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Question About Space

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posted on Jan, 9 2004 @ 11:29 AM

Originally posted by BelowtheRadar
[nterestingly, I think I learned *WHY* physicists are so interested in the hundredths of a second after the event - Hawking mentioned that he believes that the event required no "catalyst" - a GOD to start it! Is his research partially to prove god's existance? I believe so!

No. None of the material they work on requires a paracosmic being who exists outside of space and time. If it did, the NEXT thing they'd work on is "when was that deity born?"

posted on Jan, 9 2004 @ 11:32 AM

Originally posted by Byrd

Originally posted by BelowtheRadar
[nterestingly, I think I learned *WHY* physicists are so interested in the hundredths of a second after the event - Hawking mentioned that he believes that the event required no "catalyst" - a GOD to start it! Is his research partially to prove god's existance? I believe so!

No. None of the material they work on requires a paracosmic being who exists outside of space and time. If it did, the NEXT thing they'd work on is "when was that deity born?"

Read the book... he says something like "this leads me to believe that no catalyst, such as god, was needed to cause the big bang". (i'm not at home or i'd quote it exactly). This leads me to believe that part of his motivation in cosmological studies is to determine if there is a god.

(edited the i'm not at home part)

[Edited on 9-1-2004 by BelowtheRadar]

posted on Jan, 9 2004 @ 11:43 AM
OK ...let me take a spin at this.

As for the Big Bang ... we have a fair amount of evidence and a damn strong theory that this is the starting point for our CURRENT LOCAL UNIVERSE (CLU), one of many BTW. This theory is built upon our rather limited ability to detect and record matter and motion.

It's rather like entering a room and closing the door behind you. You can see the limits of the room and build a theory of the room (universe) but it is limited to certain boundaries and events (the walls, the closing of the door etc.). However there is much more that exists beyond the door.

As for black holes and the center universe, my humble and most probably malformed opinion, is that that there is a center to the CLU (Current Local Universe). In fact, I believe that at the center of all discrete units of matter (apples, atoms, quarks etc.) you will find a void. I call this my Donut Theory. It's hard to grasp the hole, but it is what makes a donut a donut. The perceived void is a threshold or event horizon beyond our limit to detect/ measure. SHWEEEEET.

As for the proliferation of Black Holes, if the universe that we sense is truly expanding in a finite form, then one could expect Black Holes to form as a matter of Spatial Cavitation as it were (due to a specific mass in an expanding volume .....yadda yadda yadda).

So much for the Physical, as for the Spiritual aspects's like school ....keep practicing until you get it right, then you get to graduate to the next level. However, you must expect some hazing and general hijinx on the other side.

Basically when it comes down to it, our universe is merely a bubble in a sea of foam floating upon a glass of beer ....... I hope, but most likely floating atop some omniversal cesspool.

BTW, as for the Dark Side of the Moon ....there is is a billboard there, and it reads:

Welcome to Planet Earth...SIX BILLION FLAVORS OF I SCREAM.

posted on Jan, 9 2004 @ 11:43 AM
Good point Hyperspace...I tend to do that when speaking on metaphysical subjects. However, given this particular forum...I should emphasize that of course, these are my own theories...I am not stating them as apologies....

If you're in a place like a dream where you could control everyting Gaz, why would you want to come back here?
I wish I could ask myself that but unfortunately I don't remember.

Simple. boredom. Think about it...we thrive on overcoming obstacles, and challenges. In a universe where we are god, none of these are present. Also, other entities may be busy with their own universes. Sure, you could conjure up as many companions as you wish, but with only a limited amount of independent thought, it would grow tiresome.

So, the answers are either to try and interact with live beings (usually through mediums, or by manifesting as "ghosts") or by add to your knowledge pool, and when ready, to meld back into the universal consciousness (man, I really hate these fruity new age terms, but it's the best one I can think of to explain it).

posted on Jan, 9 2004 @ 07:00 PM
Well thanks for your opinions, they helped.

posted on Jan, 10 2004 @ 02:02 AM

Originally posted by BelowtheRadar

Read the book... he says something like "this leads me to believe that no catalyst, such as god, was needed to cause the big bang". (i'm not at home or i'd quote it exactly). This leads me to believe that part of his motivation in cosmological studies is to determine if there is a god.

(edited the i'm not at home part)

[Edited on 9-1-2004 by BelowtheRadar]

I believe Hawking is an atheist, so while I suppose he might stumble upon something that might lead him to believe in a God, I doubt he is actively pursuing evidence of a god.

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