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I think that someone is controlling the war.

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posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 07:15 AM
I feel that the war has been so predictable for me and I feel that nothing has gone wrong to our homeland and that's because they try to scare people at home for shock value. Not all of the news is 100% true... we all know that they make some news up to get the news into the media spotlight and we know that some conspiracy theories distort things from the truth and that some conspiracy theories aren't exactly conspiracy theories because they are really the truths... and those that constantly look at them and those that try to discover the truth are missing the truth in front of them. If people will let the news continue to lie to us our children and our children's children will not know the truth about the war. If they continue to focus the news on how serious the war is without telling the truth that the war is being controlled, people will continue to believe however they want to believe. Is that what you want? That's what they want you to think. I think that all of these wars in the current century were orchestrated for a one world order and I want to know how you think that with Bush in the office how the one world order is a fantasy and not a reality. I don't see how some people can go on thinking something is a conspiracy, when that's what they want you to think... in reality the government is controlled by a group of people, and they want to take over the world. If it was not true how else do you feel that this war could have been orchestrated?

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 08:18 AM

I think that all of these wars in the current century were orchestrated for a one world order and I want to know how you think that with Bush in the office how the one world order is a fantasy and not a reality.

If they continue to focus the news on how serious the war is without telling the truth that the war is being controlled, people will continue to believe however they want to believe. reality the government is controlled by a group of people, and they want to take over the world.

How many wars has the US been involved in in this century?

Of course, the war is being controlled, otherwise it would be just an enormous riot.

The US government is a government of the people by the people and for the people.

George Bush will leave office in about a year and a half.

There is no one New World Order. New world orders have been coming and going since the beginning of time.

The news media print and broadcast what they think people will watch.

News people watch:

Political bickering
Sports (especially sexually-charged, violent sports)

[edit on 2007/6/27 by GradyPhilpott]

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 08:45 AM

Originally posted by GradyPhilpott
The US government is a government of the people by the people and for the people.

[edit on 2007/6/27 by GradyPhilpott]

I used to believe this and really want it to be true but the more time I spend on ATS, the more I realize that the US is a corporate oligarchy and the government, regardless of party, capitulates to corporate interests; even to the extent of making war.

If voting really made any difference, it would be illegal.

Politics is just entertainment for the masses to make them feel empowered.

And the NWO exists and it is exactly the one that Pres. Pappa Bush referred to here..........

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 09:18 AM
Get involved.


Do more than vote.

Campaign for your interests.

Join political action groups.

Write your legislators.

I wrote all my federal legislators yesterday and my Congressman again today.

If all you do is read ATS, you're selling yourself and your country short. Except for the fact that ATS operates freely, without government interference, you'd get the impression by reading the site and taking it too seriously that the US is a totalitarian state.

Case in point:

Google Search: Bush Dictator

Hint: Bush is not a dictator.

Hugo Chavez is a dictator:

Venezuela to seize golf courses

Venezuela Seizes Land

Venezuela seizes last private oil fields

Chavez closes opposition TV station

Get it?

This is a fun site, but it is not the font of all truth and knowledge.

Congressional Email Directory

Contacting the White House

Write Your Representative

Senators of the 110th Congress

[edit on 2007/6/27 by GradyPhilpott]

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 09:39 AM
You know when the government is no working for the people anymore when that same for the people and by the people government disregard the public opinion to follow their own agendas.

More clearly can not be the change of congress last year, the people spoke, but what it has been done.

No a darn thing because our government is not longer for the people no matter how much we want it to be.

I have gotten involve, I even have contacted my representatives, but what I has gotten for it, nothing than a Pre written letter of condescending acknowledgment the ones that is nothing more than electronic mass produced.

I remember when I onces was able to visit my representatives in his office 30 years ago.

Now they are unreachable and if you want to see them you better pay for place in one of their so call public events.

Our system of government is a joke.

This war was pre-Bush planned to be pushed under bush with 9/11 or not.

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 09:46 AM

In all your 12,000+ posts, I have never seen you write one single positive thing about the US.

I don't think I've ever seen you substantiate any claim you have ever made about anything.

Wouldn't you be happier living in a country with rights, like say, Venezuela?

Maybe Cuba suits your tastes.

How about North Korea?

Life is hell in the US. Please, for the love of God, get out while you can!

Don't worry, you'll probably be able to draw your husband's US military retirement pension in almost any country.

[edit on 2007/6/27 by GradyPhilpott]

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 09:52 AM
Oh, Grady do not try to make me fall into the guilty trip mode you have tried many times before since we have known each other as members and you know is not going to work for me.

Just like you I am too old for that type of games, but you know what, I still like you and will not have it any other way.

Just like you I love my country and my nation but I hate the joke that our corporate ridden politicians has make of our nation and our government, they all a disgrace.

And do not forget that is our constitutional right to complain about the people we elect or at least that is what we think we do now a days.

BTW still think you are a good friend and citizen.

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 09:57 AM
Don't patronize me, marg.

You do a great disservice to this nation, which feeds you so that you can run it into the ground incessantly with impunity.

In fact, your attitude on the whole is disgraceful and you should be ashamed.

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 10:06 AM

Originally posted by GradyPhilpott
Don't patronize me, marg.

You do a great disservice to this nation, which feeds you so that you can run it into the ground incessantly with impunity.

In fact, your attitude on the whole is disgraceful and you should be ashamed.

Do you really think that posting on an internet forum is "running this nation into the ground incessantly with impunity"? Dissent is the highest form of patriotism.

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 10:17 AM

Originally posted by GradyPhilpott
Don't patronize me, marg.

I am not, Grady I like you very much. Even your insults do not bother me at all because you talks like a good patriot, may be misguided but nerveless a patriot.

You do a great disservice to this nation, which feeds you so that you can run it into the ground incessantly with impunity.

Grady, Grady, remember that one of the greatest thing about freedom and Democracy is the ability to point out the evils of the people that are here in our nation to represent us and our nation, I will fight to the death to preserves those rights.

The day that talking about our corrupted politicians fault is against the law then our nation is will no longer be Free and Democratic.

I am sure that you are not in a any way advocating for that with calling me an impune person do you, no . . . I don't think so.

In fact, your attitude on the whole is disgraceful and you should be ashamed.

Ashame !!!!! Grady, Grady this is one of the most proud moments of any Free American to be able by our constitutional rights to point out the bad government we have.

Shame on you Grady, now I am truly hurt.

But . . . I still like you.

[edit on 27-6-2007 by marg6043]

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 10:31 AM

Originally posted by nyarlathotep
Dissent is the highest form of patriotism.

No it isn't.

Responsible dissent through appropriate channels is a part of patriotism.

Railing against one's country on a bulletin board without even so much as an effort toward balance is not patriotism. In fact, it is sedition.

The highest form of patriotism is putting the welfare of your nation above your own self interest and actually sacrificing something in its defense.

If in these times when our nation has been attacked by our enemies and they affirm almost every day their hatred for us and their intent to destroy us at all costs, you cannot join together with your fellow Americans and do something more than just bad mouth the country, its leaders, and its citizenry by denigrating our founders, our principles, our rights, and proffering the most stupid, inane, and irresponsible "theories" as to how it's all the actions of evil operatives in our government, then you don't really deserve the title American.

Right now, some 20 year old girl is in harm's way in Iraq working toward building a democracy, while at home, marg is writing nonsense on a bulletin board that influences the minds of the world's youth and while perfectly healthy "American" young men are doing everything they can think of so they won't have to sacrifice so much as a bottle of pop, so they can walk around listening to obscene lyrics sung by dope head thugs, with their pants around their thighs and holes in their ears so big as to accommodate a Bluetooth device.

Don't tell me about patriotism, unless you've done something positive to insure that a future generation has the same right to be the voice of irresponsibility that you are.

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 10:40 AM

Originally posted by GradyPhilpott
Right now, some 20 year old girl is in harm's way in Iraq working toward building a democracy, while at home, marg is writing nonsense on a bulletin board that influences the minds of the world's...

Sorry, I stopped reading after this. This is quite possibly the most ridiculous thing I have seen on here in a while. You can say anything you want about the government as long as it is not bad. Grady, see Amendment #1. Good day!

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 10:42 AM
Grady, I think you are having a bad day today, and that is understandable, but you are making the worst comparison right now with the 20 year old been blown in Iraq.

Remember who is invading Iraq, who decided to push democracy in a nation that was not ready for it.

Remember that our politicians in the White house in pusue of their own agendas disregarded the safety of the people that you are talking about including the 20 year old.

The violence in Iraq right now is the result of our government invasion.

Saddam was bad but guess what, he was one of them, now Democracy, liberation and freedom has prove to be very dangerous for the Iraqi people.

Bad planning equals bad outcomes.

[edit on 27-6-2007 by marg6043]

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 11:18 AM

Originally posted by marg6043
Grady, I think you are having a bad day today

I don't need you to assess my day, marg.

Your posts are open to review.

The war in Iraq was authorized by the Congress of the United States, even those weenies who now oppose the war.

The authorization was based on intelligence that was available to the world and most of the world agreed that Saddam was a threat to the region and a sponsor of terrorism.

You can second-guess the planning all day, which you have been doing since the war began, but the decision was not yours. That was the decision of our elected officials.

You say that democracy, liberation and freedom are dangerous to the Iraqi people.

You taught school, marg. When has the price of freedom been less than what the Iraqi people are paying?

Again, marg. You say you love your country, as well you should, since you partake so freely of our largesse, but couldn't you even make a little attempt to show some appreciation for what others sacrificed for you and acknowledge that the cause of freedom, even when it is someone elses is worth sacrificing for?

What does that Marine husband think of your constant tirades against our nation?

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 11:29 AM

Originally posted by marg6043
You know when the government is no working for the people anymore when that same for the people and by the people government disregard the public opinion to follow their own agendas.

I remember when I onces was able to visit my representatives in his office 30 years ago.

How times have changed huh?

I got a letter from Richard Burr my NC rep, regarding the 9-11 commission report a week or two ago- Basically he said he felt there was no need to reopen the investigation of 9-11.

Look I don't care how you feel about it I said it should be reopened. And now that bozo voted yes to debate the immigration bill.

Oh he'll be getting a call from me very soon.

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 11:59 AM

Originally posted by GradyPhilpott
Again, marg. You say you love your country, as well you should, since you partake so freely of our largesse, but couldn't you even make a little attempt to show some appreciation for what others sacrificed for you and acknowledge that the cause of freedom, even when it is someone elses is worth sacrificing for?

Grady nowhere here you can find anything that derogatory about our men and women in the uniform.

That is a low blow you are using with that statement and is not flying Grady.

One thing is to be opposing the acting Government we have right now and another one bashing or making derogatory statements to the military.

Our soldiers has been used for political agendas and you seem to used them now to justify your insults.

But I forgive you.

Is for those soldiers that many are trying to stop the madness of the middle east agenda.

What does that Marine husband think of your constant tirades against our nation?

After all Wars is what is paying the bills now a days for us.

As you can see I have a mind of my own. Thank you very much.

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 12:03 PM

Originally posted by Leyla
I got a letter from Richard Burr my NC rep, regarding the 9-11 commission report a week or two ago- Basically he said he felt there was no need to reopen the investigation of 9-11.

Why should they it was nothing more than a show when they did it the first time, just to show that they care.

I got one on the immigration bill by Jackson for GA, and the good for nothing is protecting corporate interest that uses illegals for field work.

They are lobbying like crazy and you bet that money is going every where under the tables for campaign.

They are a true disgrace.

No to offend Grady, let me explain, our elected representatives are a true disgrace on the immigration bill.

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 12:20 PM

Originally posted by GradyPhilpott

Don't tell me about patriotism, unless you've done something positive to insure that a future generation has the same right to be the voice of irresponsibility that you are.

And please, don't tell me about patriotism either. I proudly served in the USAF for 4 years and I feel that gives me the right to express my opinion the same as you. In fact I feel my service should insure that any American can address any issue that affects them reguardless of their political stance wheather they served in the military or not.

I think being a taxpaying American is enough to express your views.

And How about these guys..........

More and more people are seeing thru the lies and corruption.

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 12:21 PM
And what I'm trying to make you and others understand is that the government and you and me and the soldiers in our nation are inseparable.

Yes, we all bellyache about the government. That's human nature, because the bureaucracy is bigger and more powerful than any of us, even the politicians, but that bureaucracy is us.

But, in America, we have a reflexive system that needs all of us to function. Each of us must do our part, however small, to make it work and how it works is wholly dependent upon how we do our part.

When we really think about our government as not being them, then we can take responsibility to see that things get done the way they should be. Not how we want all the time, but as it should be.

And when we think of the government as being us, we are less likely to segregate our loyalties so that we "honor" our troops, but despise the political cause they are laying down their lives for.

We understand that even when we aren't getting our way now, the best way to get our way eventually is to pull together with others to get ourselves beyond the difficulties we face from time to time.

In this way, we understand that when we call George Bush a murderer, or a dictator, or what have you, we aren't just insulting a politician, we are insulting ourselves.

And, when we tell the lie over and over again that the government orchestrated the savagery of 9/11, we are really saying that we are the savages that orchestrated 9/11, because ultimately the government couldn't exist without our consent and our participation.

I don't know about where you live, marg, but if I want an audience with my representative, I can get one. I've done it before.

I may not be able to do it today by just dropping by the office, but with some letters and some phone calls and maybe waiting in line behind some other constituents, my Congressman will see me and hear me out.

Nowhere do people "breathe free" more than in the United States and just because you can badmouth the country until the cows come home without having someone drag you out of your home some night, doesn't mean that it's the right thing to do.

It's about time some people got that message.

[edit on 2007/6/27 by GradyPhilpott]

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 01:28 PM
I don't post much but this one was way too much for me to handle. It was like Bush himself was posting against Marg. Being a Canadian and watching all I can with what is going on in world. Nothing angers me more than a couple of things that were brought up in this thread. Firstly, Grady made some great points about America and the whole "team" thing. We do all have to be some what on the same side and it would be nice if that was the case. Sorry its not. I don't blame Bush directly because and "I'm sorry for saying this I don't think he is bright enough to be a mastermind". It's everyone DEms and Reps (sometimes I just don't understand why people can't see they are the same people with the same agenda's). Now the reason I'm a little
is that anyone who seems to question those in office about the war(s) is automatically called un-patriotic and should be ashamed for not supporting our troops. I've even herd them called terrorist supporters by the admin in charge. Believe it or not your government has made mistakes! But guess what last I herd the people in the government were human and we all make mistakes. But, for anyone to learn from mistakes they need to be questioned. This IMHO makes those people the most patriotic because they actually care about PEOPLE!!! not just Americans. They worry about not just there future but everyones and that what makes them patriotic. I know I'll be slammed for not being an American and not knowing what is going on but, trust me I live 2 hours from the states and I truly am happy to be so. The people are amazing and really everyone can find something wrong with there government.

But to say those who care and question should be ashamed..... you sir are the one who should be ashamed!

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