posted on Jan, 9 2004 @ 04:42 PM
Originally posted by groingrinder
Gold is the way to go. I am not talking stocks. I mean the solid gold metal in your hand. Currency is only paper and has been for some time now.
One day soon, when the market collapses, you will no longer be allowed to own gold. They are already tracking the buying of it.
Our economy hinges on the issue of Peak Oil. We could have 5 more years, or we could have twenty more years. Depends on when production peaks. Some
say it peaked in 2000. Some say it will peak in 2020. Watch the trends: food, healthcare and oil prices have been rising steadily since 2000. It's a
good indicator.
Watch Saudi Arabia. Al Qaeda is supposedly threatening to bring down the Royal family. Richard Perle would be so happy, in light of his recent
statements regarding them. The US might just attack Saudi next in an attempt to keep them from switching their oil currency to the Euro. (That was a
huge part of why we invaded and are occupying Iraq. Saddam switched in 2000, also.) Due to our unsustainable national debt, the moment OPEC goes with
the Euro, the US economy will collapse. There is no disputing that. Imagine writing 1 trillion checks and they all clear on the same day. But you
don't have the money to cover it.... That is what is happening on the large scale. The interest we earn of currency trading (in dollars) pays what's
due immediately. Take that money/payment off the table, and we are fOkked! No more money, no more oil, no more mass transit, no more food.. etc. etc.
ad nauseum. You get the picture. It's not that far off, though.
One day very soon we will meet China and Russia in the sands of the middle east. The battle will be fought over the world's only remaining resources.
That will be Armageddon.