauer is the director of the Office of Public Health Preparedness (OPHP) of the US since May 5, 2002. He was a former empolyee of Kroll Inc. which studied biological terrorism attacks. Got John O'Neill the job at WTC.

John O'Neill
They killed this guy off in my opinion. The head of security at the WTC on September 11, 2001. Former FBI counter-terror specialist.

Fresh Del Monte
Mohammad Abu-Ghazaleh is CEO of Fresh Del Monte Produce Inc. Serves on the Board of Directors of Jordan Kuwait Bank, International General Insurance Co. Ltd., Arab Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Company and Amwal Invest, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of IAT Group Inc. Former Managing Director of Metico from 1967 to 1986. Former President and Chief Executive Officer of United Trading Company from 1986 to 1996.

posted on Jul, 3 2007 @ 05:43 AM

Originally posted by Swampfox46_1999

if you watch loose change you'll understand why planes were used,lo0k at the stock(s) on the 2 airlines after and before the 11th.

Well the "put" options are a perfect example of foreknowledge. Are you denying this fact?

And when you do, be prepared to explain why the options are part of a conspiracy since BOTH airlines had many other days that year in which there was an equal or greater number of options placed.

Do you have evidence of this?


posted on Jul, 4 2007 @ 03:32 PM

Originally posted by CaptainObvious
Still no explanation as to:

How the dogs missed all these explosive being brought into the buildings.

How the Engineering department at the WTC complex missed all this construction.

Heck, not even the engineering department, what about all the tennants! The WTC was a 24 /7 operation that really never closed.

I believe the WTC buildings were rigged when Marvin P. Bush (Pres. Bush's Brother), was a principal in a company called Securacom that provided security for the World Trade Center, United Airlines, and Dulles International Airport.

What better time to rig a building, when you have control of the entire electronic security of the WTCs?

Also, there are ways to hide the scent of explosives from dogs. Its not exactly rocket science.

Originally posted by CaptainObvious
As far as the lower squibs. The force of the collapse caused winds all the way to the lobby where firefighters were stated as saying if felt like a hurricane.

Maybe you should read it again. The firefighter said nothing about the "winds" making it feel like a hurricane, that was just your imagination at work. Actually the firefighter meant that it felt like a hurricane was hitting the building, because it was swaying and leaning and making creaking noises, almost like if there was a hurricane outside of the building.

Nice try though...

posted on Jul, 4 2007 @ 03:42 PM

Originally posted by apex

Well, whats wrong with considering all those elevator shafts in the building, the stairwells etc, there were plenty of ways for the air to go down to different floors,

So you are saying, all these elevator shafts, and stairwells, were not enough places for the air to look for new esacpe routes? You are implying that air can only go "down" and not "up"? You are also implying there were no broken windows for the air to escape??

posted on Jul, 5 2007 @ 01:16 AM

Originally posted by 11 11

Originally posted by apexWell, whats wrong with considering all those elevator shafts in the building, the stairwells etc, there were plenty of ways for the air to go down to different floors,

So you are saying, all these elevator shafts, and stairwells, were not enough places for the air to look for new esacpe routes? You are implying that air can only go "down" and not "up"? You are also implying there were no broken windows for the air to escape??

No it can go up as well, but even so that is a huge amount of air, and it seems ridiculous to expect it all to go up and out rather than down. It's behavior is like a liquid in this collapse, it is being pushed down, anywhere it can exit it will.

posted on Jul, 5 2007 @ 01:37 AM

Originally posted by apex
No it can go up as well, but even so that is a huge amount of air, and it seems ridiculous to expect it all to go up and out rather than down. It's behavior is like a liquid in this collapse, it is being pushed down, anywhere it can exit it will.

It is absolutely fundamentally impossible for squibs to be present 60+ floors below the collapse initiation.

Also the eye witness accounts of hearing explosions within the building.

Did NIST look for evidence of the WTC towers being brought down by controlled demolition? Was the steel tested for explosives or thermite residues? The combination of thermite and sulfur (called thermate) "slices through steel like a hot knife through butter.

NIST STATEMENT: "NIST did not test for the residue of these compounds in the steel."

Why was steel not tested for these compounds?


posted on Jul, 9 2007 @ 10:22 AM

Originally posted by 11 11
I believe the WTC buildings were rigged when Marvin P. Bush (Pres. Bush's Brother), was a principal in a company called Securacom that provided security for the World Trade Center, United Airlines, and Dulles International Airport.

What better time to rig a building, when you have control of the entire electronic security of the WTCs?

Also, there are ways to hide the scent of explosives from dogs. Its not exactly rocket science.

MY imagination?? Funny, MOST of my posts offer facts. Sir, it is your imagination that has gone wild here.

You claim this is your "belief". Kindly back it up with some proof.

Pleas explain to me how Mr. Marvin Bush was able to manipulate the security system at the WTC to allow planting of demo charges.

posted on Jul, 9 2007 @ 10:24 AM

Originally posted by BeZerk
It is absolutely fundamentally impossible for squibs to be present 60+ floors below the collapse initiation.

Please explain why. Please think of the amount of weight that was falling, the debris ahead of it. The statements of the survivors of the collapse.

posted on Jul, 9 2007 @ 10:45 AM
The dogs have to be trained to recognize the explosive used. Do you know what they were trained to detect?

Secondly, to have been effective, assuming they were trained to detect the explosives used, they would have had to have been used in the core areas, which I highly doubt their handlers had physical access to. You don't regularly patrol the inner structural guts of a massive skyscraper with dogs.

posted on Jul, 9 2007 @ 11:04 AM
There would be no need to inspect the cores since you are inpecting all the vehicles that are entering the parking areas.

I'm not familiar with what types of explosives the dogs at the WTC were trained to detect.

posted on Jul, 10 2007 @ 01:22 AM
IF we are to, for the sake of argument, say that it was in fact conventional explosives, there are really only two ways of cutting the columns.

shaped charges and brute force blast.

shaped charges woulndt have the yeild to bust out any windows (unless set off all at once and then its still a close thing) and what you'd need to brute them would be enough to bust out nearly all the windows. (assuming you'd have to cut all the columns of course, but no ones ever answered my question as to how many you would in fact HAVE to cut. so, for argument we say all of them)

but if you didnt cut all 47, youre still needing 24.5 lbs of C4 sheet explosives (2nd most efficient way to cut them) times the number of columns, and im sorry but no ones going to convince me the sounds of the fall would mask the sounds of over 100lbs of HE going off (cuz you'd have to cut at least 4 of the columns)

ive also tried to explain in other threads the easiest and most efficient way of setting up a demo shot so the "premature explosions" doesnt fly either.

i do commend the OP for the thought that went into this thread, but i disagree with his conclusions.

i would like to challenge all of you who think it was a cd with conventional HE to do some research on explosives and try to figure out just how much demo ordinance we're talking about here. i wont offer any guidance, but ill answer questions. (i wont offer guidance cuz ive posted enough data that its obvious im being dismissed just because i disagree so, find your own sources and we can discuss them)

posted on Jul, 10 2007 @ 02:18 AM

Originally posted by 11 11
Also, there are ways to hide the scent of explosives from dogs. Its not exactly rocket science.

Just curious, does anyone know specifically of any bomb sniffing dogs trained for thermite?

Its funny though... I see a lot of threads on the NWO conspiracies and how they are planning something big...

And here we have something big...

Justine Bush and the Rockefellars with Standard oil funded the Nazi
Marvin Bush Security for WTC, United and Dulle
Goerge Bush goes to war with Iraq even though they had nothing to do with 911
Exxon (was Standard Oil) makes and reports record breaking quarter profits after war starts while we are shelling out at the pumps "because of the war" even though opec lowered barrel prices and we never got oil from Iraq
Building 7 held the records for Enron and others being investigated, no back up copies

Operation Northwood 1954 gov plan very similar to 911 scenario, even ABC picked up on that one
Gold was removed before the attack Missing Gold
Many reports of construction in the months before.
Buildings were to be torn down... would have cost a fortune... this way the insurance paid double

I am sure everyone has similar lists
The red hot metal in the ground 8 weeks later is the one that nails it for me

So here we have a major move by the NWO (well it seems like the Bush clan has been around for a long time so to me its the OWO doing business as usual) that was already on paper since the fifties; that has resulted in establishing homeland security and the patriot act and people are still non-believers?

Oh well... now that they can monitor the internet without warrant we at ATS will probably all be rounded up soon anyway



posted on Jul, 10 2007 @ 02:28 AM

Originally posted by CaptainObvious
There would be no need to inspect the cores since you are inpecting all the vehicles that are entering the parking areas.

So your inspecting all the vehicles in the parking lots... what about all the people walking in with attache cases? what about the normal shipping?
Thermite charges are small but effective, could easily have been brought in and placed over time.

IF the gov did it, they could easily have brought it in seeing as Bush's son was involved in security.

Has anyone bothered to check if there were any days prior to the event that security was lax?

The funny thing is when you do a google for "thermite charges" just to get info on them, you get three pages of 911 stuff first

Bottom line is

IF the gov did this, THEY would have found a way

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