posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 07:12 PM
I work about 12 hours a week. I pay rent and bills and buy food. I spend my free time getting ready and travelling to and from my workplace. The rest
I spend reading, eating and sleeping. I have everything I ever thought I wanted, a place of my own, a partner, a good job, money, food, books etc etc
yet every day I wake up and want to spend it at home with my family, to enjoy their company. I'm seriously thinking about moving home out of the
The constant drone of words assault my mind every day either in the free mass-produced identi-kit newspapers that EVERYBODY reads on the bus and
trains, soaking up all the crap and nonsense inside or on the radio and tv.
Hiking in the hills is the only thing that makes me feel pure and free and happy.
Society as it is, hurts.