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9/11 Whistleblowers!!!

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posted on Jun, 28 2007 @ 08:23 AM

Originally posted by esdad71
How about Dr. Bill Deagle? I'll jsut take one in the middle of the pack. Let's check his back story. You see, this guy speaks to God on a regualr basis.

Now, if he can speak to God, maybe he should leave him a voice mail and get back to him with some more information on the 9/11 conspiracy.

So does your beloved President.

I talk to God in my own personal way. It's called prayer.

Next. Nice try though.

posted on Jun, 28 2007 @ 08:31 AM

Originally posted by esdad71
Past and present government officials who were called to testify, under oath, before the Commission included:

President George W. Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney, former President Bill Clinton, and former Vice President Al Gore all gave private testimony. President Bush and Vice President Cheney insisted on testifying together, while Clinton and Gore met with the panel separately.

Again. Spreading false information dad?

For some reason those who are involved here I would think would know more about what happened than a wanna be mystic.

Of course they would since they were either a part of it, covering the asses of their buddies, or covering their own ass. Does this make the report valid? NO!!!

posted on Jun, 28 2007 @ 08:46 AM

Originally posted by dgtempe
THAT was obviously, in retrospect, the lamest excuse and environment to place a president in at such a time, and a joke. As he read to the children, he is informed! Shock grips his face... He continues to read while the nation is under ATTACK by foreign enemies, yet REMAINS there and is allowed to remain there, and is not rushed off (as secret service/FBI agents would do at a time of such a thing comming down) but stays and continues reading- This tells me that the SS/FBI, KNEW he was well protected there, in a school.

Not only the POTUS himself but when he sat there, he was exposing those children to danger. If that was a real attack, wouldn't they think he would be a target? And to leave him (the target) at a school with a bunch of kids is just rediculous. The whole SS unit should have been fired for that.

If that was one of my kids sitting there while the POTUS has now made them a target, I'd be suing the pants off the government right now. That was blatant disregard for the lives of those children. PERIOD!!!!! Conspiracy Theory or not.

posted on Jun, 28 2007 @ 08:46 AM
Esdad71 wrote:

Where is one, just ONE piece of PHYSICAL evidence to prove any type of demolition and/or blackop nuclear thermite?
It was quickly shipped of to China and other countries to be recycled,why wasn't this stuff analyzed to see why and how the building did indeed fail and collapse.If it was done like that we would not be arguing this point over and over again today.It seems to me the gov. was avoiding any investigation by getting rid of the evidence.(IMHO)

posted on Jun, 28 2007 @ 09:28 AM

You quoted me but didn't even address my post Bezerk....

Originally posted by BeZerk
Your view of a real whistleblower is someone with video-graphic evidence of the president asking his elite followers to set up a plan devised to topple the Twin Towers.

What? No. A whistle blower is someone (who was likely part of it or had direct knowledge of it) with info coming forward and presenting this info, backing it up with credible facts.

There is plenty of evidence to such an inside job and you don't need whistle blowers to define that.

Then why didn't you say so!?! Where is this evidence and why are you withholding it!? You should present it to the Feds right away!

You only need to take a look at one aspect of 9/11 for instance WTC7 which collapsed in its own foot print

Gravity is a wonderful thing, no?
How was a building that size supposed to collapse?

which was not hit by a plane, which did not have its "core" columns taken out (as the government claims is what happened with the Twin Towers).

According to the firefighters who were actually on the scene, and not on their computers watching videos of the building from a mile away, the building was heavily damaged and unstable, the fires were uncontrollable, and they felt it was in danger of collapsing. Are these firefighters credible?
Had it not fell, they would have had to tear it down anyway. So you're telling me that the evidence you have that 9/11, the largest attack on U.S. soil spanning multiple locations, was an inside job, was the fact that a condemned building, which was in danger of collapsing, fell?
Demoing a building takes months of preperation, and it's not like there are a ton of companies out there that do demos. So which company was it? And the weeks and months of tearing up walls and placing explosives, no one thought that to be strange?

posted on Jun, 28 2007 @ 09:37 AM

Originally posted by dgtempe
the best you have to offer is a recount about that story Bush was reading about Billy Goat, I think you have no argument there really!

Actually it's a very good observation. If POTUS knew what was going to happen, then he would have put himself in a much more 'presidential' setting. Politicians always orchestrate their photo ops. And where you are when major conflict (or war) breaks out is a BIG photo op. Also, his reaction (or lack of reaction) also said that he had no idea it was going to happen. He was stunned. (not good)

This tells me that the SS/FBI, KNEW he was well protected there, in a school.

I am of the opinion that POTUS and those around him were TOO SLOW to get him out of that school. Every minute he was at that school put those children in potential danger.

Originally posted by Griff
That was blatant disregard for the lives of those children. PERIOD!!!!! Conspiracy Theory or not.

I fully agree! Absolutely!

posted on Jun, 28 2007 @ 09:54 AM

Originally posted by BeZerk
Timothy McNiven - A 29yr Defense Department Operative
The head of the 1976 mock terrorist plan was Lt. Michael Teague of Long Island, who McNiven says was given specific orders by higher-ups in the military to use the Twin Towers as the terrorist target. Read Further

Wasn't this guy shown to be a hoax? I remember he posted on this site and it was ruled a big hoax.

posted on Jun, 28 2007 @ 10:07 AM

Originally posted by DazedDave
Wasn't this guy shown to be a hoax? I remember he posted on this site and it was ruled a big hoax.

Possibly, I haven't returned to the thread. I'm not sure you can positively say that it was a hoax when you haven't read the thread? Here's the link.'

posted on Jun, 28 2007 @ 10:13 AM

Originally posted by Fowl Play
Your the Troll Blue_Gay33, and in need of some education...

Keep it up Fowl Play, and it won't just be a warn next time.

Also, "OldSkool" or not, you are, in fact, de-railing the thread. Nothing the OP did was against the TAC, and there certainly isn't a need to say the same thing over and over and over and over within the same thread.

posted on Jun, 28 2007 @ 10:26 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Actually it's a very good observation. If POTUS knew what was going to happen, then he would have put himself in a much more 'presidential' setting. Politicians always orchestrate their photo ops. And where you are when major conflict (or war) breaks out is a BIG photo op. Also, his reaction (or lack of reaction) also said that he had no idea it was going to happen. He was stunned. (not good)

Au contraire, mon ami, whoever sent him to read at that school that particular day was thinking of giving him a "compassionate" presidential look, as opposed to a photo op on some battle ship. Also, the look on his face wasnt too convincing.

There's also the possibility that he did not know THAT would be the day (for shock purposes) Just ask a Hollywood producer.

posted on Jun, 28 2007 @ 10:38 AM
The president acted with composure when he continued to read the book. What could he have accomplished in those few minutes? I mean, you realize that was the safest palce for him before they could prepare transport while the country was bieng attacked.

As far the .gov, i Know what it means to have that address and what I am trying to get across is having a .gov address does not make you have to spit out the rhetoric of the party in office at the time. Please look outside the blinders as this is not black and white, but grey in many areas requiring independent thought.

The statements made here do not paint the government in a good light, so why allow it if it is a .gov address? If it was not released, then there would be conspiracy.

Praying to God and beleiving you are the next Nostrodamus are TWO totally different things Griff and you know that. That guy is a nut job.

As I stated earlier, this is a rehash. I have read all of the accounts and I have on my own researched whether it is true or not and based on my findings alot of it is bunk, attention whoring for booksignings and webhits.

Also, all of the steel was not 'whisked away' to China, in fact, there are tons of it in a small city in the heartland of America where it is rusting away that could be tested, but it is easier to state it is all gone.

Oh, and sometimes crack does assist well with searching google...

posted on Jun, 28 2007 @ 11:01 AM

Originally posted by esdad71
What could he have accomplished in those few minutes? I mean, you realize that was the safest palce for him before they could prepare transport while the country was bieng attacked.

He could have left the building and gotten into his bullet proof limo.

esdad .. it wasn't HIM that I was worried about. I was concerned that there was a whole school full of kids and we had planes flying into buildings. The president was a target, which meant that anyone near him was in danger.

I was concerned for the children. Everyone considered POTUS a target that day. That means that they considered the kids to be in danger and they didnt' move the 'target' (potus) to the limo - which was just as safe, if not safer.


posted on Jun, 28 2007 @ 11:03 AM

Originally posted by dgtempe
whoever sent him to read at that school that particular day was thinking of giving him a "compassionate" presidential look, as opposed to a photo op on some battle ship.

A compassionate photo-op would be appropriate on a day when a major hurricane was coming through. A military photoop .. or one of strength and patriotism ... is one that would be picked for a day that we were going to be attacked. Don't ya' think??

the look on his face wasnt too convincing.

I can't descern WHAT the look on his face was. I think it was just a look of being stunned.

posted on Jun, 28 2007 @ 11:35 AM
I understand the threat to the children, but should they have scared the hell out of them and whisked him away with MP-5's at the ready? If he was kept there for 2 hours before transport i could understand the threat to the kids but I feel it was done in a professional manner.

My question is that if he knew about the first strike before he entered the classroom, why was he allowed to go in? Why was it not cancelled then? Because it was thought to be an accident. This wasn't anticipated. He didn't plan it. It was reported as an accident until the second jet hit.

posted on Jun, 28 2007 @ 11:42 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

the look on his face wasnt too convincing.

I can't descern WHAT the look on his face was. I think it was just a look of being stunned.

My belief is that it's "oh my god, they actually did it". Who "they" are is up to you to decide. You as in general, not you as in you FF.

posted on Jun, 28 2007 @ 11:47 AM
Oh boy...I was hopeing that my boredom wouldn't bring me here, but here I go.

This is from my point of view, and opinions expressed are my own and not meant to offend or insult anybody. With this said, I shall start my POV on the 9/11 "conspiracy".

September 11, 2001, the WTC were hit by terrorist attacks. Nobody had any idea who or why. Who did it and why. So, being who I am, I was prompted to join the military from anger of what had happened.

Now, I must say, I didn't hear anything about these theories until maybe Feburary or March of this year. My first introduction to the theories was by a well known documentary called Loose Change. When I first saw it, it made me sick knowing that I joined up to fight for this. A job done by my own government to go to war over god knows what and waste money and the lives of those servicemembers who have fallen. Then I did my homework.

This next portion will be cited once I have time and am not in the field.

I broke down the video Loose Change along with my father who served twenty some odd years and a few of my fellow Marines. To sum it up(I'll post the report later, I have it on a thumb drive somewheres) we found that the video has alot of BS within it.

Now, I've been reading through some of these articles that have been posted, and alot of them seem credible and undeniably true. Most of these would take time I don't have to research and proove/disproove. SO hence with this, I'm becomeing a believer once again. Dagone it!

What I do know, however, the Bush administration does NOT have the intelligence to carry out a plan this deep. And furthermore, I somehow doubt the involvment of the military being that I would rather not admit that my own brothers in arms would commit to such a vile act.

But then again, I wouldn't put it past Bush and his cronies to have had this executed. I just don't believe that Bush and his minions of retardation or the military pulled this off. I think Bush purposfully had these Taliban scumbags do it just so Bush could settle his personal vendetta his daddy never finished.

Seem to insane? Well, Bush most likely pulled a b**** move by compramise with them to do his dirty work then turning his back on them...I wouldn't put it past that monkey looking "commander" of mine.

This will end my lack of sleep induced rant. Sorry if I wasted your time with this rambling, but I had to get this off my chest. I just wish I could have put it in better words.

posted on Jun, 28 2007 @ 11:49 AM
We all agree that the childrens lives were in terrible danger that day if supposedly, there was an attack, the main hit would be George. They surely dropped the ball on that one and that is one , just but one of the reasons that this 9/11 fiasco continues to snowball to this day and for many years to come.

Its just not credible.

posted on Jun, 28 2007 @ 11:56 AM

Originally posted by dgtempe
We all agree that the childrens lives were in terrible danger that day if supposedly, there was an attack, the main hit would be George.

Let's see. Risk assessment 101.

What is riskier?

Leaving the POTUS to sit there with knowing that the country is under attack (meanwhile risking those childrens lives in the process).


Getting the POTUS out of the classroom as soon as possible and on his plane where a plane strike would be impossible.

And don't give me "they didn't want to scare the kids" line. What's worse, scaring a few kids or killing a few kids?

If government incompetence is enough of an excuse for others, that's fine. It does NOT sit well with me. I want all incompetence on 9/11 uncovered and those found guilty FIRED. NOT PROMOTED!!!!

Just a little rant. And definately not directed at you DG

[edit on 6/28/2007 by Griff]

posted on Jun, 28 2007 @ 12:38 PM
The entire country was at risk, and safest place in the entire nation that day would be that school at that moment. Risk Assessment 101 includes plan for every single contingency. The SS are not a parade detail for show. 67 agents asssited at ground zero during the attacks. Those children were safe.

Now, back to the whistleblowers. When are you going to push for that subpeona for Chavez? Chavez, the leader of a foriegn nation is a whistleblower for 9/11? He would state he married bigfoot for a few bucks and some recognition.

I have looked up most of the people on the list and no one is jumping out?

posted on Jun, 28 2007 @ 01:15 PM

Originally posted by Griff
What's worse, scaring a few kids or killing a few kids?

The kids wouldn't have been scared. They would have been confused .. but if Bush43 suddenly left they wouldn't have known enough to be scared.

Originally posted by esdad71
safest place in the entire nation that day would be that school at that moment. Those children were safe.

I completely disagree. But I guess we will have to agree to disagree.

Chavez ... would state he married bigfoot for a few bucks and some recognition.

Now THAT is something I agree with!

We need to repost the 'whistleblowers' list from page one and semi-officially cross off those that are not whistleblowers and that are not credible (like those who continue to change their story, or those who have been debunked previously, etc)

Who do we have left to look at??

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