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2012 - What if nothing happens?

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posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 10:11 PM
2012 is something I have been thinking about for a good long while. A lot of people have unique opinions on the subject, including myself. This post is not directed at those whose certainty on the subject isn’t absolute but rather to those who are completely convinced, through faith or science, that some major event will transpire.

Lets say 2012 rolls around and nothing happens for the entire year. How will this affect you? Will it do anything to change your beliefs, understanding, or theories about God, ETs, Astrology, Christianity, Spirituality, the Bible, ect…? (I don’t intend for these examples to be the limit of the discussion)

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 10:16 PM
Somehow I think I've seen this thread before...

'sok, I think it needs reviving from time to time. OK, here's my two's impossible that "nothing will happen in 2012" and I'll tell you why. The "prophesies" surrounding that year are so vague that the fix is in for an unfalsifiable prophesy. Almost anything can be taken as a fulfillment of the various prophesies out there!

Furthermore, consider the Millerites. When a charimastic preacher named Miller said that Christ was going to come in 1841 or so, he did not lose his following when Christ did not come at that date because he said that his prophesy was merely misinterpreted. The 2012 crowd could and probably will make similar claims, or at least the more specific 2012 prophets such as the Nibiru crowd.

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 10:25 PM
I think its sad that none of us can see past 2012, we are so conditioned to beleive that something huge will happen, that we are just counting the years we may have left on this earth.
I think its a shame, really, to have to live our lives this way. I dont mind admitting i will be a lunatic during that period and will need my family (who do not beleive in any of this stuff) to babysit for me.

Its a gross injustice to put on our heads.

I for one, will be releived and pissed at the Mayans for bringing panic into my life if nothing happens. But, of course, i dont want anything to happen.
I am afraid a lot of people will do away with themselves.

I certainly hope they do not and just hope for the best. Its a death sentence.

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 10:59 PM

Originally posted by uberarcanist
Somehow I think I've seen this thread before...

My apologies then.

'sok, I think it needs reviving from time to time. OK, here's my two's impossible that "nothing will happen in 2012" and I'll tell you why. The "prophesies" surrounding that year are so vague that the fix is in for an unfalsifiable prophesy. Almost anything can be taken as a fulfillment of the various prophesies out there!

Furthermore, consider the Millerites. When a charimastic preacher named Miller said that Christ was going to come in 1841 or so, he did not lose his following when Christ did not come at that date because he said that his prophesy was merely misinterpreted. The 2012 crowd could and probably will make similar claims, or at least the more specific 2012 prophets such as the Nibiru crowd.

I have never heard of the Millerites but that is a good comparison and one worthy of consideration. Its just that, and maybe this is just my own flawed perception, i feel like the hype surrounding 2012 is unique because it is interpreted differently by so many different groups of people.

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 12:25 AM
Honestly, if nothing happens in 2012, I'll go about living my life the same way. If it's supposedly destiny and there's nothing you can do to stop it, then why worry about it? Just enjoy life

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 12:52 AM
I dont think anything will happen in 2012. At lest no doomsday stuff like most people think. But...that asteroid in 2029/2035...i cant wait for that! How cool would be it be to go out like the dinosaurs! =D

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 01:41 AM
ok I'm a newb here, but can someone link me to what thread tells about whats going to happen in 2012?

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 02:20 AM
The year 2012 will most likely be little different from 2011 and 2013. When 2012 flows into 2013, people will find something else to hype on just like they did when Y2K was a non-event.

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 06:33 AM
Most of you don't understand that the calendar ends in the last few days of the year, not the day it turns 2012.

[edit on 27-6-2007 by alaskan]

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 07:10 AM
I think the 'problem' with 2012 is that just about every apocalyptic scenario has been ascribed to it. Scan ATS and you'll find threads talking about 'The Rapture', Niburu/Planet-X, Pole Shifts, DNA changes, consciousness shifts, ET arrivals/disclosure, nuclear war, NWO, asteroid/comet strike, second coming and on and on. Go outside ATS and you'll find websites dedictaed to each (with all the requisite dubious back-up).

The fact is, the Mayans placed the end of their major cycle (and the current sun age) at December 2012 (or, according to Carl Johan Calleman, October 28, 2011 read here) We have no idea, beyond that, what it means. It is related to celestial movements of our solar system within the galaxy but that's about it. All this other stuff comes from people gloming-on to a well known date with an ominously vague origin. It could be the Mayans ended their calendar calculations much the same way The Sopranos ended. We'll have to wait and see.

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 08:08 AM
Well, that was weird deja vu ! For the first five or so posts, I had to keep checking the date, because I was sure I'd read them all before --- even the avatars seemed familiar.

But --- they were written 27 June 2007, so I'll have to accept I haven't read this thread before, and it was all simply another deja vu experience.

The OP's question seems to be how will we be affected, personally, if nothing unusual occurs 2012.

My answer: unaffected. I don't expect anything cataclysmic or earth-shattering to occur. Life will go on pretty much as usual, I suspect. I'm certainly not tailoring my plans to fit the much-hyped 2012 scenarios, any more than I modified my plans to accomodate the similarly-hyped Y2K.

If I'm wrong --- well, it will be academic anyway, won't it?

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 08:34 AM

posted on 26-6-2007 @11:11 PM
Originally posted by Meatclown

DOH!!! There it is again! So did you specifically time your posting or what?
(at least that's when it was posted if you live in the EST time zone)

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 08:37 AM
If nothing happens I'll breath a sigh of relief, send my kids to school and go to work.

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 08:53 AM
I just picked up a book about this very topic - so far entertaining reading, but that's about it. The more I have looked into the claims about an apocalyptic December in 2012, the more it appears to me that the stories are really reaching for supporting evidence.

My opinion - sure, I think something might happen, but I don't think it will be an earth altering event. Something along the lines of a powerful Tsunami, Hurricane, abnormally large solar flair that knocks out sat. communication for a while - but nothing truly catastrophic.

What worries me more is that because so many people are walking around adamant that something will happen, that when nothing happens, they will create something.

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 09:04 AM
When 2012 passes and none of the stupendous & paradigm changing
events occurs...

then i'll say that the creative imaginations that put 'words-in-the-mouths'
of the Maya descendents, the day-keeper priests/shamans, were more 'wishfull thinking' than prophecy or prediction...

but that won't stiffle my CT mindset.
I'll latch on to the Aztec 'Sun' stone timing calendar

see, the Aztec calendar began ~5 Feb 3112 BCE
and it ends either in Feb or Aug 2084 CE

the Aztec epoch called 'Suns' are ......5,196 solar years long
the Maya, '13 Baktun' calendar is ......5,125 solar years long

whats also strange is that both time keepings begin/end
in a similar number...for the Maya it's 4 Ahau, for the Aztec it's 4 Olin

see, the end times genre will still be with us, we'll just change the focus of
our collective attention to the next pearl-on-the-string...the Aztec 5th 'Sun'

here's a starter place to construct your own research path of discovery

(note: the MesoWeb link is a 60 Page PDF upload !!)

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 09:12 AM
The Mayans just ran out of room on the rock with the calender. The creator knew he wasnt going to be around then and made a funny joke thats all.

Write a book then make up a date say 3010 and people will be talking about you and that date as well.

Y2K 2000, 2012 same difference.

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 09:24 AM
Its not 2012 I worry about so much, (I hope a good thing happens, not a bad thing in 2012) but I worry more about all the future, not a specific time or year.

I feel like the worlds problems is like a saucepan of water on fire, right now its, simmering, but in the future, Im worried that its going to get boiling. So I hope that 2012 or something else puts out that fire one day. Peace and love is what I hope for.

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 11:28 AM
I got a bad feeling. sometimes I get 'feelings' that something may happen.

chue on this. The bible states, if you decode it, that the world will end at about 2048 and the Mayans and others say that on 12/21/2012 something big will happen. 2012-2048=36, ripe age for a man . I beleve that on 12/21/2012 the Anti-Crist will be born. and in time will advance as a prodigy move up in rank in something and take control.

If I was you I would make sure that I wouldn't get anything on or let anybody touch my Right Hand or Forehead.


[edit on 27-6-2007 by dixi2344]

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 12:34 PM
i dont know what ill do, nothing i guess. Just say "o well". to be honest with ya, i aint too keen on world ending any way lol

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 05:30 PM
Nothing will happen.

thats all i have to say

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