reply to post by Siddharta
...Linda can make an "investigative" story out of each and eveything.
Yep - and that's the rub, t'aint it? Opportunists like LindaMuckyMuckHowe are obviously just in this for the spare change - which could be
substantial from sensationalizing something - ANYTHING - that will sell a few more minutes of airtime, maybe garner an interview, possibly (yet
another) all-expense-paid UFO/Alien Love-fest speaking engagement! Oh brother...
The problem with all of these charlatans is that it is less about truth and facts and 'disclosure' as it is about paying personal bills and,
consequently, maintaining your 'career' in the UFO/Alien 'industry' by hoodwinking as many gullible suckers and associated hangers-on as possible.
SHE KNOWS what it takes to feed the beast! They all do. Even some that USED TO at least 'seem' respectable have long since run out of fresh ideas
and are simply treading water in the cess-pool of Ufology:
* Greer and his hand-holding/alien-summoning/love-in seminars in the mountains - sheesh; what happened to HIS big disclosure efforts? Turned into
another money-grab - like LMH, just picking the pockets of the gullible.
* Stanton Friedman, AKA "non-PhD nuclear physicist", has been riding his Roswell and MJ12 surfboard through the lecture circuit for decades now. Hey,
Stanton, you're a swell guy - but GOT ANYTHING NEWER THAN 1947?!!?! What a fossil...
* Roger Leir - the implant removal guy hasn't removed or proven a thing in eons: but he ALWAYS has a booth at every UFO/Alien trade show, convention,
what have you. Same crusty powerpoint slides every time. *yawn*
* Need I go on? Anyone else see a common thread here? What have these buffoons got? NOTHING! They're just feeding at the trough of 'hope' -
they've found a niche and are working the system - that's ALL!
So - here's what I propose: Since we aren't making any headway with 'truth', and, frankly I'm as interested as you are in adding a few 'Benjamins' to
my wallet, I say we jump on the wagon. Huh? How about it?
Think about this for a second: We team up, organize our strengths and come up with a killer niche to fill in the UFO/Alien trade show circuit - with
the Drones!
We write a book, make a model or two of the drone craft, collect some videos and assemble a slick powerpoint show - and then wham-o! The UFO/Alien
gullible masses will eat it up! We'll make a killing! C'mon who's with me on this!?!? No one has done it yet, it's a big-arse fruit just hanging
there ripe for the picking!
And - NO ONE owns the Isaac-caret-drone-blahblah "rights". Isaac has never stepped forward, the legal mumbo-jumbo is clearly in a no-man's-land.
Besides, we'd just be talking 'about' the topic, not claiming 'ownership' or anything. Oh man - this is BIG! Dollar signs are swirling in my head!
Of course, now that the idea is out there, an ATS reader is gonna spot it and jump on to take the exclusive before we can get organized. Crap.
Of course, the guilty feeling of abandoning our integrity and honor seeking truth in favor of swimming in boatloads of gulli-cash will pain the soul -
but only for a little while! it will pass. I mean - look what it has done for these other "professionals" that now ride the same merry-go-round.
Hey - if you can't beat 'em...
edit on 7/12/2011 by Outrageo because: !$!$!$!!$!$!$!$